Libertas Academy Charter School


Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday August 16, 2022 at 5:30 PM


Zoom Meeting  
Meeting ID: 506 994 6767  
Password: 12345

Trustees Present

A. Seymour (remote), D. Barrows (remote), H. Zavala (remote), K. Diamond Kayiatos (remote), L. Davis (remote), N. Barker (remote), S. Williams (remote), T. Curtis (remote)

Trustees Absent

K. Stewart, L. Flynn, L. Velez, P. Kkayego, S. Lapolice

Ex Officio Members Present

M. Montero (remote)

Non Voting Members Present

M. Montero (remote)

I. Opening Items


Board Chair Welcome

Hector Welcomed all Trustees to the kickoff of our FY23 year!


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

H. Zavala called a meeting of the board of trustees of Libertas Academy Charter School to order on Tuesday Aug 16, 2022 at 5:36 PM.

Hector welcomed everyone to the FY23 year!


Approve Minutes : Board Retreat

D. Barrows made a motion to approve the minutes from FY22 Board Retreat on 06-24-22.
L. Davis seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
L. Davis
S. Lapolice
A. Seymour
K. Stewart
H. Zavala
L. Velez
T. Curtis
N. Barker
S. Williams
L. Flynn
D. Barrows
K. Diamond Kayiatos
P. Kkayego


Public Comment

II. Management Report


Management Report

Modesto welcomed Trustees to our first FY23 meeting highlighting developments as the school year officially starts next week : 

Bus tour! 

LACS was yet again featured on Western MA News & also connected with MM about future plans regarding a new space.  They are excited to come back to cover that update as the new facility progresses . 


Students arrive Monday for first day! 


Student enrollment - on track to be fully enrolled in 6-8, slightly under enrolled in high school which is not a surprise.  MM highlighted that this can be trend with HS as more options are  available at those grades.  NB questioned how many students can now be enrolled in lower grades.  MM answered that 6-8 can go as high as 94 students (an amendment the Board approved last year with  anticipation that upper academy enrollment will be lower).  


Talent - 100% staffed by first day of training - August 1st and Goal was MET.  Filled 24 roles! Director of Talent has done an incredible job.  Started training all roles.  Next phase, is to retain our team.  


Facilities - The two holdups currently :  1) detailing accountability if the timing of the completed space is delayed.  2) specs on the space (materials etc).  Developers still working on this and once they finalize, LACS will vet and approve. MM hopes to have a lease for the Board to sign by September meeting.  If not, this project will likely be delayed. He has made this urgent timeline clear with the developers.   

III. Committee Reports


Academic Achievement Committee

AAC has yet to meet but will  in early Sept.  Nick mentioned that he looks forward to building off of the successes from last year.


Finance Committee

N. Barker made a motion to Approve July Financials.
L. Davis seconded the motion.

Patrick sent in notes regarding July financials: Starting FY23  strong with no major concerns.  Ended FY22 with a positive net position.   

The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Development Committee

Kari - DC did not meet over the summer but will have their first meeting in early Sept.   Kari did connect with Katie Frett who mentioned that tax receipts have been sent to all FY22 donors.  Kari said it will be a big fundraising year and urged all Board members to think about how they can all contribute personally (financially, introducing people to LACS etc.)


Governance Committee

Hector stated that the GC has not met but will beginning of Sept and will report out at the next meeting.  


ED Evaluation Committee

LD mentioned that the ED Eval Committee did not convene over summer but will gather at the start of the year to update MM goals for the FY23 year.  

IV. Other Business


Vote to Approve

D. Barrows made a motion to Approve Accountability Plan Draft.
H. Zavala seconded the motion.

MM reminded the team that the Accountability Plan is a requirement a the start of a new charter.  It highlights goals specific to our Charter based on schools mission with objectives for each key design element.  Has already been vetted through DESE.


This AP is very similar the the first AP submitted.  Similarities due to the diruptive nature of COVID where many areas didn't have enough data (ie community service etc.). The only real change was the addition of the AP Exam goal now that LACS has a high school. 

The board VOTED to approve the motion.

V. Closing Items


Next meeting


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:07 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
H. Zavala