Albany Leadership Charter School for Girls


Board meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday October 22, 2024 at 5:00 PM

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Trustees Present

A. Harrison, D. Getto, E. Bowman, E. Robertson, J. Celestine (remote), M. Moree, S. Brice, T. Coston, V. Rhodes

Trustees Absent

E. Harris

I. Opening Items


Public Comment


Call the Meeting to Order

S. Brice called a meeting of the board of trustees of Albany Leadership Charter School for Girls to order on Tuesday Oct 22, 2024 at 5:03 PM.


Approve Minutes

V. Rhodes made a motion to approve the minutes.
E. Bowman seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Accountability


Principal's Report /Accountability Committee Update

Ms. Getto provided an overview of the Accountability Committee meeting and efforts to address chronic absenteeism, noting that it was a challenge in both schools.  It was also remarked upon that a student may be labeled chronically absent, even if that student was ill so the numbers should be viewed with that caveat in mind.  The leadership and faculty continue to work on ways to engage with families and students who are identified as chronically absent, in addition to the regular outreach conducted.  Separately, the committee had hoped for better awareness of the importance of taking and recording daily attendance.  An effort is underway to ensure there is awareness on how important overall that data point is.  Certain initiatives are under development to better understand various cohorts and their academic needs; it is anticipated that we will have a clearer picture of each grade and relevant cohort coming out of the first quarter to better position faculty and leadership to design targeted approaches to improved outcomes.

III. Finance


Committee Transition Update Meeting with Boost Ed

Ms. Moree provided an update to the Board on the transition from an in-house business administrator to the Boost Ed firm, now that the firm was one month+ into providing services.  The largely smooth transition has had bumps, particularly in trying to reconcile certain accounts.  It was noted that when the business office transitioned earlier in 2024 from QuickBooks desktop to QuickBooks online, that the conversion was not 100% smooth.  The project to reconcile all the differences between the two was not completed at the point the business administrator returned to her prior job.  BoostEd is working to try to facilitate that reconciliation, but have put their heightened focus on getting the 2024-25 books off to a clean start.


Q1 Financials

Ms. Moree provided the Committee update to the Board along with the Q1 financials prepared by BoostEd.  BoostEd also noted that they anticipate no issues with submitting the CSI Q1 report, and they anticipate having that completed on time.  Separately BoostEd has been working closely with the auditors for completion of the FY 2023-24 independent audit.  This has had some bumps along the way given that the prior business administrator was using both QB desktop and QB online.  However, they have been able to be responsive to the auditors' inquiries.  

IV. Executive Session


Executive Session to Discuss Personnel Matters

M. Moree made a motion to to go into Executive Session.
A. Harrison seconded the motion.

The motion was made at 5:42 pm.  

The motion to come out of Executive Session was made at 7:00 pm

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Moree
Documents used during the meeting
  • Board_Accountability_Report_1-_October_ (1).docx
  • BoostEdMeetingOct11.pdf
  • ALCSG_Sep24_Financials (1).pdf
  • 2024_10_18_q1_financial_statements_review_minutes.pdf