Albany Leadership Charter School for Girls
Board meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday November 26, 2024 at 5:00 PM
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Trustees Present
A. Harrison, E. Bowman (remote), E. Harris, E. Robertson, M. Moree (remote), S. Brice, T. Coston, V. Rhodes (remote)
Trustees Absent
D. Getto, J. Celestine
I. Opening Items
Public Comment
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
II. Accountability
Principal's Report /Accountability Committee Update
III. Finance
October Finance Committee Report
Ms. Moree provided the October Finance Committee update and referenced the committee meeting minutes for review. She expressed the frustration of the Committee that the audit remains incomplete and acknowledged that the Board has been cited for a second year by CSI for untimely filing for the audit. She provided an overall review to the Board noting that the business administrators have yet to be able to reconcile the desktop Quickbooks accounts with the online accounts, even with some additional information being provided by the independent auditors. It is noted that the former business administrator did not use the audited 2022-23 numbers to start the 2023-24 books of account, which is creating additional challenges. The independent auditors provided certain reconciliations for the trial balances but were unwilling to provide further detail, indicating the material was proprietary.
Cash flow statements were reviewed and provided to the Board. Mr. Currie is working with BoostEd to understand what, if any, material changes to the budget need to be made.
Q1 Financials
Ms. Moree noted that the Q1 financials were provided to CSI timely and referenced the attachments for the filing.
IV. Executive Session
Executive Session on Personnel Matters
The Board went into executive session at 5:45 pm to discuss several personnel matters and priorities on moving forward. The Board came out of executive session at 6:20pm
V. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
- November AC Report 2024.docx
- ALCSG Oct24 Financials.pdf
- ALCSG 2024-2025 Quarterly Reporting (10.21.24).xlsx
Mr. Currie provided a CEO Report, in the absence of Ms. Getto to provide the Committee meeting update. The CEO report had been incorporated into the agenda for Board Trustees to review. Mr. Currie provided an overview of the Committee meeting with a discussion on the committee's review of chronic absenteeism, with a goal to get below the 40%. Separately, he referenced interventions weekly for students in the middle school to ensure they are appropriately upskilled for reading comprehension and writing state tests. The school is also also now a designated site as a food pantry (designation from Regional Food Bank), and will also be a part of the BackPack program. He noted the $2,000 grant which will underwrite the one year cost for participation. Mr. Currie spoke wo the Writers Institute $15,000 grant for therapeutic journalism and the 9th grade teacher would will be leading this initiative after school.