Libertas Academy Charter School


Monthly Development Committee

Date and Time

Tuesday October 4, 2022 at 5:00 PM


Committee Members Present

D. Barrows (remote), D. Guertin (remote), K. Diamond Kayiatos (remote), L. Davis (remote), M. Montero (remote)

Committee Members Absent

L. Flynn

Guests Present

K. Frett (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

K. Diamond Kayiatos called a meeting of the Development Committee of Libertas Academy Charter School to order on Tuesday Oct 4, 2022 at 5:06 PM.


Approve Minutes

D. Barrows made a motion to approve the minutes from Monthly Development Committee on 09-13-22.
M. Montero seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Development


Chair Remarks

We have an exciting year ahead so let's get going!


Review of Dashboard

We have our first gift in this year! And a new donor!


FY23 Capital Campaign

Update from David and Modesto on status of Campaign:


   - Reviewing and finalizing materials 

                * Case for Support: Modesto asked for feedback from Committee by Friday AM.  David suggested that the committee reviews a 2nd draft and then share it with the full board at the 10/17 meeting.

                 * Naming opportunities:  David explained that numbers were determined by who we think our donors are not the cost of constructing these spaces.  Past experience helped David to determine these.  These opportunities can live beyond this campaign if we want.  

                          Dana asked for examples of schools and their naming opportunities.  David explained that a similar school in Fall River had Gymnasium and multiple classrooms named through donations.  Modesto explained that Baystate Academy had a multi-media room donated and named. 

                          Kari asked if the $5k on the naming list is the smallest donation to the campaign or just the smallest naming opportunity.  David explained that this is the smallest for naming opportunities. 

                         Kari then asked how we would manage small gifts toward the building.  Would we accept them or would we direct them to the current use fund. Discussion continued about making this a comprehensive campaign which would increase the total goal and include current use funds.  This needs to be decided as it impacts our opening solicit letter and who gets it at what amount.  

                 * Donor recognition (wall) - Modesto and David will put together a proposal for the committee for our next meeting

                         Kari asked about how long we are offering donors to make their payments over.  David explained that they would encourage payments made over two years.  Have created a pledge form.

                          Katie asked about restricted campaign gifts vs general campaign gifts.  David explained we can accept them.  Modesto clarified that restricted gifts would mostly impact their internal tracking.

                          Katie asked about what donor expectations may be after their gift is made.  David said that this is our opportunity to further cultivate donors.  We need a stewardship plan for beyond the campaign.  Modesto added that we will need to do a Annual Report to donors but we can and should do much more.  David offered that he has an example of development plan he can share with us.


Prospect list review:

     - Modesto speaking with Davis Foundation soon
     - David offered to share some foundations outside of Springfield that will also likely be giving to our campaign.

     - Modesto spoke with Jennison last week, still feeling out how he will be involved.

     - Next step: Committee go through the list. Add names or give feedback. 


FY23 Current Support

Calendar updates:

   -  No Groundbreaking event - Modesto spoke with Raipher and he would like wait on this until the project is further along. David asked when it would be moving to actual construction vs just site clearing.  Modesto said in the coming weeks it should be starting. David asked if there will be a sign "coming soon Libertas Academy".  Modesto is going to ask Raipher. Lauren commented that getting donors into the current school would be more impactful vs a ground breaking. Modesto things we could use this time for cultivating donors instead of a groundbreaking.  David suggested another time to celebrate is when the steel is put up. 


   -  Small Group Events - Lauren and Kari both commented that the topics sound great and we trust the Libertas leadership to create a great event like the previous events.


   - Solicitation is in the works - need to flesh out if this is a comprehensive campaign vs separate appeal and who this is going to. May need to postpone it until Nov given all these questions.  Kari to write two drafts and share with the group.

III. Next Steps


Committee to Review Campaign Documents and share feedback by Friday, Oct 7


Committee to review, share feedback and add names to the prospect list


Need to finalize if this is a comprehensive campaign or just a building campaign

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
K. Diamond Kayiatos