Wonderful College Prep Academy


July WCPA Board of Directors Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday July 20, 2023 at 5:30 PM


Delano Campus

2070 Veneto St

Delano, CA 93215

Room: Yoga Studio


Wonderful College Prep Academy (Delano Campus)

Room: Yoga Studio (High School South Campus Entrance)
2070 Veneto Street, Delano, CA 93215
Teleconference Location (Ed. Code § 47604.1)
Wonderful College Prep Academy - Lost Hills

Room: College Center (High School Campus Entrance)
14848 Lamberson Ave, Lost Hills, CA 93249 


Virtual Meeting Information:


Meeting ID: 850 0612 5157
Passcode: 845140

Dial-in Information:
(669) 900-9128

Meeting ID: 850 0612 5157
Passcode: 845140

Directors Present

A. Lomeli, K. Tomono, S. Mohamed

Directors Absent

E. Unruh, V. Reynolds

Guests Present

A. Bresson, B. DeFlitch, E. Hernandez, E. Soto, L. Sanchez, M. Morillo, M. Palomo, M. Romero, N. Vijeila, R. Alonzo, X. Tavorn, Y. Ramirez

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

S. Mohamed called a meeting of the board of directors of Wonderful College Prep Academy to order on Thursday Jul 20, 2023 at 5:35 PM.


Flag Salute

Board Chair Mohamed led in the flag salute.


Record Attendance


Changes to Agenda

No changes to agenda were made during this time. 


Public Comments

Ms. Sabrina Metabutin provided public comment at this meeting. She wanted to bring attention to the Kern High School Public Records Policy  and recommended the WCPA Board of Directors adopt a similar policy. She also recommended that the Board require staff to include a disclaimer in the footer of WCPA staff emails.


Mr. Felix Colson, Delano 8th grade teacher spoke during public comment to continue his advocacy efforts in support of a library at WCPA. He stated that school libraries serve as a space for mental health supports, tutoring and study spaces, and a resource space for students. He also asked the board to consider hiring a librarian. 

II. Consent Agenda


Information Item: Resignation of Maritza Avilez as Board Member effective 6/30/2023

No action was taken on this information item. Consent Agenda Items A-D were reviewed as presented in one motion.


Review and Approve: Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of June 27, 2023

K. Tomono made a motion to approve the minutes from WCPA June Board of Directors Meeting on 06-27-23.
A. Lomeli seconded the motion.

Consent Agenda Items II A-D were approved as presented in one motion.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Mohamed
V. Reynolds
K. Tomono
A. Lomeli
E. Unruh


Information Item: Review of New Hires for June 2023 Wonderful College Prep Academy (Delano)

No action was taken on this information item. Consent Agenda Items II A-D were approved as presented in one motion.


Information Item: Review of New Hires for June 2023 Wonderful College Prep Academy - Lost Hills

No action was taken on this information item. Consent Agenda Items II A-D were approved as presented in one motion.

K. Tomono made a motion to move the Board of Directors Meeting into Closed Session.
A. Lomeli seconded the motion.

The Board of Directors moved to Closed Session at 5:52 PM.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
A. Lomeli
K. Tomono
V. Reynolds
S. Mohamed
E. Unruh

III. Closed Session


Personnel: Public Employee Appointment; Title: Chief Business Officer; Gov’t. Code § 54957(b)(1)


Conference with Labor Negotiator; Gov’t. Code §54957.6

The Board of Directors returned into Open Session at 6:25pm.

IV. Open Session


Open Session Report: Public Employee Appointment; Title: Chief Business Officer; Gov’t. Code § 54957(b)(1)

Chairperson Samer Mohamed reported out the results of the action taken in Closed Session for Agenda Item III-A. 

K. Tomono made a motion to approve the Public Employee Appointment of the Chief Business Officer.
A. Lomeli seconded the motion.

Chairperson Mohamed reported that the motion was approved with a vote of three members in favor and none opposed.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.

V. Regular Agenda


Action Item: Oral Recommendation and Approval Regarding Salary and/or Fringe Benefits of Chief Business Officer

K. Tomono made a motion to approve the Oral Recommendation and Approval Regarding Salary and/or Fringe Benefits of Chief Business Officer.
A. Lomeli seconded the motion.

