Wonderful College Prep Academy


June Board of Directors Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday June 15, 2021 at 5:30 PM

This meeting is being held in accordance with the Brown Act as currently in effect under the State of Emergency Services Act, the Governor’s Emergency Declaration related to COVID-19, and the Governor’s Executive Order N-29-20 issued on March 17, 2020, that allows the Board to conduct the meeting and the Board members and the public to participate by teleconference, videoconference, or both.

Virtual Meeting Information:
Meeting ID: 964 9369 0050
Passcode: 76020

Dial-in Information:
(669) 900-9128
Meeting ID: 964 9369 0050
Passcode: 7602

Directors Present

D. Criona (remote), E. Unruh (remote), M. Moreno (remote), S. Castellanos (remote)

Directors Absent

M. Avilez, P. Martinez

Guests Present

A. Manuel (remote), A. Martinez (remote), B. DeFlitch (remote), B. Toomey (remote), J. King (remote), J. Steiner (remote), K. Goss (remote), L. Sanchez (remote), M. Morillo (remote), S. Bachofer (remote), T. Mirzaian (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

S. Castellanos called a meeting of the board of directors of Wonderful College Prep Academy to order on Tuesday Jun 15, 2021 at 5:34 PM.


Flag Salute

S. Castellanos led the flag salute


Record Attendance


Public Comments

No public comments at this meeting.

II. Public Hearing


2021-2022 Local Control & Accountability Plan for Wonderful College Prep Academy (Delano)

Superintendent Manuel presented the Local Control & Accountability Plan (LCAP) draft to the public and provided an overview of the plan for the 2021-2024 school years for the WCPA Delano campus. The plan includes the school's priorities to increase student achievement with special efforts to ensure students with disabilities, foster and homeless youth, English Learners, and students from low-income families receive additional services and interventions. Dr. Manuel presented the LCAP goals, planned actions, and data metrics that will be used to evaluate WCPA's performance for each of the goals. The three LCAP goals were as follows: 
  • Goal 1: To implement a high-quality, relevant and rigorous educational program that prepares all students for college, community, and life success and is driven by WCPA's “Standards of School Excellence.”
  • Goal 2: To address the social, emotional and health/wellness needs of all students through an asset and equity-based approach of personalized support, curricular integration, and access/exposure opportunities and family partnership.
  • Goal 3: To implement systems and processes that cultivate a high level of instructional quality and impact based on standards of practice, inquiry, and continuous improvement focused on student achievement.
No comments were provided from members of the public.


2021-2022 Local Control & Accountability Plan for Wonderful College Prep Academy - Lost Hills

Superintendent Manuel presented the Local Control & Accountability Plan (LCAP) draft for the WCPA - Lost Hills campus to the public simultaneously with the Delano campus presentation and provided an overview of the plan for the 2021-2024 school years. This plan also included the school's priorities to increase student achievement with special efforts to ensure students with disabilities, foster and homeless youth, English Learners, and students from low-income families receive additional services and interventions. Dr. Manuel presented the LCAP goals, planned actions, and data metrics specific to the Lost Hills campus that will be used to evaluate WCPA's performance for each of the goals. The three LCAP goals were as follows: 
  • Goal 1: To implement a high-quality, relevant and rigorous educational program that prepares all students for college, community, and life success and is driven by WCPA's “Standards of School Excellence.”
  • Goal 2: To address the social, emotional and health/wellness needs of all students through an asset and equity-based approach of personalized support, curricular integration, and access/exposure opportunities and family partnership.
  • Goal 3: To implement systems and processes that cultivate a high level of instructional quality and impact based on standards of practice, inquiry, and continuous improvement focused on student achievement.
No comments were provided from members of the public.


2021-2022 Operating Budget for Wonderful College Prep Academy (Delano)

Chief Business Officer Bill Toomey presented the 2021-2022 Operating Budget for the Delano campus. A brief overview of the current status of the State's budget was presented along with anticipated per student revenues that were used to develop the budget for the school year. Mr. Toomey also provided an overview of the anticipated one-time revenue sources from the State or Federal government that will be used to supplement student expenditures. Both Mr. Toomey and Superintendent Manuel presented the areas of expenditures for the upcoming school year that aligned with the previously presented LCAP.

No comments were provided from members of the public.


2021-2022 Operating Budget for Wonderful College Prep Academy - Lost Hills

Chief Business Officer Bill Toomey also presented the 2021-2022 Operating Budget for the Lost Hills campus. As with the Delano campus, a brief overview of the current status of the State's budget was presented along with anticipated per student revenues that were used to develop the budget for the school year. Mr. Toomey also provided an overview of the anticipated one-time revenue sources from the State or Federal government specific to the Lost Hills campus. Both Mr. Toomey and Superintendent Manuel presented the areas of expenditures for the upcoming school year that aligned with the previously presented LCAP.

No comments were provided from members of the public.

III. Consent Agenda


Review and Approve: Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of May 25, 2021

D. Criona made a motion to approve the minutes from WCPA May Board of Directors Meeting on 05-25-21.
M. Moreno seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Castellanos
E. Unruh
M. Avilez
M. Moreno
D. Criona
P. Martinez


Action Item: Ratification of Agreement No. 2020/21- 032 between the NSS Institute (Cadence) and Wonderful College Prep Academy for Summer Instructional Programming Services

D. Criona made a motion to approved Consent Agenda Items III A-D as presented.
M. Moreno seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
P. Martinez
D. Criona
S. Castellanos
E. Unruh
M. Avilez
M. Moreno


Approve: Agreement No. 2020/21-034 (KCSOS Agreement No. 21-0531) Memorandum of Understanding Between KCSOS and WCPA - Teacher Induction Program

D. Criona made a motion to approved Consent Agenda Items III A-D as presented.
M. Moreno seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
E. Unruh
M. Avilez
M. Moreno
D. Criona
P. Martinez
S. Castellanos


Action Item: Authorization to Issue Credit Cards

D. Criona made a motion to approved Consent Agenda Items III A-D as presented.
M. Moreno seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Moreno
S. Castellanos
P. Martinez
M. Avilez
E. Unruh
D. Criona

IV. Communications


Other Business

No other business was presented at this meeting.

V. Board Comments


Board Comments

No board comments were made at this meeting.

VI. Future Meeting


Future Meeting

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

The meeting was adjourned by S. Castellanos at 6:17pm.


I certify that I am the Board Secretary of Wonderful College Prep Academy, a California non-profit public benefit corporation; that these are the minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors held on June 15, 2021.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:17 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
L. Sanchez