Pharos Academy Charter School


BLCS March 2017 Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday March 16, 2017 at 6:30 PM


1005 Intervale Avenue (4th Floor)

Trustees Present

E. DeGonzalez, H. Mehreteab, J. Lopez-Molina (remote), N. Jones, R. Granado (remote), V. Caba

Trustees Absent


Guests Present

A. Duggins, J. Finney (remote), M. Dorsey, T. Brown (remote), T. Milsap

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests

Karla Magna Figueroa also on the phone 
Mansoor from LHA facilities also on the phone

Karla elected to resign from the board in the interest of the school. 

Hagos moved to accept Karla's resignation from the board, Evelyn seconded.  All approved acceptance unanimously. 

Hagos made the move to vote, Javier seconded.



Call the Meeting to Order

H. Mehreteab called a meeting of the board of trustees of Pharos Academy Charter School to order on Thursday Mar 16, 2017 at 6:46 PM.


Approve Minutes

H. Mehreteab made a motion to approve minutes.
V. Caba seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Public Comments


Public Comments

No public comments

III. Board Governance


Board Governance

Hagos updated us on the board for holding corp, specifically referring to refinancing for mid-2018.  Hagos is the chair and Khori is the secretary.  Need to do board recruitment with experience in refinancing. Our role will be to help determine how we want to proceed with refinancing. 

Courtney offered to help post the job for board recruitment. 

Will update about committees later. 

Vilma: Update on school visit (lower academy) - there for honor roll awards. Kids were so proud, wonderful experience. 

Will discuss CSS in executive session.

LIIF update. Refinancing - possible but additional costs + risks. Loan structuring will likely incur additional costs that would outweigh the benefit of early refinancing or paying off.  
Other options: "regular" refinancing, through LIIF, bond market, bank. 
Note C will be forgiven if we continue with regular refinancing, but not if we do early refinancing. So early refinancing seems like not an option. 
LIIF refinancing - pretty easy to do, but requires a little due diligence from us
Bank refinancing - may be able to get a better interest rate 
Conclusion - is we need some more research done to look at all options. 
June starts a year mark. 

IV. Principal's Reports


BLCS Principal's Report

Travis reviewed some of the academic data.  Highlighted a concern with 7th grade as IRLA scores were lower than the rest of the grades. Identified some opportunities to support the teacher in there. May consider literacy specialist for the future. 

Also reviewed ELA scores (testing next week), trying to convert "yellows into greens".  Mentioned coach really assists in that area, and trying to learn best practices. 


CPA Principal's Report

Alix reviewed some of the academic data. Reviewed senior students - about 6-8 students at risk of promotion, but hopeful to convert some of them by supporting them in passing their classes. 

Evelyn raised concerns high number of students failing two or more classes. Is it just the work (things not turned in) or is it the content (students aren't understanding)? 

Alix's has been meeting with parents, working with students individually, identified the challenges of nailing down exactly why students are failing courses.

Hagos suggested ending the conversation due to the fact we will be discussing academic committee. 

V. Facilities



Mansoor - noted presentation should read March 2017. Presentation about how LHA assumed CSSS contract. 
Apologized for poor communication re: transition.
End of last year CSSS, informed LHA they were going to dissolve. 
LHA decided it would make a lot of sense for them to take over the contract.
Request by Hagos for the contract Mansoor was referring to. 
Javier asked for clarification as to why LHA makes sense. Clarification on connections with companies in the area. 
Mansoor - synergies (worked with a lot of the employees previously). Mansoor mentioned having a good relationship with folks who have built the schools, lots of companies to help with construction/design/painting/plumbing/etc. 
Reviewed components: 
Service Channel - CSSS used to log work order, etc
Data Storage
Able to communicate throughout all aspects of LHA
Question: re roof. 3 different scenarios, request from Mansoor to proceed to request Feasibility study. 
Robb raised concern re: ultimate cost of project (i.e. only approve feasibility if we will be approving project)
Mansoor - will proceed on getting  few more options to present.



Dave Britton from Board on Track presenting from our assessments.

1) Governance: Key point
- Is board large enough? The larger the board, the more we can delegate ownership to committees. Current board size too small to get committees going. 
- Board recruitment plan unclear: LinkedIn, Volunteermatch, 
- Process around recruiting that is consistent 
2) Committees - academic oversight (vision, outcomes, roadmap). Asking leadership - what are the metrics, what are we trying to acheive, etc. Suggestion of academic committee. Committees can be distilling a lot of information, make meetings shorter. Ex - facilities could have been part of committee 

VI. Finance



Javier - not much variation in general. Cash flow positive. Item 177

Hagos moved to approve Feb 2017 statement, Evelyn seconded. Approved unanimously 

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 11:03 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
N. Jones