Albany Leadership Charter School for Girls


Board meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday February 25, 2025 at 5:00 PM

Trustees Present

A. Harrison, D. Getto (remote), E. Bowman, E. Harris (remote), J. Celestine, M. Moree, S. Brice, V. Rhodes (remote)

Trustees Absent

E. Robertson, T. Coston

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

S. Brice called a meeting of the board of trustees of Albany Leadership Charter School for Girls to order on Tuesday Feb 25, 2025 at 5:03 PM.


Approve Minutes

J. Celestine made a motion to approve the minutes from Board meeting on 01-28-25.
A. Harrison seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Accountability


Principal's Report

Mr. Currie was not present at the meeting.  Ms. Getto provided a broad update noting that the Accountability Committee did not meet in February as scheduling conflicted with the school break.  She provided context for the overall January Regents results and the NWEA data from our middle school students.  Clarification was provided on the usefulness of this data to faculty (minimal) and to leadership (point in time, high level on outcomes against the median.  The quadrant representation in the data provided a more useful snapshot. Further discussion was had around recruitment, the start of flag football and the possible need for resources to accommodate alternative field locations.  Ms. Woods noted that a resource conversation had been had with Mr. Currie and at this time there was no proposal requiring any board action.  Separately, Ms. Getto asked Ms. Woods to provide the Board with an overview of the efforts being undertaken relative to attendance in the high school and the necessary focus to ensure students are on track for credit attainment and/or graduation.  Ms. Woods emphasized that she has engaged faculty along with the leadership team in understanding that it is everyone's responsibility to ensure students are attending.    Ms. Peoples who participated remotely was unable to get her audio to work and was unable to address the Board's questions relative to recruitment.

III. Finance


January Financials

Ms. Moree provided the Finance Committee report and the overview of the January financial statements.  She noted that the Committee, in working with BoostEd on the draft budget for the next school year, will be convening board members with subject matter competency to help frame the overall staffing template for our 6-12 academy model with the overall target enrollment of 400 students.  The Finance Committee hoped to complete that modeling prior to the March Finance Committee meeting, so that Boost Ed could generate for the committee several different projections to work with.  Separately, Ms. Moree noted that the Business Administrator had received a set of questions from the auditors (EFPR), on the resubmitted financial statements and reconciliations.  Those documents were provided at the end of January.  Questions were responded to and as of the date of this meeting, no further questions had been received.  EFPR is aware of the CSI deadline imposed as part of the probation for failure to meet the November 1 deadline for the 2023-24 audit.  

Finally, it was noted that a response to the SED examiner's questions on the 2023-24 ESSA Desk Monitoring review was past due.  The Committee chair was alerted to this in late January.  Mr. Currie had been asked by the Committee chair to review the examiner's findings on the programmatic and fiscal compliance submissions, assign and submit responses in an effort to close out the report.  The chair followed up with the School Leader on February 12th with no response.  The response has yet to be submitted.  The Board discussed the ongoing responsibility for management of this portal which rests with the School Leader.  While several people have access to the portal for certain portions of it, the school leader owns the accountability for timely responses and monitoring of the various responses.  The Committee Chair will continue to work with the School Leader to get this closed out and to better understand why a response has not been provided.

IV. Executive Committee


The Board went into Executive Session at 6:03 pm to discuss a personnel matter.

The Board exited Executive Session at 6:20pm.

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:25 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Moree
Documents used during the meeting
  • Feb. 2025 AC report.pdf
  • Winter 25 NWEA Growth and Achievement.pdf
  • ALCS_Winter_2025_Staff_Survey.pdf
  • ALCS_Winter_2025_Student_Survey__1_.pdf
  • ALCS_Winter_2025_Teacher_Survey.pdf
  • ALCSG Jan25 Financials.pdf