Pharos Academy Charter School


Pharos Academy Charter School/Board Strategy Meeting - Part 1 of 2

Date and Time

Tuesday July 21, 2020 at 5:00 PM


All meetings of the Board of Trustees of the Bronx Lighthouse Charter School are held in compliance with New York State Open Meeting Law. 

Date: July 21, 2020
Time:  5:00 p.m.
Location:  Zoom:


Meeting ID: 930-8722-0636
Password: 8030


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     (301) 715 8592 (Germantown)
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     (669) 900 9128 (San Jose)
     (253) 215 8782 (Tacoma)
     (346) 248 7799 (Houston)
Realizamos todas las reuniones de la Junta Administrativa de la escuela Bronx Lighthouse Charter School conforme a la Ley de Reuniones Abiertas del Estado de Nueva York.

Día: 21 de julio 2020
Hora:  5:00 p.m.
Lugar:  Zoom:


ID de reunión:  930-8722-0636
Contrasena: 8030


Marque por su ubicación:
     (646) 558 8656 (New York)
     (301) 715 8592 (Germantown)
     (312) 626 6799 (Chicago)
     (669) 900 9128 (San Jose)
     (253) 215 8782 (Tacoma)
     (346) 248 7799 (Houston)

Trustees Present

A. Abreu (remote), A. Adderley (remote), B. Thompson (remote), J. Lopez-Molina (remote), K. Shah (remote), N. Jones (remote), R. Granado (remote), S. Jean-Jacques (remote), S. Sutherland (remote), T. Wethington (remote), V. Caba (remote)

Trustees Absent

J. Reyes

Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened

B. Thompson

Guests Present

C. Russell (remote), M. Dorsey (remote), T. Brown (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Lopez-Molina called a meeting to order on Tuesday Jul 21, 2020 at 5:10 PM.

II. Introductions and Goal of Discussion


Round Table Introductions

Pharos Academy Charter School Board Chair, Mr. Javier Lopez-Molina, provided a background on why everyone is here today.

Additionally, he had all participants introduce themselves. 

Javier discussed goals the team would like to accomplish around areas such as STEM, college readiness, arts-infusion, and more.
B. Thompson arrived.

III. Align on Pharos Academy Charter School Mission/Vision


Ask Questions About Draft Mission/Vision

A discussion ensued about arts infusion.  Robert Granado encouraged individuals to weigh in on the definition of arts-infusion.

Travis Brown shared some background on the history of arts-infusion at the school. Kevin Golden provided additional context which included but not limited to points around the infusion of the arts providing critical thinking skills, etc.  Kevin shared his perspective on the value of arts-infusion and while he advocates for the arts in school, he shared it may not be one of the cornerstones of the school's program. 

Several Board members provided their thoughts on arts-infusion, including from a parent perspective.

Javier stated that the entirety of the school should incorporate the mission and vision - everything from the staff, to the Board, to the facility - and everything in between.  Additionally, the value of STEM in scholars' future lives was also mentioned.

Jennifer Clayton (MWC) discussed the current mission and how arts-infusion is currently included; the next version of the mission may not need to be so specific.  A graduation pathway focused on the arts, STEM, etc. may be included.  The most important thing is to ensure the coursework, exams, and experiences are available.  Arts, bi-literacy, career and technology development, humanities, STEM, and others are examples of pathways that the school may be made available to scholars.  The mission statement should focus on what the main purpose is of the school - what the school wants to accomplish.

Stacy Sutherland provided potential perspectives from parents based on the age of their scholar(s) (i.e. parents of elementary-aged scholars versus those in middle or high school). 

Next, Javier encouraged participants to share feedback on the term "college prep". 

Travis Brown shared that on average there are 240 scholars at the high school; this does not allow the school to be a comprehensive high school with many different tracks.  This provides the school with an opportunity to ensure scholars have the skills and mindsets to push them to and through college.  Scholars will need a plan for post K - 12.  Pharos is uniquely positioned due to its size in getting young people in the Bronx to get thinking about college as a real option as they prepare to impact the community at large.

Estefany Angeles also discussed the small size of the school.  If the school were to only focus on arts-infusion or STEM, for example, that would limit the future possibilities for scholars. 

Javier shifted the conversation to explore scholar discipline.  Tyron Robinson discussed his perspective, particularly around Restorative Justice and how the school is focused on restoring relationships when broken, whether it be teacher/student, student/student, or otherwise. 

Javier also discussed scholars with special needs and his perspective on the school's obligation to provide whatever supports are necessary to ensure the scholar is met with success. 

Javier discussed the proactive and reactive supports for the social-emotional supports for scholars.

Victoria McCall shared her perspective on how the school is cultivating relationships between scholars and teachers and how this lends itself to strong instruction. 

Javier stated that is is important that whatever goes into the mission must be measurable as well as attainable. 


Discuss Themes That Are Sometimes Included in Charters


Review Any Changes to Draft After Discussion

Javier shared a draft of the mission statement: 

Our mission is to create scholars that will propel positive change in society.  We teach scholars to be curious, to approach problems using design thinking, and to have excellent communication skills.  We also promote social responsibility, the value of diverse perspectives, resilience in the face of challenge, ethics, and empathy. We use data to evolve our organization so that we are always improving our student academic outcomes.  Our teachers value instructional preparation and train to become experts in their field.  Finally, we support the social-emotional development of scholars and treat all school stakeholders with dignity and respect.

Team members provided their feedback on the draft.

Tom Wethington reflected on the input he received regarding Pharos being family-oriented.  Lizzy Pierce affirmed this remains true.  Vilma Caba shared this feeling of community is definitely shared by parents and is attractive to potential families.

Travis raised a point regarding the mission versus a core competency/design element. 

Javier provided feedback on the draft and suggested removing the final sentence regarding dignity and respect provided that is a given.  Additionally, Estefany Angeles reflected upon the importance of including the term "crew" with how critical that is to Pharos.

Jennifer Clayton shared propelling positive change and teaching scholars to be curious are important, as well as communication skills in terms of building relationships.  Design thinking, social responsibility, diversity, resilience, ethics, or empathy have yet to be discussed. 

Erin Kim brought up intellectual curiosity and how she believes this is important to include in the mission. Kevin asked for clarification regarding design thinking versus design mindset.

Javier edited the draft mission and the team continued the discussion while doing so.

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:03 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
C. Russell