Chairperson reported that the Board of Directors met in Closed Session had have determined a salary and/or fringe benefits for the Chief Business Officer that is fair, just and reasonable.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
E. Unruh
S. Mohamed
V. Reynolds
A. Lomeli
K. Tomono

VI. Regular Agenda - Policies and Compliance


Action Item: Approval of 2023-2024 Wonderful College Prep Academy Student and Family Handbook for Delano and Lost Hills

K. Tomono made a motion to approve the 2023-2024 Wonderful College Prep Academy Student and Family Handbook for Delano and Lost Hills.
A. Lomeli seconded the motion.

Chairperson Mohamed presented the updated Student and Family Handbook for both the Delano and Lost Hills campuses. The changes to the handbook included: (1) Updated Elementary Grading and Homework Policy; (2) Updated Student Incident Response structures for bus incidents; (3) Revised elective credit requirements (to include recent board adopted changes); (4) Legal updates to ensure compliance with education code; (5) Updates to ensure policies reflect current practice at WCPA; (6) Other non-substantive changes.






The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
E. Unruh
S. Mohamed
A. Lomeli
V. Reynolds
K. Tomono


Action Item: Approval of 2023-2024 Wonderful College Prep Academy Employee Handbook for Delano and Lost Hills

A. Lomeli made a motion to approve the 2023-2024 Wonderful College Prep Academy Employee Handbook for Delano and Lost Hills.
K. Tomono seconded the motion.

Chairperson Mohamed presented the revised Employee Handbook for Delano and Lost Hills for the 2023-2024 school year. Updates to the handbook included the following: (1) Updated Sick Leave Policy; (2) 

Updates to the employee dress expectations; (3) Legal updates to ensure compliance; (4) Staff title updates and other minor changes in alignment with current practice; (5) Modified time-keeping and attendance policy; (6) Inclusion of the recent board approved Vacation Payout Policy for eligible WCPA employees; and (7) Other non-substantive changes.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Mohamed
A. Lomeli
K. Tomono
E. Unruh
V. Reynolds


Action Item: Approval of Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy for Bus Drivers

K. Tomono made a motion to approve the Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy for Bus Drivers.
A. Lomeli seconded the motion.

Mr. Marcus Morillo presented the Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy for Wonderful College Prep Academy Bus Drivers.  A drug and alcohol testing program for school bus drivers is required under federal law in order to prevent drivers who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol from operating vehicles or performing other safety-sensitive functions. Bus drivers employed by WCPA shall submit to drug and alcohol testing as required under federal law. WCPA’s testing program for drivers shall include pre-employment drug testing and reasonable suspicion, random, post-accident, return-to-duty, and follow-up drug and alcohol testing.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
E. Unruh
S. Mohamed
K. Tomono
A. Lomeli
V. Reynolds


Action Item: Approval of 2024-25 Open Enrollment Cycle - Delano

K. Tomono made a motion to approve the 2024-25 Open Enrollment Cycle for Wonderful College Prep Academy (Delano).
A. Lomeli seconded the motion.

Chairperson Mohamed presented the 2024-25 Open Enrollment Cycle for Wonderful College Prep Academy (Delano). The WCPA charter stipulates that WCPA will establish its open enrollment cycle and public random drawing (lottery) dates for each school year.  The proposed Open Enrollment Cycle was October 2, 2023 – January 12, 2024 (102 days) greater than the required 90 days. The proposed Public Random Drawing (Lottery) will take place on February 7, 2024.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
V. Reynolds
E. Unruh
K. Tomono
A. Lomeli
S. Mohamed


Action Item: Approval of 2024-25 Open Enrollment Cycle - Lost Hills

K. Tomono made a motion to approve the Approval of 2024-25 Open Enrollment Cycle for Wonderful College Prep Academy - Lost Hills.
A. Lomeli seconded the motion.

Chairperson Mohamed presented the 2024-25 Open Enrollment Cycle for Wonderful College Prep Academy - Lost Hills. The WCPA charter stipulates that WCPA will establish its open enrollment cycle and public random drawing (lottery) dates for each school year.  The proposed Open Enrollment Cycle was October 2, 2023 – January 12, 2024 (102 days) greater than the required 90 days. The proposed Public Random Drawing (Lottery) will take place on February 6, 2024.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
E. Unruh
V. Reynolds
A. Lomeli
K. Tomono
S. Mohamed


Action Item: Approval of 2024-25 Enrollment Targets - Delano

K. Tomono made a motion to approve the 2024-25 Enrollment Targets for Wonderful College Prep Academy (Delano).
A. Lomeli seconded the motion.

