Sage Oak Charter Schools


Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors

Virtual/Zoom Conferencing

Date and Time

Thursday September 8, 2022 at 1:30 PM


The meeting will be held virtually. 

Join by telephone or via Zoom conferencing link below:


Dial In: ‪(US) +1 719-359-4580‬

Meeting ID: 95918643278
Passcode: 428569


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Meeting ID: 95918643278
Passcode: 428569





Sage Oak, in collaboration with parents, teachers, students, and the school’s leadership team, cultivates lifelong learners by recognizing students’ and parents’ needs for educational options.  Sage Oak balances flexibility with accountability and high academic excellence for families seeking a non-traditional, personalized educational experience.  Sage Oak understands the need for partnership in order for students to attain their personal academic goals.


Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice.


The Governing Board’s presiding officer reserves the right to impose reasonable time limits on public testimony to ensure that the agenda is completed.



Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board may request assistance by contacting Sage Oak Charter Schools.

Directors Present

M. Humphrey (remote), P. Matz (remote), S. Fraire (remote), S. Houle (remote), W. Hall (remote)

Directors Absent


Guests Present

E. Horta (remote), K. Madden (remote), K. Woodgrift (remote), L. Hath (remote), L. Snee (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

W. Hall called a meeting of the board of directors of Sage Oak Charter Schools to order on Thursday Sep 8, 2022 at 1:32 PM.


Record Attendance

II. Approve/Adopt Agenda


September 8, 2022, Regular Board Meeting Agenda

P. Matz made a motion to W. Hall, Board President, to approve the agenda as presented.
S. Fraire seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Approve Minutes


August 8, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes of the Board of Directors

S. Fraire made a motion to approve the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors on 08-08-22.
S. Houle seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


August 8, 2022 Board of Directors Study Session Minutes

S. Fraire made a motion to approve the Board of Directors Study Session on 08-08-22.
P. Matz seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Board Governance


Approval of Resolution No. 2022-9-8 Recognizing a State of Emergency and Re-Authorizing Teleconferenced Meetings Pursuant to AB 361

S. Fraire made a motion to W. Hall, Board President, to approve Resolution No. 2022-9-8. Option II was selected by the voting members.
S. Houle seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Organizational Structure of the Board

P. Matz made a motion to approve the reappointment, and three-year term, for Board Directors Steve Fraire and Susan Houle.
M. Humphrey seconded the motion.

S. Fraire and S. Houle would like to commit to a three-year term.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

V. Public Comment


Closed Session

There was no public comment regarding closed session.

VI. Adjourn to Closed Session


Meeting adjourned to Closed Session at 1:37 pm

S. Fraire made a motion to adjourn to Closed Session.
S. Houle seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VII. Reconvene Regular Meeting


Report out any action taken in closed session.

The Regular Meeting reconvened at 1:45 pm.

William Hall, President reported out the Board unanimously approved the Engagement, Joint Representation and Conflict Waiver Agreement – Yvette Lares v. The Collaborative Charter Services Organization, et al with Procopio, Cory, Hargreaves & Savitch LLP for anticipated litigation.

VIII. Pledge of Allegiance


Led by.

W. Hall, Board President

IX. Public Comments


Recognition and Reports

There were no public comments regarding recognition and reports.

X. Correspondence/Proposals/Reports


School Highlights, Presented by Superintendent of Schools and CEO

School Highlights were presented by Krista Woodgrift.


2021-22 Local/State Assessment Data- Student Achievement, Presented by Lead Coordinator of Accountability

2021-22 Local/State Assessment Data was presented by Poppy Perfect. i-Ready and CAASPP data were shared with the Board. 


Budget Update, Presented by Director Business Services

A budget update was provided to the Board by Tim O'Brien. The data presented reflects the fiscal solvency of the Sage Oak budget.

