Libertas Academy Charter School


Monthly Academic Achievement Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday April 7, 2022 at 4:30 PM


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 506 994 6767
Password: 12345

Committee Members Present

A. Seymour (remote), M. Montero (remote), N. Barker (remote)

Committee Members Absent

T. Curtis

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

N. Barker called a meeting of the Academic Achievement Committee Committee of Libertas Academy Charter School to order on Thursday Apr 7, 2022 at 4:36 PM.


Approve Minutes

A. Seymour made a motion to Approve minutes from AAC meeting on 3/3.
N. Barker seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. ED Report


Key School Data

COVID update- mask optional now. Families know the policy can change. Policy decisions aligned with Springfield Public Schools. Modesto is considering reinstating mask requirement temporarily following upcoming vacation.

Talent- LACS met March goal and is moving effectively through the process of accounting for staffing needs next year. Zeroing in on a Dean of College hire. Only 2 faculty declined an offer to return, and these decisions were based on the individuals moving out of the area. 85% have confirmed their return- faculty retention is looking great.

Attendance- upward trajectory continues after January challenges. Vacation buy back days are in effect- Modesto expects about 100 students will be strongly encouraged to take advantage. MCAS prep and academic enrichment will be focus- parents love having this option. Faculty present will seek to engage students to help them catch up/ get ahead- fun environment with prizes and high energy.

GPA measurements are looking good on the lower end as students strive to stay above 2.0. Modesto would like to see more movement on the higher end, with more students pushing to get over 3.0 mark. There are remediation steps in place for failing students- individual intervention.

MCAS testing happening this spring and 9th grade students will be taking the Human Geography AP.

First Lottery has occurred and second Lottery will be on April 13. Enrollment on track in 6-9th grades. 10th grade has felt some attrition. Thus, we will be putting forward a motion to expand enrollment in the lower grades, thereby cushioning for natural attrition that can occur as students get older, especially at transition from middle school to high school.


Enrollment Policy

A. Seymour made a motion to Approve the proposed changes to the Enrollment Policy.
N. Barker seconded the motion.

Seeking to enroll 92 students in each grade, up from 90. Bringing in more students in the Lower Academy will put the school in stronger position to deal with the natural attrition that occurs in 11th and 12th grades. LACS is prepared to seat 92 students in classrooms with minimal impact on space and classroom experience.

The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:25 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
N. Barker
Documents used during the meeting