Pharos Academy Charter School


Pharos Academy Charter School Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday July 16, 2020 at 6:30 PM


All meetings of the Board of Trustees of the Bronx Lighthouse Charter School are held in compliance with New York State Open Meeting Law. 

Date: July 16, 2020
Time:  6:30 p.m.
Location:  Zoom:


Meeting ID: 930-8722-0636
Password: 8030


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     (646) 558 8656 (New York)
     (301) 715 8592 (Germantown)
     (312) 626 6799 (Chicago)
     (669) 900 9128 (San Jose)
     (253) 215 8782 (Tacoma)
     (346) 248 7799 (Houston)
Realizamos todas las reuniones de la Junta Administrativa de la escuela Bronx Lighthouse Charter School conforme a la Ley de Reuniones Abiertas del Estado de Nueva York.

Día: 16 de julio 2020
Hora:  6:30 p.m.
Lugar:  Zoom:


ID de reunión:  930-8722-0636
Contrasena: 8030


Marque por su ubicación:
     (646) 558 8656 (New York)
     (301) 715 8592 (Germantown)
     (312) 626 6799 (Chicago)
     (669) 900 9128 (San Jose)
     (253) 215 8782 (Tacoma)
     (346) 248 7799 (Houston)

Trustees Present

A. Adderley (remote), B. Thompson (remote), J. Lopez-Molina (remote), K. Shah (remote), N. Jones (remote), R. Granado (remote), S. Jean-Jacques (remote), S. Sutherland (remote), T. Wethington (remote)

Trustees Absent

A. Abreu, J. Reyes, V. Caba

Guests Present

B. Elliott (remote), C. Russell (remote), Jennifer Clayton, M. Dorsey (remote), M. Rousseau (remote), T. Brown (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Lopez-Molina called a meeting of the board of trustees of Pharos Academy Charter School to order on Thursday Jul 16, 2020 at 6:50 PM.

II. Public Comments


Public Comments

No public comments

III. Board Governance


Approve Minutes

J. Lopez-Molina made a motion to approve the minutes from Bronx Lighthouse Charter School Board Meeting on 06-18-20.
T. Wethington seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Board Succession Plan

Board Meeting changes :
Give the Board Members an opportunity to lead the Board Meetings 
Board of Trustees Succession Plan presented for Board Memebrs to review and provide feedback. 


Pharos Academy Charter School - Board Member Referral Survey

Effective July 1, 2020  official name is Pharos Academy Charter School 

Terrence had to resign due to personal matters. 
Board Members asked to participate in the referral process for new Board Members 


BLCS Innovation Award


1005 Intervale Avenue Update from Orrick

No new updates, at this time. 
Updates to be presented at the August 2020 Board Meeting. 


Pharos Academy Charter School/Board Strategy Meeting

Strategy Meeting is very important to ensure charter alignment. 
All members are asked to participate and plan to be present for the July 2020 Strategy Meetings.


Mentoring Opportunity

Sara Jean-Jacques presented an opportunity from her firm to mentor and partner with the school to provide support to the scholars.  Book Bag Day, Resume support and other areas that the Principal would be interested in.  


IV. Follow Up Items


Follow Up Items

No follow up items to be discussed

Prior to end of Board meeting, Briar Thompson suggested the Board discuss plans to address the areas presented by My World Consulting.  Courtney Russell to take the lead on suggested areas listed among the "low hanging fruit" items.  Board will revisit and discuss at the next Board Meeting. 

V. Finance Committee Review


Finance Committee Report

Robb Granado presented financial stats: 

 All financial requirements have been met successfully.  The assessment of the financials presented in detail to provide information around the variances, provided insight on specific budget lines. 
Title funds were reassessed and amended, which provided a favorable outcome for the budget. 
R. Granado made a motion to approve the June 2020 Financials.
J. Lopez-Molina seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Investment Account Update

Investments earning to 2%. 
PPP enrollment activity discussed in detail  and the Board was informed of the public listing of loan participants.  


Financial Policies


BLCS Scholarship Program/Fundraising Monies

VI. Academic Committee Report


Academic Committee Report

Travis Brown presented:
Repurposing of the agenda.  In the past the academic committee agenda has been centered around numbers and stats.  The recommended agenda revision will be centered around the  board members to engage in key concerns that the school is experiencing around academics. 

VII. Principal's Report


Principal's Report

Pincipal Brown provided update with highlights around the biggest topic -Fall activities approach for the school.

School  followed DOE's lead when they released a survey to the parents and staff and reservations .  Courtney Russell organized and presented survey to our families and staff members.  July 19, 2020 survey due date. 

Options considered to be presented in the survey for feedback related to the learning models for the returning scholars: 
  1. Blended Week
  2. Week On/ Week Off

Cafeteria, Gym, and Large Hallways can be re-purposed into classrooms. 
Board presented other options, such as other locations for renting or space donation to be considered.

The school has flexible outdoor spaces available at both the lower and upper academy. 
Models of returning to school were discussed in detail and the contigency plan to prepare the school for the expected return. 

The school is actively preparing to be ready with cleaning supplies, masks and other required items.  School completed the survey from the DOE related to the supplies needed for school reopening.  Chromebook supplies and tech concerns will be address and established with a tech survey to the staff and parents. 

Timeline for the chosen model is expected to be - August 1, 2020.  Feedback from the parents and staff will assist in the decision process. Survey is key to understand and find out what and how our parents and staff members are thinking and feeling. 

Nikali Jones provided guidance based on her current workplace experience. Risk tolerances are different for all individuals. This will need to be handled on a case by case basis.

Sara Jean Jacques offered her support for the HR concerns related to staff members.  HR and legal areas should be shampooed and polished in case there are staff members who are not comfortable with the model to return to the classroom/school building. 

Board asked to be a part of the decision process by voting and repurpose the culture team to support in the model decision process. 
Suggested walk through with the culture committee and the school.  Board in agreement with the suggestion to supoort the Principal with the model decision.

VIII. School Operations


BLCS Fundraising

No current updates. 


BLCS Transition Items

Regents vote - successful 
LHA- Wind Down, Little Bird, SBAS, and other standard procedures are moving along as expected. 


NYSED Annual Report - Disclosure of Financial Interest Form

Members are asked to complete the financial interest form and a thank you to all those who have already completed and submitted the form.

IX. Facilities


Facilities Report

ProClean contract has been modified to accomodate the requested cleaning services.  Proclean Cleaning services are on schedule to commence in August 2020. 

X. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:14 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Dorsey