XI. Consent


Consent - Business Financial/Services

  1. Sage Oak Check Register, August 2022
  2. Ratification of the Certified Request for Funding for the Mandated Block Grant (MBG)
  3. Ratification of the Management Consulting Services Agreement with Charterwise
  4. Ratification of eDynamics Sage Oak Charter - 2022 Renewal Purchase Agreement
  5. Ratification of Amendment No 6 to Modified Gross Multi-Tenant Office Lease February 17, 2017
  6. Ratification of 2022-23 School Pathways Annual Subscription for Helendale (#1885), Warner (#2051), and Keppel (#1886)
  7. Ratification of School Services of California (SSC) Proposed Renewal Agreement Contract & Addendum


Consent - Education Student/Services

  1. Approval of Pali Institute Overnight Field Trip


Consent - Personnel Services

M. Humphrey made a motion to approve all items, A through C, in the Consent section.
S. Houle seconded the motion.

Items listed under Consent are considered routine and will be approved/adopted by a single motion.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
  1. Approval of Certificated Personnel Report
  2. Approval of Classified Personnel Report
  3. Approval of Job Descriptions

XII. Business Financial/Services


Approval of 2022–23 Consolidated Application and Reporting System (CARS) Spring Release

P. Matz made a motion to W. Hall, Board President.
S. Houle seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approval of Unaudited Actuals Financial Report 2021-22

M. Humphrey made a motion to W. Hall, Board President.
S. Fraire seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

XIII. Personnel Services


Approve 2022-23 Sage Oak Board of Directors and Superintendent/CEO Goals

S. Fraire made a motion to W. Hall, Board President.
S. Houle seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve 2022-23 Superintendent/CEO Evaluation Process, Timeline, Evaluators, Evaluator Compensation, and Evaluation Template

M. Humphrey made a motion to W. Hall, Board President.
S. Houle seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

XIV. Comments


Board Comments

The Board of Directors expressed their appreciation for all of the information provided today. Superintendent Woodgrift is doing a fantastic job and has a great team. The school year is off to a great start. W. Hall noted that the quality of people on the Sage Oak team is impressive. The combined dedication to meeting the needs of all the students is evident. 


Superintendent Comments

Superintendent Woodgrift would like to recognize the entire team. It was a huge accomplishment to implement all the new programs and initiatives for the school year. Ms. Woodgrift acknowledged and thanked the leadership team and the Board, for their dedication and support. Superintendent Woodgrift is looking forward to the continued achievements as "future world changers."

XV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

S. Houle made a motion to W. Hall, Board President.
S. Fraire seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 2:27 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
W. Hall
Documents used during the meeting
  • AMENDED-SOCS Resolution-re-authorizing-AB-361_9.8.22.docx.pdf
  • SO BB 9110 Terms of Office.docx.pdf
  • Oath of Office.pdf
  • August 2022 - Board Updates Newsletter .pdf
  • Local_State Assessment Data - Board Presentation 21-22.pdf
  • 2022-23 Budget Update.pdf
  • 2022-23 Budget Summary.pdf
  • BUS 9.8.2022 Consent- Business Financial_Services.pdf
  • Sage Oak Check Register, August 2022.pdf
  • Certified Request for Funding for the Mandated Block Grant (MBG).pdf
  • Management Consulting Services Agreement with Charterwise.pdf
  • eDynamics Sage Oak Charter- 2022 Renewal Purchase Agreement.pdf
  • Amendment No 6 to Modified Gross Multi-Tenant Office Lease February 17, 2017.pdf
  • 2022-23 School Pathways Annual Subscription_Clever PreEnroll Policy.pdf
  • School Services of California (SSC) Proposed Renewal Agreement Contract & Addendum.pdf
  • Pali Trip - Board Approval Form (22_23).pdf
  • Sage Oak BUS CERTIFICATED Personnel Report.pdf
  • Sage Oak BUS CLASSIFIED Personnel Report.pdf
  • BUS SOCS Job Descriptions- September 2022.pdf
  • Consolidated Application, Sage Oak 2022-23.pdf
  • Consolidated Application, Keppel 2022-23.pdf
  • Consolidated Application, South 2022-23.pdf
  • Sage Oak Charter Schools, 2021-22 Unaudited Actuals.pdf
  • Superintendent _ CEO Evaluation Process and Timeline Proposal_9.8.2022.pdf