Libertas Academy Charter School


Annual Board of Trustees Retreat

Date and Time

Friday June 23, 2023 at 8:30 AM


Zoom Meeting  
Meeting ID: 506 994 6767  
Password: 12345

Trustees Present

A. Seymour, D. Barrows (remote), H. Zavala, J. Gunther, K. Diamond Kayiatos, K. Stewart, L. Davis, L. Flynn, N. Barker (remote), P. Kkayego (remote), S. Lapolice, S. Williams, T. Curtis (remote)

Trustees Absent


Ex Officio Members Present

M. Montero (remote)

Non Voting Members Present

M. Montero (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

H. Zavala called a meeting of the board of trustees of Libertas Academy Charter School to order on Friday Jun 23, 2023 at 8:38 AM.


Opening Remarks

Hector opened with remarks on founding board member, Dora Robinsons recent passing.  


Thank you all for being here!  This is a great way to reflect on the year.  Hector further went over the agenda for the day ahead.  



Year in Review

MM kicked off the FY23 year in review highlighting progress toward goals:  MM reminded the group that standardized testing results are not out yet.   


Jeff, our newest Trustee, read LACS mission :) Board members then reflected on examples of how LACS has fulfilled this mission throughout this years. 


Lower Academy (6-8 grade) reflections

Solid B+ (almost A-) :  A lot of growth around intervention and meeting the needs of students. Growing leadership capacity has been a focus - "growing our bench" ; expanding capacity leaders and teachers alike.  

Challenges :  1) Math "People power" , teacher transitions made the math team stretch .   Going into FY24 focusing on getting ahead of this.   2). Culture - Middle school program is strong but started off shaky.  Learned from this a will adapt going into next year.  


MM showed the Board the LA goals and achievement numbers of these goals.  The Board reflected on these results (both successes and misses) 


Upper Academy reflections: 

MM rated UA a B- 


  • Investment in GPA - students are starting to own this   
  • Creating a culture of "college & career readiness" 

Challenges : 

Haven't perfected culture in UA : 

  • Lack of Adult investment & accountability & not supporting most struggling scholars.  Putting measures in place to minimize these issues going into FY24.

MM showed the Board the UA goals and achievement numbers of these goals.  The Board reflected on these results (both successes and misses) 


Work of ED office


  • Strategic thinking and planning - 4-5 year road map of where we want organization
  • Expanding partnerships -  ambassador , advocate, getting LACS name out,  development & building these relationships,
  • Pushing & celebrating our people!  Delegating more 
  • Forever Home - 1 M campaign
  • Ensure our prioritized goals are met 

Highlighted what the challenges have been and what MUST BE in 23-24 .  


He concluded his update with a new rendering of new building!


Strategic Plan Approval : 

Purpose is to ensure we outline specifically what we want for the next few years to take the school from a good school to a great school.   MM highlighted the phases of drafting this Strategic Plan .  Current phase:  seeking the Board to approval of final draft of strategic plan.   The Board took time to digest & read the plan again.  


H. Zavala made a motion to To approve the 2023-2027 Strategic Plan.
A. Seymour seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
T. Curtis
S. Williams
L. Flynn
L. Davis
D. Barrows
A. Seymour
P. Kkayego
J. Gunther
H. Zavala
S. Lapolice
K. Stewart
N. Barker
K. Diamond Kayiatos
H. Zavala made a motion to Approve the Proposed FY24 Budget.
K. Stewart seconded the motion.

FY24 Annual Budget approval :

MM highlighted:

  •  FY24 Key Priorities (Autonomy, Transparent parameters, oversight, build up healthy reserves ) 
  • Key Assumptions. Tuition rate increases, Private support funding, Adding 11th grade (enrollment projections 507) 
  • Finance Committee and MM detailed the FY24 Proposed Budget (as well as future year budget forecasts) & answered specific questions from Board members . 


The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
K. Diamond Kayiatos
S. Lapolice
H. Zavala
A. Seymour
K. Stewart
P. Kkayego
J. Gunther
L. Davis
L. Flynn
T. Curtis
D. Barrows
N. Barker
S. Williams

FY24 Annual Report 

MM to send a final draft in July once the end of year financials are finalized.  We will need to meet virtually to discuss and vote on this item at that point.  


Update on Goals

Hector presented FY23 Board Goals  we met, partially met and did not meet this past year.  


  1. Launched Capital campaign - Met!
  2. Recruitment (3 new trustees)- Progressing 
  3. 100% Board member engage in annual touchpoint with LACS -  partially met  
    1. Future thoughts : MM to highlight well in advance good events to attend at the school for the Board (at his monthly reports to the Board in FY24)
  4. 100% Board giving - Met!
  5. Board conduct bi-annual self assessment - Nov & April - partially met 

Hector Proposed the FY24 Board Goal.  Board members were in agreement.  

H. Zavala made a motion to Move to executive session.
K. Stewart seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
H. Zavala made a motion to Leave Executive Session.
A. Seymour seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Strategic Plan



Slate of Officers & Committee Appointments

H. Zavala made a motion to Approve the below slate of officers.
K. Stewart seconded the motion.

Board Appointment Nominations: 


Chair:  Kari Diamond Kayiatos (accepts) 

Vice Chair: Dr Azanda Seymour (accepts)

Secretary: Nick Barker (accepts)

Treasurer : Patrick Kayego 

The board VOTED to approve the motion.


FY24 Board and Committee Meeting Cadence

Committees remain as they are in FY23 . Times for AAC & Finance Comm meetings have changed and MM will send calendar updates. 


Hector - In person or virtual Board meetings? 


Board agreed on a hybrid - virtual & zoom for FY24


FY24 the 4th Tuesday of the month - @ 5:30 pm 


Annual Retreat: Friday, June 28th @ 8:30

IV. Closing Items


Closing Remarks

Thank you Dana for your service!!!!  


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 11:34 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
H. Zavala