Pharos Academy Charter School


Bronx Lighthouse Charter School Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday October 17, 2019 at 6:30 PM


1005 Intervale Ave. Bronx, NY 10459 - Call In # 813-967-8308 Passcode # 74216

Trustees Present

A. Abreu, A. Adderley, B. Thompson, D. Underwood, J. Reyes, K. Shah (remote), N. Jones (remote), R. Granado, S. Sutherland, T. Wethington, V. Caba

Trustees Absent

J. Lopez-Molina, S. Jean-Jacques

Guests Present

C. Russell, M. Dorsey, M. Rivera (remote), M. Rousseau (remote), T. Brown

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

B. Thompson called a meeting of the board of trustees of Pharos Academy Charter School to order on Thursday Oct 17, 2019 at 6:37 PM.
Meeting relocated to CPA Room 203.

II. Public Comments


Public Comments

No public comments. 

III. BLCS/BLCPA Staff Presentation


BLCS/BLCPA Staff Presentation

Scheduled for November 2019 Board Meeting 

IV. Board Governance


BLCS Annual Retreat

Courtney to provide follow up documents as per requested from the Board. 
Board referenced emails sent to them from Courtney Russell. 
Courtney will be providing Marketing, Accountability Handbook, Staffing Data and Org Chart. 



LHA Board Retreat

Dates to be finalized in January 2020. 


Approve Minutes

B. Thompson made a motion to approve minutes from the Bronx Lighthouse Charter School Board Meeting on 09-19-19 Bronx Lighthouse Charter School Board Meeting on 09-19-19.
R. Granado seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


School Leadership Succession Plan

Discussed the plan and the process to complete the new reporting requirements.

V. Follow Up Items


Audit - Finance Sub-Committee

B. Thompson made a motion to Move that we delegate authority to the finance sub committee that they move and approve BLCS Audit.
T. Wethington seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


BLCS Mission/Vision

Charter authorization documents discussed.  
Charter revisions require based on the Accountability Handbook of 2018-19 
Revision of Non-Material & Material items briefly discussed on the expected time of submission. 

Updates to the Vision/Mission suggested to be shared with Parents before submission of documents. 
The concept of Art-Infusion discussed in detail.  
The art components can be implemented in various ways.  The charter does not need to be revised but the concept of art infused needs to be addressed so that it does not confuse or mislead the parents and/or the community. 

How do we look at Art for creative thinking and commercial art. School is currently leading towards shifting the scholars to design thinking and functional designs.  

Charter revision is not needed if "Art Infusion" shift  is not a material change, therefore, a charter revision will not be pursued for this shift. 
The goal is to remain transparent by presenting and maintaining  a clear mission and vision of the school to students, parents and the community. 



Board Retreat Follow Up Items

Timing of the visit from Lighthouse - Oct 26, 2019 Date (limited and scattered availability)
January 11, 2020 or January 25, 2020  invites or doodles will be sent out to assist with rescheduling this event. 

VI. Culture Committee Report


Culture Committee Report

Culture Committee report will be provided at a later date. 
Suggestion to change the time of the Culture Committee meeting 

VII. Finance Committee Review


Finance Committee Report

Robb Granado provided summary of September 2019 financials. 
Budget amendment expected in November or December 2019.
No major concerns for the Board to review or discuss. 

Consolidation of accounts progress status was requested. 

School audits were completed last week. Findings and contents will be placed on the November 2019 Board Meeting agenda. 
Drafts expected on or by October  21st, 2019. 
Signed Financials expected on or by October 29th, 2019. 
R. Granado made a motion to Approve the September 2019 Financials.
T. Wethington seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VIII. Academic Committee Report


Academic Committee Report

Nikali Jones mentioned sharing an email to the Board related to committee updates.

Principal Brown discussed Kindergarten concerns for the FY20. 
Enrollment this school year, 5-6 new Kindergarten scholars have enrolled with 12:1 IEP, brain delay & brain damage.  Staff members have been working very closely with the special education professionals and the parents.    BLCS is not a District 75 school, so the needs of the scholars can not be met under the schools current setting.  Principal's goal is to work with the parents to discuss the challenges and options to support their children.  The school has taken measures to work with the CSE to relocate the scholars in the proper setting. 

Next meeting instructional data and evaluations will be discussed. 


IX. Principal's Report


Principal's Report

Enrollment data provided within the Principal's Report discussed in detail. 
Budget enrollment numbers were compared with the current enrollment numbers.
Principal discussed on engaging staff and scholars to change how teachers spend their time.
Principal discussed suspensions details reported on the Principal's report.


X. School Operations


School Operations

Operations and facilities discussed briefly. 

XI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

No Executive Session. 
Meeting Adjourned at 8:17PM     
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:17 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Dorsey

XII. Facilities


Facilities Report

Facility updates current and no new details to report at this time.