Pharos Academy Charter School


Pharos Academy Charter School Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday January 21, 2021 at 6:30 PM


All meetings of the Board of Trustees of the Pharos Academy Charter School are held in compliance with New York State Open Meeting Law. 

Date:   January 21, 2021
Time:  6:30 p.m.
Location:  Zoom:

Meeting ID: 523 903 3349
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Realizamos todas las reuniones de la Junta Administrativa de la escuela Pharos Academy Charter School conforme a la Ley de Reuniones Abiertas del Estado de Nueva York.

Día: 21 de enero 2021
Hora:  6:30 p.m.
Lugar:  Zoom:

Meeting ID: 523 903 3349
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+13126266799,,5239033349# US (Chicago)
+16465588656,,5239033349# US (New York)

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        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
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        +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
        +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 523 903 3349
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Trustees Present

A. Abreu (remote), B. Thompson (remote), J. Lopez-Molina (remote), K. Shah (remote), N. Jones (remote), R. Granado (remote), S. Jean-Jacques (remote), S. Sutherland (remote), T. Wethington (remote)

Trustees Absent

J. Reyes, V. Caba

Guests Present

14134380730 (remote), B. Elliott (remote), Brianna Flores (remote), C. Russell (remote), Kara Santa Teresa (remote), Lindsay Owens (remote), M. Dorsey (remote), M. Rousseau (remote), Paige Epstein (remote), Stephanie Delshad (remote), T. Brown (remote), T. Perez (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Lopez-Molina called a meeting of the board of trustees of Pharos Academy Charter School to order on Thursday Jan 21, 2021 at 6:35 PM.

II. Public Comments


Public Comments

No public comments 

III. COVID-19 Updates


COVID-19 Updates


Started January 11, 2021 - tested 60 people.  With 2 Positive results, the school moved to a remote learning for the remainder of the 3rd Quarter.  3rd Quarter (January 25, 2021-April 09, 2021) 

Pharos Academy Charter School - Quarter 3 Instructional Plan (DRAFT) was presented to the Board to discuss the Quarter 3 steps to moving forward. 
POD learning option discussed in detail to provide a learning environment for scholars who prefer or require in house learning. 

IV. Pharos Academy Charter School Staff Presentation


Pharos Academy Charter School Staff Presentation

Brianna Flores - 2nd Year Kindergarten Teacher
Provided her experience with Bronx Lighthouse Charter School/Pharos Academy Charter School. 
Discussed her history with the staff and the school and her upcoming changes to her position. 

Tahina Perez presented a question related to the teachers that have a timely commute. Has the school considered a way to support and retain local residents for school employment.  


V. Board Governance


Approve Minutes

J. Lopez-Molina made a motion to approve the minutes from Pharos Academy Charter School Board Meeting on 12-17-20.
R. Granado seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


1005 Intervale Avenue Update from Orrick

Everything taken care and all items have been handled.  


Mentoring Opportunity

Sara provided an update.  Last month not much during the Holiday Season.
Next on the agenda is to do a resume workshop. Sara has reached out to Principal Brown to schedule the resume workshop. 

Next workshop subjects will be related to career preparation:  
Resume, Interview Workshop and Tips to finding the desired job/career. 


MWC Recommendations - Project Plan/Next Steps

Extensions revisions to the Charter that are being made.  The school design, vision, and mission change.  Currently on Phase 2 at this point. 

Board Chairman shared screen to discuss section called "OverSight". 
How we the Board is held accountable.  
1.  Financial Oversight - Already actively doing 
2.  Curriculum Oversight - Already actively doing 
3.  Discipline and Culture Oversight -  Already actively doing 
4.  Hiring/Firing Oversight - Employee attrition not to exceed 50%.  Board reviews attrition regularly.
5.  Charter Revisions- Any changes to the Charter require Board approval. 
6.  Policies and Practices Oversight - Already doing informally.  Just codifying the process
7.  External Vendor Oversight - Review existing contracts and performance 
8.  External Brand Oversight- New branding and external communication overview that could positively or negatively impact the school brand.

#8 to be reassigned to Russell for further review and presentation to the Board. 


Board Cadence Calendar

After reviewing the Charter, Javier Lopez-Molina made a couple of additions to the Board Governance. 
PHACS Board Cadence Calendar:
Spreadsheet presented to Board that outlines the time schedules for various projects and assignments. 
Goal is to establish a calendar of events and items to review and discuss on a monthly basis. 



Board Membership

Board Membership Recruitment: 
Recruitment defined as -The Board reflecting on the need to recruit more Board Members 
Russell shared the Board Governance document that provides membership and committee status. 

Board Review of Committee Membership: 
Johan Reyes resigned from the finance committee temporarily until his schedule allows the time for an increased level of participation. 
Robb Granado presented a pitch for a new finance committee member to join. Keyur Shah expressed an interest to join, was concerned with timing.

