Pharos Academy Charter School


Bronx Lighthouse Charter School Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday March 19, 2020 at 6:30 PM


1005 Intervale Ave. Bronx, NY 10459 - Call In # 813-967-8308 Passcode # 74216

Trustees Present

A. Abreu (remote), A. Adderley (remote), B. Thompson (remote), D. Underwood (remote), J. Lopez-Molina (remote), J. Reyes (remote), K. Shah (remote), R. Granado (remote), S. Sutherland (remote), T. Wethington (remote), V. Caba (remote)

Trustees Absent

N. Jones, S. Jean-Jacques

Guests Present

B. Elliott (remote), C. Russell (remote), James Stovall/Little Bird, M. Dorsey (remote), Michael Diament/Bouchard, T. Brown (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Lopez-Molina called a meeting of the board of trustees of Pharos Academy Charter School to order on Thursday Mar 19, 2020 at 6:50 PM.
Courtney Russell provided a quick overview of the agenda and the topics of discussion for the Board Meeting @ 6.40 PM

II. Board Governance


Approve Minutes

J. Lopez-Molina made a motion to approve the minutes from February 2020 Board Meeting Bronx Lighthouse Charter School Board Meeting on 02-20-20.
S. Sutherland seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Current State of the School

Discussions around per pupil funding and the suggestion of a draft letter creation for the school staff members. 
Suggestion to send a note of support to the school staff members during this time of uncertainty. 
First draft creation will be created by Robb Granado.

Principal Brown shared current timeline of events:
  1. Shut down the school 3/11/2020, Students sent home with letters.
  2. Hired an outside cleaning company to perform deep cleaning- Executive Cleaning Inc.
  3. April 6, 2020  scheduled reopening of BLCS.
  4. Launch on line platform on March 23, 2020.
  5. WebPage has been created for parents and scholar for up to date school information.
  6. Contracted with food provider to provide meals everyday - Started on March 16, 2020 
  7. Teachers were trained today on Online/Distant Teaching.
  8. Technology distribution will start on March 20, 2020.
Board suggested that we not secure  April 6, 2020 as the reopening date of the school. 
Principal Brown is in agreement and is using this date only as the suggested date.

Test dates have been delayed - Shipping of the ELA  has been delayed 
Testing dates will more than likely be delayed.  School will remain prepared as much as possible. 

Middle School options will include online instruction in the near future. 
Next two weeks will be geared to getting everyone online and adjusted to the new learning environment.



BLCS Innovation Award

Delayed until the next Board Meeting 

III. Culture Committee Report


Culture Committee Report

Adrian Adderley provided committee progress related to: 

Innovation Award update provided and committee would like to schedule a time to meet with someone at BLCS and/or PTA to confirm work is not overlapping with existing activities. 

Club updates to be shared and discussed with Principal Brown and Courtney Russell. 

IV. Finance Committee Review


Finance Committee Report

Robb Granado 

All convenances have been met and BLCS is in good position and according to budget. 
Revenue on budget, staff and non staff expenses are slightly over but alarming.
Deep cleaning expense will come from the Contingency line due to the emergency at hand. 

Team has prepared the FY21 Budget
Draft to be reviewed in March 2020 and voting will take place in the April 2020 Meeting. 
Principal Brown is working with LHA Finance on the FY21 proposed budget. 
Board members asked to provide input after reviewing the FY21 budget.

Brent Elliott provided the suggestion that the budget can be delayed a month to prepare for a May 2020 Board vote. 
R. Granado made a motion to Approve the February 2020 FInancials.
J. Lopez-Molina seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


BLCS Scholarship Program/Fundraising Monies


BLCS FY21 Budget

Review next draft of the FY21 Budget in the April 2020 Board Meeting 


Audit Engagement Letter - MMB


BLCS Investment Update

V. Principal's Report


Principal's Report

Principal Brown provided discussion and progress related to the Interim Assessment Data recorded and presented in the Principals Report. 
Data reviewed and discussed from Interim #3.

