Wonderful College Prep Academy


WCPA April Board of Directors Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday April 20, 2021 at 5:30 PM

This meeting is being held in accordance with the Brown Act as currently in effect under the State of Emergency Services Act, the Governor’s Emergency Declaration related to COVID-19, and the Governor’s Executive Order N-29-20 issued on March 17, 2020, that allows the Board to conduct the meeting and the Board members and the public to participate by teleconference, videoconference, or both.

Directors Present

D. Criona (remote), E. Unruh (remote), M. Avilez (remote), P. Martinez (remote), S. Castellanos (remote)

Directors Absent

M. Moreno

Directors who left before the meeting adjourned

P. Martinez

Guests Present

A. Manuel (remote), B. DeFlitch (remote), I. Castillo (remote), J. King (remote), J. Steiner (remote), J. Vasquez (remote), L. Sanchez (remote), M. Morillo (remote), R. Romero (remote), S. Bachofer (remote), T. Mirzaian (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

S. Castellanos called a meeting of the board of directors of Wonderful College Prep Academy to order on Tuesday Apr 20, 2021 at 5:33 PM.


Flag Salute

S. Castellanos led the flag salute.


Record Attendance


Public Comments

No public comments at this meeting

II. Consent Agenda


Review and Approve: Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of March 16, 2021

D. Criona made a motion to approve the minutes from WCPA March Board of Directors Meeting on 03-16-21.
M. Avilez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Avilez
D. Criona
M. Moreno
E. Unruh
P. Martinez
S. Castellanos


Ratification of Delano March 2021 Vendor Payments

D. Criona made a motion to approve Consent Agenda Items II A-C as presented.
M. Avilez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
D. Criona
E. Unruh
P. Martinez
M. Moreno
M. Avilez
S. Castellanos


Ratification of Lost Hills March 2021 Vendor Payments

D. Criona made a motion to approve Consent Agenda Items II A-C as presented.
M. Avilez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
E. Unruh
S. Castellanos
D. Criona
P. Martinez
M. Moreno
M. Avilez
Superintendent Manuel provided a brief update regarding the March 2021 vendor payments for both the Delano and Lost Hills campuses. Consent Agenda Items II A-C were approved as  presented with one motion.

III. Regular Agenda - Policies and Compliance


Board Member Reappointment: Priscilla Martinez

E. Unruh made a motion to reappoint Priscilla Martinez as a director on the Academy's Board of Directors.
M. Avilez seconded the motion.
S. Castellanos proposed to the Board of Directors the reappointment of P. Martinez to a three-year term for Wonderful College Prep Academy.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
P. Martinez
S. Castellanos
D. Criona
M. Avilez
E. Unruh
M. Moreno


Board Member Reappointment: Ernie Unruh

M. Avilez made a motion to reappoint Ernie Unruh as a director on the Academy's Board of Directors.
P. Martinez seconded the motion.
S. Castellanos proposed to the Board of Directors the reappointment of E. Unruh to a three-year term as the Kern County Superintendent of Schools representative for Wonderful College Prep Academy.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Moreno
S. Castellanos
D. Criona
M. Avilez
E. Unruh
P. Martinez


Action Item: Approval of Anti-Harassment, Discrimination, Hate Violence and Bullying Policies for WCPA Delano and WCPA Lost Hills

D. Criona made a motion to approve the Anti-Harassment, Discrimination, Hate Violence and Bullying Policies for WCPA (Delano) and WCPA - Lost Hills as presented.
E. Unruh seconded the motion.
J. Sotolov, legal counsel, presented polices for both Wonderful College Prep Academy (Delano) and Wonderful College Prep Academy - Lost Hills campuses. The Safe Place to Learn Act requires local educational agencies to take certain actions related to educational equity, including adopting a policy that prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying based on specified characteristics. WCPA’s student and employee handbooks include policies preventing discrimination, harassment, hate violence and bullying. WCPA has created stand-alone policies to incorporate legal changes and ensure the policies reflect current practice.

The policies presented for approval in Agenda Item III-C include:
a)  WCPA Delano Nondiscrimination Harassment Policy
b)  WCPA Lost Hills Nondiscrimination Harassment Policy
c)  WCPA Delano Anti-Bullying Policy and Procedures for Bullying Prevention
d)  WCPA Lost Hills Anti-Bullying Policy and Procedures for Bullying Prevention
e)  WCPA Delano Hate Motivated Behavior Policy
f)   WCPA Lost Hills Hate Motivated Behavior Policy
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Avilez
D. Criona
S. Castellanos
P. Martinez
E. Unruh
M. Moreno


Action Item: Approval of Student Sexual Harassment and Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Policies

E. Unruh made a motion to approve the Student Sexual Harassment and Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Policies for WCPA (Delano) and WCPA-Lost Hills as presented.
P. Martinez seconded the motion.
J. Sotolov, legal counsel, presented polices for both Wonderful College Prep Academy (Delano) and Wonderful College Prep Academy - Lost Hills campuses. The Sex Equity in Education Act requires each educational institution in California to have a written policy on sexual harassment. WCPA’s student and employee handbooks include policies prohibiting sexual harassment. WCPA has created stand-alone polices to incorporate legal changes, including recent changes to the Title IX regulations, and to ensure the policies reflect current practice.