Chairperson Mohamed presented the 2024-2025 Enrollment Targets for the Delano campus. As part of this launch of the Open Enrollment process, WCPA is setting enrollment targets based on budget, staff, programmatic and physical space/classroom constraints. Proposed enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year is 1840.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
K. Tomono
S. Mohamed
A. Lomeli
V. Reynolds
E. Unruh


Action Item: Approval of 2024-25 Enrollment Targets - Lost Hills

K. Tomono made a motion to approve the 2024-25 Enrollment Targets for Wonderful College Prep Academy - Lost Hills.
A. Lomeli seconded the motion.

Chairperson Mohamed presented the 2024-2025 Enrollment Targets for the Lost Hills campus. As part of this launch of the Open Enrollment process, WCPA is setting enrollment targets based on budget, staff, programmatic and physical space/classroom constraints. Proposed enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year is 545.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
K. Tomono
E. Unruh
A. Lomeli
S. Mohamed
V. Reynolds

VII. Regular Agenda - Business, Finance & Operations


Action Item: Ratification of Agreement No. 2023/24-01 between Charter Impact and Wonderful College Prep Academy for Business Management, Payroll, and Student Data Services

K. Tomono made a motion to approve the Ratification of Agreement No. 2023/24-01 between Charter Impact and Wonderful College Prep Academy for Business Management, Payroll, and Student Data Services.
A. Lomeli seconded the motion.

Chairperson Mohamed presented the ratification of the agreement with Charter Impact for Business Management, Payroll and Student Data Services for the 2023-24 school year. The Board approved the selection of Charter Impact during the June 27, 2023 board meeting. The agreement was finalized by the business office staff and signed by the Chief Facilities Officer per the board’s request.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
E. Unruh
S. Mohamed
A. Lomeli
K. Tomono
V. Reynolds


Information Item: Charter Impact Transition Update

Charter Impact representatives, Maylen Naranjo and Jim Weber, provided an update regarding the transition for back-end services to the board.  No action was taken on this information item.


Action Item: Approval of Amazon Credit Line for Wonderful College Prep Academy Procurement for Delano and Lost Hills

K. Tomono made a motion to approve the Amazon Credit Line for Wonderful College Prep Academy Procurement for Delano and Lost Hills.
A. Lomeli seconded the motion.

Chairperson Mohamed presented the request for an Amazon Business Credit Line for WCPA.  The credit line will be used for the procurement of Wonderful College Prep Academy (WCPA) program, office, and student supplies.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
A. Lomeli
E. Unruh
S. Mohamed
K. Tomono
V. Reynolds


Action Item: Approval of Amended WCPA Counselor Salary Schedule effective 7/1/2023

K. Tomono made a motion to to approve the Amended WCPA Counselor Salary Schedule effective 7/1/2023.
A. Lomeli seconded the motion.

Chairperson Mohamed presented the amended WCPA Counselor Salary Schedule. During the review and updating of the Employee salary schedule presented and approved in the June 27, 2023 board meeting, staff omitted the Master’s Degree stipend for counselors in order to thoroughly review requirements for the Counselor role. This amended version includes the Master’s Degree stipend.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Mohamed
A. Lomeli
K. Tomono
E. Unruh
V. Reynolds

VIII. Regular Agenda - Academics


Information Item: 2022-23 Student Achievement Data Review from School Leaders for Delano and Lost Hills

WCPA School Principals presented 2022-23 School-based highlights, student achievement data, and their school 2023-24 Action Plan for both the Delano and Lost Hills campuses. No action was taken on this information item.



Information Item: 2022-23 Academic KPI Update from School Leaders for Delano and Lost Hills

WCPA School Principals presented 2022-23 School-based highlights, student achievement data, and their school 2023-24 Action Plan for both the Delano and Lost Hills campuses. No action was taken on this information item.

IX. Communications


Executive Team Report

No business was presented at this time.


Other Business

No other business was discussed at this meeting.

X. Board Comments


Board Comments

No comments were made by the Board of Directors at this time.

XI. Future Meetings


Future Meetings

Thursday, August 24, 2023; 5:30pm | Delano Campus 

Thursday, September 28, 2023; 5:30pm | Lost Hills Campus 

Thursday, October 26, 2023; 5:30pm | Delano Campus 

Thursday, December 7, 2023; 5:30pm | Lost Hills Campus

XII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

K. Tomono made a motion to adjourn the July Board of Directors Meeting.
A. Lomeli seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
E. Unruh
K. Tomono
V. Reynolds
S. Mohamed
A. Lomeli

I certify that I am the Board Secretary of Wonderful College Prep Academy, a California non-profit public benefit corporation; that these are the minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors held on July 20, 2023.

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:26 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
L. Sanchez