Pharos Academy Charter School


Bronx Lighthouse Charter School Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday July 18, 2019 at 6:30 PM


1005 Intervale Ave. Bronx, NY 10459 - Call In # 813-967-8308 Passcode # 74216

Trustees Present

B. Thompson (remote), E. Kinsey, J. Lopez-Molina, J. Reyes, K. Shah, N. Jones, R. Granado (remote), T. Wethington, V. Caba

Trustees Absent

F. Merine, S. Jean-Jacques, S. Sutherland

Guests Present

Alexandra Abreu, C. Russell, JT Kostman, M. Dorsey, M. Rousseau (remote), T. Brown

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Lopez-Molina called a meeting of the board of trustees of Pharos Academy Charter School to order on Thursday Jul 18, 2019 at 6:33 PM.

II. Public Comments


Public Comments

No Public Comments 

III. Board Governance


BLCS/LHA Service Agreement

BLCS/LHA Service Agreement to be discussed briefly and in greater detail during Executive Session 

Eric Kinsey will be relocating to Colorado and will need to resign from the BLCS Board. 
Javier Lopez-Molina motioned to accept the resignation of Board Member Eric Kinsey and Nikali Jones second. 
Board approved unanimously. 

Board has reached out to Board Member, Frantz Merine. Will provide an update in status of board membership during the August 2019 Board Meeting. 


IV. Follow Up Items


Scholar Lottery

Courtney Russell discussed the Scholar Lottery activities and details related to the Scholar Lottery documents included within the Board Meeting packet. 
Sibling/District priority suggested for the Scholar Lottery. 


V. Principal's Report


Principal's Report

Principal Brown presented academic data to the Board of Trustees.  As a follow up to the June meeting, he shared Interim Assessment data as it related to Regents data.  The Board commended Principal Brown for the many points of growth realized this past academic year.

Additionally, Principal Brown presented the Advanced Placement pass rate data.  In conjunction with the data, he discussed strategy around offering Advanced Placement courses and tests.  The process has been transparent and ensures everyone understands the health of the school. 

The school is currently in the process of revising the grading policy to be more reflective of student learning, rather than solely compliance. 


VI. Finance


Finance Report

Robb Granado provided financial update: 
Financials are currently being worked on to close out the fiscal year of 2019 and preparing for the new School Year.
Financial Position Healthy & Strong - Cost slightly higher than projected and revenue was close to projected. 
Actively working on the LHA Service Agreement and will discuss results upon completion. 

R. Granado made a motion to Accept the June 2019 Financials.
J. Lopez-Molina seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Investment Policy

VII. School Operations


Approve Minutes

J. Lopez-Molina made a motion to approve minutes from the BLCS Board Meeting on 06-20-19 BLCS Board Meeting on 06-20-19.
V. Caba seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


NYSED Annual Report - Financial Disclosure Form



Handbook discussed with noted changes highlighted in the Board Packet. 
J. Lopez-Molina made a motion to Approve the New Personnel Handbook for 2019.
N. Jones seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


PAL 19 - 20 Offer Letter

To be discussed  during Executive Session.


BLCS 19 - 20 Food Services

DOE School Food concerns discussed in an effort to do better and provide better quality of food for the Scholars. School Food authority pursued and confirmed.  Three vendors responded and presented  in response to the food service RFP.  
Handouts outlining the three vendors was presented to the Board to review and assist in selecting the new food service vendor.
Specific features related to each vendor discussed in detail. 

J. Lopez-Molina made a motion to Food Services to be provided by Genuine Foods.
T. Wethington seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VIII. Facilities


Facilities Report

Facility review provided by Courtney Russell and Maria Dorsey. 

Summer Projects on schedule.
Compressor/ AC service updates provided .
Leaks repaired and cosmetic repairs currently in progress. 

IX. Board Member Interview


Board Member Interviews

Board interviews conducted separately for two candidates: 
  1. Alexandra Abreu - Potential Parent Board Member 
  2. JT Kostman, PD - Potential Board Member 

J. Lopez-Molina made a motion to Approve Alexandra Abreu as a BLCS Board Member.
T. Wethington seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
J. Lopez-Molina made a motion to Approve JT Kostman as a BLCS Board Member.
N. Jones seconded the motion.
The motion did not carry.

X. Executive Session


Executive Session

Entered into executive session, invited Principal Brown to remain. 
Exited executive session at 10:38PM


XI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 10:40 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Dorsey