Item noted to be added to the March 2020 Agenda: Develop and understand the support provided for the scholars who are struggling (5th Grade noted as well)

Board inquired of the presence of an online contractor that can focus and assist with scholars that need special attention.
Suggestion presented to consider subcontracting additional partners to assist in online homework and instructional support.

Principal Brown discussed the online digital hiring process and the virtual redesign of this process for BLCS to meet the demand of the new hiring experience.   Board members encouraged to support by providing insight and resources, if there are expertise or knowledge available for sharing. 

Board Members are encouraged to assist in the HR process, if expertise in this area are available.
Distant/Online learning has been suggested to be added to the Academic Teacher Job Description. 



BLCS MOY Evaluation

PDF Service Agreement of Mid Year and End of Year Evaluation.
DOE provided 47 goals that BLCS needs to work towards in preparation for the next renewal. 

Courtney Russell provided evaluation highlights and explanations of goals and metrics provided in the handouts. 

Board agreed that this matrix should be sent to Jennifer of My World Consulting 
Evaluation should be broken up among the Board Members and report provided for discussion at the April 2020 Board Meeting. 


VI. School Operations


BLCS Fundraising

Adrian Adderley provided brief update:
Reaching out to solicit fundraisers - Not needed at this point in time 
Give/Get model presented to Board for further review on fundraising activities.
College dining date discussed -  Pledging would be based on the number of  College Signing Scholars.


BLCS Employee Benefits - Little Bird

PEO Presentation from James Stovall
Around since 2015 
3 Major Areas of Concentration 
  1. Employee Benefit 
  2. HR Support 
  3. HR Software
Started supporting 4 schools , currently supporting 70 Schools. 
Annual events hosted and local office available. 
Key pricing drivers discussed 
NY Community Rates discussed 
2019-20 vs 2020-21 Plan Comparison
July 1, 2020 rates to continue for 15 Months
Little Bird offer 9 Plans /Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield 
Client chooses the benefit plans to be selected and presented to the staff 
Plan comparison and Employee Wellness Incentives discussed    
HR Support and Benefits services discussed 

3 Stages of Little Bird Onboarding/Support 
  1. Incubation 4-6 Weeks 
  2. Hatch 4-8 Weeks 
  3. Flight - Ongoing Support 
J. Lopez-Molina made a motion to Move forward with Little Bird for FY21.
V. Caba seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
V. Caba
R. Granado
N. Jones
D. Underwood
J. Lopez-Molina
A. Abreu
B. Thompson
S. Sutherland
K. Shah
A. Adderley
S. Jean-Jacques
T. Wethington
J. Reyes


BLCS Employee Benefits - Bouchard

Broker Presentation from Michael Diament highlights: 

Marsh & McLennan - 4 Different Companies 
Provide local feel and service - Offices in NYC

Marsh & McLennan Benefits expertise discussed in details
    Level Funding- Self funding type data 
    Negotiation is available 

Access to the 5 Blues
  1.     Blue Cross Blue Shield 
  2.     Cigna
  3.     Aetna
  4.     Humana
  5.     United Healthcare 

Mercer's National Survey of Sponsored Health Plans of 2018 
    Usage of Mercer Survey to plan and build benefit options for BLCS 
  • Plan/Contribution Adjustment Considerations discussed in detail.
  • Systematic Renewal Timeline discussed upon approval to move forward with March & McLennan.
  • May 2020 Final Numbers would be presented for Late May/Early June 2020 enrollment.
  • Communication/Open Enrollment Samples introduced and explained. 
  • Open Enrollment can be held as a group and individual enrollment.
  • Prerecorded Webinars are also available for new hire and current open enrollment renewals.
  • Health advocacy tool available via Concierge Program explained and discussed. 


BLCS Lottery

To be discussed at the April 2020 Board Meeting     

VII. Executive Session


Executive Session

Enter into executive session at 10:00 PM
Exit executive session at 10:24 PM 

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 10:25 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Dorsey