Libertas Academy Charter School


Monthly Academic Achievement Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday January 12, 2023 at 4:30 PM


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 506 994 6767
Password: 12345

Committee Members Present

A. Seymour (remote), K. Stewart (remote), M. Montero (remote), N. Barker (remote)

Committee Members Absent

T. Curtis

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

N. Barker called a meeting of the Academic Achievement Committee Committee of Libertas Academy Charter School to order on Thursday Jan 12, 2023 at 4:33 PM.


Approve Minutes

K. Stewart made a motion to approve the minutes from Monthly Academic Achievement Committee Meeting on 12-01-22.
N. Barker seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Academic Achievement


ED Report

MM shared updates on some areas of school life. Recruitment for the upcoming school year with the LACS team taking active steps to get the word out. Mailers and a billboard have increased visibility as well as word of mouth from current families. Charted numbers were from December, and good interest has come through in the past couple of weeks with the start of the new year. MM feels very good about the outlook.

MM presented about the pursuit of new talent, which is on track at this point in the year.

MM shared the key themes for working document Strategic Plan for 2023-27. Narrowing focus to three themes is challenging and arose from data from surveys to key constituencies within the school. One theme declares the need to prepare students for post-secondary transition with a focus on college; one focuses on continuing to raise student acheivement; the third highlights the need for hiring, developing, and retaining a highly effective staff. The committee discussed the selection of these three themes and agreed that these categories would put the school in the strongest position to achieve its mission as it continued to grow. AS, KS, and MM discussed ways for Libertas students to connect with 2 and 4 year colleges in the region.


Calendar 2023-24

N. Barker made a motion to approve the proposed calendar for the 2023-24 academic year.
K. Stewart seconded the motion.

MM clarified the key elements of the calendar. No significant departures from the current year's calendar. There will be some additional focus on bringing in new staff in August. AZ asked about PD days- MM responded with the rationale that, in addition to the PD days allotted in August before school, the days within the school year come in alignment with the testing cycles, so that staff is in strongest position to make use of data from testing. 186 academic days on the calendar.

The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:03 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
N. Barker
Documents used during the meeting