The policies presented for approval in Agenda Item III-D include:
a)  WCPA Delano Student Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedures
b)  WCPA Lost Hills Student Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedures
c)  WCPA Delano Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Policy and Procedures
d)  WCPA Lost Hills Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Policy and Procedures
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Castellanos
E. Unruh
M. Moreno
P. Martinez
D. Criona
M. Avilez


Action Item: Approval of Public Records Act Policy and Procedures

D. Criona made a motion to approve the Public Records Request Act Policy and Procedures for Wonderful College Prep Academy as presented.
M. Avilez seconded the motion.
J. Sotolov, legal counsel, presented the Public Records Act Policy and Procedures. The California Public Records Act (“PRA”) is designed to give the public access to information in the possession of public agencies. The policy presented for approval describes WCPA's policy and procedures for responding to PRA requests.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
D. Criona
M. Moreno
S. Castellanos
E. Unruh
M. Avilez
P. Martinez

IV. Regular Agenda - Finance and Operations


Information Item: Monthly Business Report - Delano

I. Castillo presented the Monthly Business Report for WCPA Delano and provided an updated financial forecast based on the latest anticipated expenditures. I. Castillo noted there were no significant changes to the financial update presented at the previous board meeting and reminded the Board of the anticipated deferrals. 


Information Item: Monthly Business Report - Lost Hills

I. Castillo presented the Monthly Business Report for WCPA - Lost Hills and provided an updated financial forecast based on the latest expenditures with no significant changes to expected revenues.


Action Item: Approval of Year End IRS Tax Form 990 and California Form 199

E. Unruh made a motion to approve the WCPA Year End IRS Tax Forms 990 and California Form 199 for the 2019-20 fiscal year.
P. Martinez seconded the motion.
WCPA tax forms are prepared using information from the WCPA annual audit which has been previously reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Castellanos
D. Criona
E. Unruh
P. Martinez
M. Moreno
M. Avilez


Information Item: Request for Proposals - Food Services Program

Marcus Morillo, Senior Director of Operations for WCPA, presented on the upcoming Requests for Proposals for the Food Services Program. WCPA currently has one open request for Fresh Produce and Services, which will be presented to the Board of Directors for approval at the June Meeting.

V. Regular Agenda - Human Resources/Talent/Academics


Action Item: Approval of 2021-2022 Academic Calendar

D. Criona made a motion to approve the 2021-2022 WCPA Academic Calendar.
P. Martinez seconded the motion.
Superintendent Manuel presented the 2021-2022 WCPA Academic Calendar. The proposed calendar included changes such as additional Staff Professional Development Half Days ("Data Days") throughout the school year, additional all staff Professional Development days, the addition of a Fall Break in October, and the expansion of the Thanksgiving Break in November. The proposed calendar includes 183 Instructional Days for grades TK-3 and 185 Instructional Days for all remaining grades. 
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
E. Unruh
M. Moreno
D. Criona
M. Avilez
S. Castellanos
P. Martinez

VI. Communications


Superintendent's Report

a) Welcome New Chief Academic Officer

Superintendent Manuel introduced the new Chief Academic Officer, Ana Martinez. Ana is excited to serve children of the Central Valley and is passionate about coaching leaders. Her first few weeks, Ana has been participating in listening meetings with parents, teachers, and staff. 

b) Enrollment Update

Superintendent Manuel presented a brief enrollment update for the two WCPA campuses from the beginning of the school year through the middle of March. There were some changes in enrollment, but all were consistent and expected with the return to in-person instruction for both school sites.

c) School Reopening Update

Superintendent Manuel presented the recent attendance rates by grade bands as students returned to in-person instruction. Average attendance rates were approximately 96% for both campuses in grades 6-8, while the High School grades were 93% for Lost Hills and 92% for Delano. Superintendent Manuel expressed a focus on improvement in the upper grades to ensure all students are engaged and learning.

d) Strategic Priorities and Goals

Superintendent Manuel presented an update on his Strategic Priorities. With the return to in-person instruction, WCPA's main priority was the safety and well-being of all community members. Special attention was paid to ensure all staff and students were aware and properly trained on WCPA's enhanced COVID-19 mitigation measures that were presented in WCPA's COVID Safety Plan. Vaccine clinics were offered in partnership with the Wonderful Wellness Centers with over 90% of WCPA employees and 98 students (16+ years old) fully vaccinated. Other updates included the Wonderful Together campaign which promoted a healthy school culture and an in-depth review of the upcoming budget for both campuses to ensure special emphasis is given to closing equity gaps within WCPA's student populations.  


Other Business

No other business was presented at this meeting.
P. Martinez left.

VII. Closed Session


Public Employee Performance Evaluation: Superintendent, Gov’t. Code § 54957

D. Criona made a motion to convene to Closed Session at 6:30pm.
E. Unruh seconded the motion.
The Board of Directors reconvened to Open Session at 6:52pm.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Castellanos
M. Moreno
E. Unruh
P. Martinez
M. Avilez
D. Criona

VIII. Board Comments


Board Comments.

E. Unruh asked the WCPA team to share the Strategic Priorities and Wonderful Together information Superintendent Manuel presented.

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

The meeting was adjourned by S. Castellanos at 6:54pm.


I certify that I am the Board Secretary of Wonderful College Prep Academy, a California non-profit public benefit corporation; that these are the minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors held on April 20, 2021.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:54 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
L. Sanchez