Keyur Shah has volunteered to join the Finance Committee. 

Anyone who would like to switch committees to gain a different perspective has been asked to do so. 

No update for Tahina Perez to join the Board. Javier has placed a request with the DOE regarding the status for Tahina Perez. 


VI. Culture Committee Report


Culture Committee Report

No updates at this time. 

VII. Finance Committee Review


Finance Committee Report

Robb Granada 

On track overall and in compliance with all financial conveniences.
End of the Quarter review, Brent provided an update on investment account status.  
PPP Loan forgiveness status discussed and a vote to allow Courtney Russell to execute PPP Loan forgiveness application process. 

R. Granado made a motion to Approved December 2020 FInancials.
J. Lopez-Molina seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Investment Account Update


Finance Committee Membership


Pharos Academy Charter School Scholarship Program/Fundraising Monies

Briar Thompson provided an update related to the Scholarship. 

1.  Funds to assist with Scholar College Application Fees.
2.  Pharos School Award - Run 4 Years, with Merit criteria. 
Scholars would present to the Board.  Every scholar would be recognized and one selected.
Scholarship should be publicized and presented to the scholars to confirm they are aware that this exists. 
Prizes yet to be finalized.  There would be one winner and finalists chosen to be awarded.  ( 1st, 2nd 3rd place) Finalist would be better.
Principal Brown provided updated scholarship information. 

Next Steps with Robb Ganado : 
Next steps would be to determine funding and someone to manage the process. 
Board inquired of funds already raised and to use those funds to start the process and begin the process for new fundraising projects, 

Javier, Briar and Courtney to work together to discuss the next steps and project plans. 
Mary Beth will circulate exact fundraising numbers with Robb, Briar, Courtney and Javier. 



Expenses Over 50K


Chase Authorized Representative

Robb Granado has requested the Board vote to authorize Courtney Russell to complete the PPP loan application process.  The Board was in agreement to move forward. 
R. Granado made a motion to Authorize Courtney Russell to execute the financial application for the PPP Loan.
B. Thompson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VIII. Academic Committee Report


Academic Committee Report

No meeting held, no updates at this time. 

IX. Principal's Report


Principal's Report

Monroe College's partnership plan is moving along successfully. 
  1. Presidential Scholarship Program discussed and presented to the Board. 
  2. Kicking off with a dual enrollment course to begin during the Spring Semester 2021. 
  3. Genesys Works Partnership targets "middle of the road' students  (15 kids who have applies to the program) 
  4. Teach For America - School will continue the partnership with TFA this summer to offset the academic slide due to COVID-19.  Services will be offered at a discounted rate. 
  5. SORA Partnership - Contracting with a digital book company that works with New York Public Library,  Scholars will be able to take books out digitally.  Teachers and students will have access to thousands of digital titles. 
  6. Strategic College Engagement - College and career team working along with colleges that have proven interest and track record of supporting and graduating students of color.  
  7. Three College mentioned involved in the College Engagement 
    1. Monroe College 
    2. University of Maryland Baltimore County  (STEM Program)
    3. Franklin and Marshall
ACADEMIC REPORT (3-8 Interim Assessment Data) 
K-8 Comparison Data (Interim Assessment 2) 
K-8 Math Data
K-8 Math Comparison Data (Interim Assessment 2) 

Dates of IA 1 was the end of October 2020 
Dates of IA 2 gets harder as they progress

Students this year, we see growth but the scholars are not performing that well. 
There are new events that are occurring with remote learning.  Learning is happening but at a different rate than in the past.
Inquire related to the availability of average grade data.  Principal Brown has confirmed that data is available and will be shared with the Board. 

Leadership main concerns and action items: 

Distribution and item solutions and how we can target students and provide different instructions to identify the students who are struggling to bring them across the 65% threshold. Working with the coaches to see how to target and start the action plan.

The 3rd-grade teacher is the same the 4th-grade teacher is new. 

IA-3 shooting for 65% or higher. 
Board request the % goals of IA3 and IA4. 

Updates presented regarding the FY21 departures/resignations.
The school has partnered with Culture Amp and Great Place To Work to assist the school to assess company culture. 
85 Survey Questions/Full Staff to be presented to staff in the month of February 2021. 

How are we communicating with the parents?  Parents are notified right away and communicate through Parent Square.  

X. PEO Update


PEO Update

Little Bird/TriNet Merger discussed in detail. 
The transition process and challenges that have occurred were discussed with the Board of the latest activities. 

XI. Facilities


Facilities Update

No updates, at this time.  All items are moving along successfully. 

XII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Dorsey

XIII. Executive Session


Executive Session

Board extended invitation to Principal Brown to join Executive Session. 
Board Members entered in to Executive Session at 8:36 PM
Board Members exited out of Executive Session at 8:54 PM