Pharos Academy Charter School


BLCS April 2018 Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday April 19, 2018 at 6:30 PM


Bronx Lighthouse Charter School

Trustees Present

B. Thompson, D. Kaplan, E. DeGonzalez, E. Kinsey, F. Merine, J. Lopez-Molina, R. Granado, S. Sutherland, V. Caba

Trustees Absent

N. Jones

Guests Present

A. Duggins, C. Ginty, C. Russell, K. Whittaker, L. Harris, M. Dorsey, M. Mustafa (remote), M. Rousseau (remote), T. Brown

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Lopez-Molina called a meeting of the board of trustees of Pharos Academy Charter School to order on Thursday Apr 19, 2018 at 6:47 PM.

II. Public Comments


Public Comments

Parent comment on attendance of this meeting in comparison to the last meeting.  Hoping that more parents will come regularly not just when they are upset . 
PTA Raffle request participation from the board.  Invited all to come to the next PA meeting on May 5, 2018. 
WishBone contributions requested by Estefany Angeles . Noted thanks to David Kaplan for is donations. 

III. Board Governance


Board Governance

Board Goals: Javier Lopez-Molina 
Meeting Time - Failed to meet that goal at the last board meeting 
Recruitment Status: Currently at 10 Members - Goal is 11 Members

Committee Updates
Nikali Jones to provide update for other Board Committee events 

School Culture: Evelyn DeGonzalez 
  1. Student and Teacher surveys not received yet 
  2. Data and methods of collection are under discussion 
  3. Data Position waiting to be filled can assist with the data needs 
Parent questioned the need for the position of Family Coordinator 
Principal Brown addressed the transition of this position for the 2018-19 School Year

Investigation related to allegations presented at the last board meeting was conducted by Courtney Russell and Jerome Ballard and discussed in detail with Principal Travis Brown.

Javier Lopez-Molina presented additional questions related to last board meeting concerns presented by parents and scholars.

Future Actions Implemented: 
  1. New cell phone policy 
  2. Better methods of communication to parents related to staff changes and other school changes 
  3. Staff members warned and verbally disciplined for actions taken regarding scholar cell phones


IV. Executive Director Comments/Report


LHA Executive Director Report

Executive Director report overview discussed 
Highlighted items of discussion 
  1. ELL Data discussed and the method and timing of the assessment process
  2. Discussed methods of  communication to reach out to State Chancellor.
  3. Suggestion to create a budget line dedicated to and for Government Relations. 
  4. Director of Talent - Teacher Recruitment and Retention under direction of Lynise Harris and Courtney Russell 
  5. Assistant PrincipalsTop Instructional Staff to receive Professional Development Opportunities in the near future
  6. Director of Data  -  Potential candidate in process. Javier will reach out to candidate to introduce himself , encourage and welcome candidate to this new role for BLCS
  • School Calendar and Board Meeting Calendar reviewed and discussed 
  • School Calendar &  Events Approved by Javier and Second by Eric 
  • Board Calendar to be corrected to reflect April 2019 meeting changed to  April 24, 2019.  Board Calendar will be revised and presented for approval at next Board Meeting by Courtney Russell. 


V. Principal's Report


Principal's Report

Principal Duggins 
CPA Upcoming Event at Bronx Music Heritage Center 
May 2, 2018 - Art Show Opening 
May 10, 2018- Art Show Event 
Overview of CPA Principal report discussed 

Principal Brown 
Math Test preparation activities discussed : May 1 & May 2, 2018 
Goal to exceed the City and State averages 
ELA Examination already taken - Scores will be available August 2018 


VI. Facility


Facility Updates

Mansoor Mustafa 
  • 3 Contracts for Security reviewed and discussed in details 
  • Javier motioned to approve the proposal from Secure Watch24
  • Approve request Secure Watch24 to provide a detailed quote
  • Temperature concerns discussed- Contractor has been requested to provide a digital method to regulate and monitor classroom temperatures. 


VII. Finance


Building Financing

Application Status - Courtney Russell
  1. Building Application has been submitted 
  2. School visit took place in April 2018

Build NYC - Robb Granado 
  1. Tax Exempt bonds to be offered
  2. Rental Assistance - BLCS not eligible due to rental agreements in place - Set up recommended in case of changes within the next five years
  3. Vote took place to create 501C - 1005 Intervale - There will be three entities established. 



Finance Report

Financial Review:  Robb Granado 
  1. March Monthly Financials overview 
  2. No major variance to the current financial budget to discuss 
  3. Debt covenant is passing and 227K is the estimated net income. 
  4. Sizable cash balance on hand of approximately $5 Mil, looking into investment opportunites.
  5. Restricted cash concerns discussed 
  6. Bank of America .01% interest earned to be reviewed to increase this percentage to at least 1%
  7. Investment policy discussed -  LHA is currently working on a policy for MetLCS.  Khori Whitaker mentioned the possible option of sharing this policy with BLCS once created. 



FY 2019 Budget

Robb Granado 
  • Draft #1  of the 2019 Budget - Top Down Process mentioned as a method for creating a balanced budget 
  • Suggestion of creating a bottoms up budget as well 
  • Budget approval date for June 2018  - May would be excellent
  • Principals discuss the budget and the methods of preparation

Robb Granado presents budget outline: 
  • Revenue - Must Pays= Allocation  (Best Investments) 
  • Accomplish /Goals 
  • Accomplish + Plan + Cost?  Cost- Revenue  (How do you plan using this method?) 
  • Model and Goals of School will assist in preparing the budget. 
  • Model and Key Elements to be presented in July. 

Principal Duggins mentioned - CPA has never operated on a balanced budget 
Budget preparation disussed in detail 

Action Item for the Board  

Budgeting process over the next 6 weeks recommended
  1. What are the goals? What are the needs? How are we going to get there?  What is the 2019 plan to get us to our joint vision?  How is is different than before ?  
  2. Principals requested to provide a draft of priorities for the May Board meeting.
  3. Draft budget would be a nice bonus to be presented at the May board meeting. 


VIII. School Operations


Approve Minutes

J. Lopez-Molina made a motion to Approve minutes from the BLCS March 2018 Board Meeting on 03-15-18 BLCS March 2018 Board Meeting on 03-15-18.
V. Caba seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Executive Session started at 9:42PM
Khori Whittaker and Lynise Harris invited to Executive Session 
Executive Session ended at 10:28PM 
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
J. Lopez-Molina