Libertas Academy Charter School


Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday April 23, 2024 at 5:30 PM


Libertas Academy Charter School

146 Chestnut Street

Springfield, MA 01103

Trustees Present

A. Seymour (remote), J. Gunther (remote), K. Diamond Kayiatos, K. Stewart (remote), N. Coakley (remote), S. Lapolice (remote), T. Curtis (remote)

Trustees Absent

C. Resto, N. Barker, P. Kkayego, S. Williams

Ex Officio Members Present

M. Montero

Non Voting Members Present

M. Montero

I. Opening Items


Board Chair Welcome


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

K. Diamond Kayiatos called a meeting of the board of trustees of Libertas Academy Charter School to order on Tuesday Apr 23, 2024 at 5:33 PM.


Approve Minutes from Prior Meeting

S. Lapolice made a motion to approve the minutes from Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting on 03-26-24.
N. Coakley seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Public Comment

None in attendance

II. Management Report


Management Report

Report from Modesto:



- First class induction to the National Honor Society this week

- MCAS: ELA done, Math & Science coming up
- Drumline performance for new Springfield Police Department Superintendent (thank you for arranging Nicole!)
- Started crew program with Pioneer Valley Rowing Club

- Dance group competing at first dance competition this weekend


Communication of Delay to community:

    - Reached out in stages to all groups prior to spring break. 

    - Received understanding and supporting response especially since it's disappointing news.

    - Sending a survey to parents and students so will be interesting to see what comes of it.

    - Been very purposeful with communications

    - Creating FAQ document


Talent progress - slightly off but expecting to be ok.  Especially looking for teachers for AP level classes.  95% of staff asked to return accepted offers.  Did experience some mid-year loss so looking at these more closely. This would adjust the overall return to 85%.


Student Recruitment - fully enrolled with 6th grade with healthy waitlist.  8th grade class is full as well - healthy waitlist


Headline Goals - discussion on out of school suspensions and feel they were the right decisions but looking at how we can do better to deter.  One area is installing vapor sensors in new building to help deter. 


GPA/Attendance - Close to goals across the board, trending slightly below last year on attendance.


Waiting on MassDevelopment loan of $400k for technology in new building.


Report from Emma G.:

New School building update - weather tight by end of June

Satellite Campus update - Tech Park on Federal Street

     - Exact space changed over spring break. This is a better space but some more discussions underway for the details including negotiating rent and who's paying for what.  Will be sharing specific lease and other details to board once ready.

     - T. Curtis asked about nutrition aspect and if Springfield Public Schools will be providing for this campus.  M. Montero answered that this is still being discussed and TBD.  Will have to re-sign the agreement soon anyway.  

     - M. Montero noted that he is working on the impact to the budget - expects it to be a wash - will present to Finance committee in May for approval by board in June.

Liberty Street project - 

     -  Expecting to finalize technology plans. moving company and cleaning companies by end of next week.

      - Furniture plan and quote being finalized by end of next week

      - Legacy Ambassador Committee - second meeting held in early April looked at color/fabric designs and updated on building delay.  Received good feedback with questions and how to communicate.  Next meeting in early May.


Tiffani C. - suggestion to consider layoffs that are happening because of decreased funding.  Example being Hartford laying off over 100 teachers. Many happening now so may have more options coming up.




III. Committee Reports


Academic Achievement Committee

Report by Tiffani C.


Lots of overlap with Modesto's report.  


Working on more college planning for families and students

Connecting with Shannon at MLK org
Students took SATs - looking for SAT summer tutoring options for students



Finance Committee

Report by Jeff G.


Reviewed March Financials - in very good shape again
Spending projections looking good compared to budget

No concerns with cashflow


J. Gunther made a motion to Approve March 2024 Financials.
S. Lapolice seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Development Committee

Report by Kari K.


Officially have raised and received over $2M in donations!  Huge accomplishment and congrats to Modesto for achieving this - double the original goal!


Planning Hard Hat Tours for board, and key donors for early June.  Stay tuned for invite.  


Discussing Naming Opportunities for donors - giving option to those who may want to name a space.


Governance Committee

No report 


ED Evaluation Committee

Report by Kari D.


Reviewed Progress to Goals - almost all in a good place.  If not, Modesto is aware and working on.


Reviewed Salary and Bonus structure/guidelines for next year (not actual amounts yet).  No changes made from this year.  Will bring recommendations to board with results at June retreat for discussion and approval.


Next meeting is in June to review results to goals.

IV. Closing Items


Next meeting

Tuesday, May 28th 5:30 pm


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:22 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
K. Diamond Kayiatos