Albany Leadership Charter School for Girls


Board meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday January 28, 2025 at 5:00 PM

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Trustees Present

A. Harrison, D. Getto (remote), E. Bowman, E. Harris, E. Robertson, J. Celestine, M. Moree, S. Brice, T. Coston, V. Rhodes (remote)

Trustees Absent


I. Opening Items


Public Comment


Call the Meeting to Order


Approve Minutes

A. Harrison made a motion to approve the minutes from Board meeting on 11-26-24.
V. Rhodes seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Accountability


Principal's Report /Accountability Committee Update

Robust discussion around enrollment and some of the changes we are seeing in the new calendar year.  While new student enrollments are being processed, changes at the federal level have impacted a number of our families.    School leaders provided an update on teacher retention and attraction; certain positions continue to face recruitment challenges to find the right match.  The Committee members noted they were waiting on Regents exam scores and would provide greater detail on academic progress against our goals at an upcoming meeting.  Ms. Hines did advise that 90% of the NWEA assessments are completed.  

III. Finance


January Finance Committee Report

Ms. Moree provided an update on the Finance Committee meeting.  BoostEd has completed working on the 2023-24 account reconciliation to provide necessary updates for the audit by EFPR to restart.  Materials provided to EFPR, and confirmed by EFPR, as being satisfactory to restart the audit process that got underway in September.  She noted that the Committee would meet in February to lay out a budget development timeline.  Josh Moreau from BoostEd presented the overview of the December financial statements and the cash flow statements.  He clarified in response to Board member questions, that there is no budget 'freeze' and that current open positions are projected as funded through the remainder of the school year.  He answered other questions Board members had relative to the financial statements.


Q2 Financials to CSI

Ms. Moree noted that the Q2 financials were submitted to CSI timely and were attached for board member awareness.  


Recruitment Strategy 2025-26

Mr. Currie and Ms. Peoples led a discussion with the Board on the recruitment strategy for the new school year.  This emphasized the need to rebrand ALCSG in the community and promotion of our unique assets.  The leadership team had met with a marketing firm to identify areas where investments may lead to a stronger ROI.  The Board and leadership team had a deeper discussion on the various means by which recruitment strategies would be deployed, including a request for the calendar of events through August 2025.  Leadership team was tasked with providing the Board with metrics by which marketing and recruitment would be measured to ensure any contract could be measured for effectiveness and to ensure necessary time to pivot if a strategy was not delivering as expected.

E. Robertson made a motion to authorize the School Leader to enter into a marketing firm contract not to exceed an annualized cost of $44,000.
J. Celestine seconded the motion.

pursuant to appropriate metrics being delivered and with checking against the OGS state contract list

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Moree
Documents used during the meeting
  • Jan2025.pdf
  • ALCSG Dec24 Financials.pdf
  • ALCSG 2024-2025 Quarterly Reporting (1.21.25).xlsx
  • Recruitment & Retention_Marketing & Communications Plan 2025-2026.pdf
  • Albany Leadership Proposal.docx