Pharos Academy Charter School


BLCS May 2018 Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday May 17, 2018 at 6:30 PM


Bronx Lighthouse Charter School

Trustees Present

B. Thompson, D. Kaplan, E. DeGonzalez, E. Kinsey, F. Merine, N. Jones, R. Granado, V. Caba

Trustees Absent

J. Lopez-Molina, S. Sutherland

Guests Present

A. Duggins, C. Russell, M. Dorsey, M. Rousseau (remote), M. Saulo (remote), T. Brown

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

R. Granado called a meeting of the board of trustees of Pharos Academy Charter School to order on Thursday May 17, 2018 at 6:45 PM.

II. Public Comments


Public Comments

Raffle Update was postponed due to poor weather conditions, upcoming date TBD.

Meeting scheduled to discuss Summer School but concerns raised about Board Member knowledge. 

Timeline concerns being too close to the last day of school versus having Summer School closer to when they returned back to School  for the 2018-19 School Year. 

Timing: Teacher PD 8/13/2018 
             Last Day of Summer Slide 8/2/2018 
             Academic Piece  8:00 AM - 1:00PM 
             After School Summer Program 1:30 PM- 3:45 PM 

K-5 First Come, First Serve
6-8 Full Availability 
Questions related to Summer food limitations

Stepping Up for K and 8th Graders, not Middle School 



III. Board Governance


Board Governance

Intro : Joel Livingston  - Associate Director of Talent Management 

Courtney Russell briefly reviewed and discussed Board By Laws and future steps to update the By Laws 
Suggestion to create a small committee to review and revise the Board by Laws 
Susan Briggs mentioned as possible person to provide legal assistance in the process of revising the Board By Laws
LHA does not provide assistance with structure of By Laws but will provide if requested 
Eric to start the reviewing process of the Board By Laws

Encourage all board members to respond to retreat doodle 

Questions mentioned related to correspondence sent out by Natalie Alvarez.
Is there  an established fund to assist in the sponsorship process for students in financial need.
Alex shared knowledge of the current fundraising activities.
Board is open in weighing-in and facilitating a process for soliciting and awarding funds. 
Current assistance requested for a student who needs financial assistance with Prom Event and Summer Program.
There is a process in place but without a Grant, the process is currently not actively being used. 
Restrictions on funding scholarships questions- MaryBeth is not aware of any restrictions. 
Feedback suggested for Ms. Alvarez to provide a process and plan for Board involvement 
Principal Duggins will discuss with Ms. Natalie Alvarez 

Partner with Metropolitan Lighthouse Charter School 
Transition Status 
Meeting Length Time 
Expand Board Members - New Board Member to attend June 2018 Meeting 
Board Mission Statement - Discuss/Present at June Board Meeting 


Academic :  Reviewed data around scholar grades, students preparing for college transitions, 24 Seniors with promotion in doubt.
41% not fully on track , 42% on track - As a Board about 80% estimated to be on track by June 2018 
Discussed data related to College matriculation , Data was disappointed.  Establish a curriculum designed to motivate acceptance and remaining in College/University. 
Discussed IEP plans, better communication plans, and future planning for training parents in Special Education, Top Talent recruitment, Recruitment Tactics, Leadership Building, Designing Curriculum, Measurement of Data. 

School Culture:  
BLCS LA : Update PTA meetings, implement workshop with parents, online messaging, students and teacher surveys. 
27 out of 35 Staff/Teacher completed surveys 

BLCS CPA: Project base open mic, Think Tank, Spirits In School Culture - Shark TV mostly involving Juniors. May 18- College Acceptance Day 12:30-1:30 PM . Teacher Appreciation Day. Student development team activities discussed. 
Recycling methods discussed to use as a building block for Environmental Studies. 

Finance report discussed, no specifics to highlight. 
Discussion  of ways to squeeze out more interest on the open balances.
Security account with Merrill Lynch linked to Bank of America suggested- Marcia to provide future insight on this 
Opportunity to generate additional cash with little risk 

Items to be discussed in executive session 

CEO or RVP Evaluation 
Board has been directed to create a 2 or 3 committee to evaluate. Board Chairman to be on committee. 
Evaluation completion deadline date 5/22/2018 
CEO Self Evaluation to be read before completing CEO evaluation
Committee to discuss, create and present at June 2018 Board Meeting 
Board to respond and final memo to be presented at July 2018 Board Meeting 


IV. Executive Director Comments/Report


LHA Executive Director Report

LHA Executive Director report discussed in detail: 

Leadership Development program discussed, 6 participants among both BLCS & METLCS.  
Revision of Handbook 
LHA Updates discussed 

V. Principal's Report


Principal's Report

Principals report discussed with highlights around: 
  1. Enrollment Data 
  2. Attendance Letters 
  3. Suspension - (4) in the Month of April 2018
  4. 5 to 10 Day Suspensions  and Restorative Sessions 
  5. Chronic lateness and absenteeism discussed  and the methods to prevent 
  6. Future testing dates and test result dates discussed 
  7. Parents notified that School is open to all parents 
  8. PACT Days discussed - Parent As Committed TeamMember 
  9. Application for Parents to come out in September 2018
  10. Methods of engaging parents, making the investment in the Parent is key
Principals report discussed with highlights around: 
  1. Attendance - Not sure of what happened in April 2018 , will monitor closely in May 2018, especially Seniors. 
  2. Senior Behavior Baseball 
  3. College Matriculation 
  4. Alumni Coaching 
  5. Women's Teaching Day- Every Quarter 
  6. Art Show - Solo Spotlight 
  7. Shadow Future Day outreaching to non- BLCS scholars 
  8. Parent engagement methods to encourage participation
  9. Methods of maximizing enrollment 


VI. Facility


Facility Updates

Facility Update: 

Security Update discussed: Locks and additional cameras increasing proposal cost to $190,000.
Board requested to approve the updates of the proposal 
Evelyn DeGonzalez agree to sign documents needed 
Board Approved Unanimously 

CPA Climate control to be completed by end of this month.


VII. Finance


Building Financing

Kick off call results discussed. 
New bond issuer to visit school next week. 
Appendix A - Next Milestone to review 
Bond Resolutions and Board packet documents that need to be approved by Board members discussed and pointed out. 
Motion to provide signature authority to Eric and Rob and Courtney - Board Approved 


Finance Report

Approved Budget requested by  June 2018 Board Meeting 
Budget to the Board within 2 weeks - Mary Beth agreed this is possible 
Budget to involve entire Board not just the Finance Committee 
Rob presents assessment questions for the Board Committees and members to present to the Finance Committee 

R. Granado made a motion to Approve April 2018 Financials.
V. Caba seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


FY 2019 Budget

Budget to be presented within 2 Weeks and to be approved at June 2018 Board Meeting 

VIII. School Operations


Approve Minutes

R. Granado made a motion to approve minutes from the BLCS April 2018 Board Meeting on 04-19-18 BLCS April 2018 Board Meeting on 04-19-18.
E. DeGonzalez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve 2018 - 2019 Board Meeting Calendar

R. Granado made a motion to Approve 2018-19 School Calendar.
N. Jones seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Executive Session @ 10:30 PM 
Meeting Adjourned @11:30 PM     
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 11:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
R. Granado