Libertas Academy Charter School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday May 18, 2021 at 5:00 PM


Zoom Meeting  
Meeting ID: 506 994 6767  
Password: 12345

Trustees Present

A. Seymour (remote), A. Surrette (remote), D. Barrows (remote), H. Zavala (remote), K. Diamond Kayiatos (remote), L. Davis (remote), N. Barker (remote), T. Curtis (remote)

Trustees Absent

J. Lauren, L. Flynn, S. Williams

Ex Officio Members Present

M. Montero (remote)

Non Voting Members Present

M. Montero (remote)

I. Opening Items


Board Chair Welcome

Today is our last "regular" meeting before the board retreat in June.  Janella Cruz will join us today to answer questions about the Middle School.


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

L. Davis called a meeting of the board of trustees of Libertas Academy Charter School to order on Tuesday May 18, 2021 at 5:04 PM.


Approve Minutes - April Mtg

D. Barrows made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 04-27-21.
A. Surrette seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Williams
H. Zavala
K. Diamond Kayiatos
L. Davis
L. Flynn
A. Surrette
J. Lauren
A. Seymour
T. Curtis
N. Barker
D. Barrows


Public Comment

No members of the public in attendance.

II. Management Report


Management Report

Modesto passed the presentation to Ms. Cruz, principal of Middle School.  

Review of attendance while fully remote,  Saw attendance drop off in Nov/Dec/Jan.  Reviewed what was happening and created the Attendance task force. Implemented some strategies and returned to the 90% attendance rate.  Also looked at chronic absenteeism. Started "buy back days" by completing course work and checking in with teacher.  Seeing some results.

Under Hybrid started tracking attendance differently.  Saw a slip again in March but learned that there was lack of clarity for families about when they were expected to be remote/not.  Positive traction in April and May.  Grade 6 doing great - especially since they've never been in the school until now. Grade 8 is struggling still.  Working closely with the team to figure out how to get ahead of this.  Finding that a lot of the issue is lack of parent engagement.  

Proud of the results by hitting goals of 90% and now focused on maintaining this level. 

This year worked to collect as much assessment data as possible through the year even though it's been a challenging year. ELA: Goal to have 50% of students get a 60% or higher.  Numbers revealed that we've supported kids to grow in Fiction based texts but need more work on Non-Fiction.  Thinking about how to integrate this into all classes and work back and forth between fiction and non-fiction. This also helps to ensure the timing is off when a skill is taught vs the assessment timing. 

Math: have scored stronger in math than ELA in the past.  This year's assessments showing this as well.  Grade 6 hit the goal of 50% of students getting 50% or higher. Focusing now on the subgroup and how to move those quicker.  This is an especial focus next year.  Those who need support getting the support they need.  Also adding different types of questions to the curriculum. 

L. Davis asked how these compared to previous years: Last year LA did not do this level of data but Math is definitely higher than the last few years.  ELA also has shown growth.  

MCAS are being taken but the results will not be an assessment of the school.  This will be a benchmark for the state. LA is focused on doing everything to make sure the students are prepared to take them.  There is no data from last year but collected data from previous years as to where they were and how to target students to be best prepared for the test. ELA and Math intensive support has started to help fill the gaps. This strategy is for both in person and virtual.  Are working to bring all students into school to take the MCAS>

Goals for next year focused on building early investment and the feel of classrooms.  

Wins for this year:  Created a strong maximized hybrid/in-person program. strong team amongst teachers, strong returning team and internal promotions of teachers, really focused on priorities for school.

Challenges for the year: change management and prioritizing, student servicing was challenging not in person but did well on the DESI visit, and middle school leader development was stretched thin between 2 leaders.

III. Committee Reports


Academic Achievement Committee

Focused on the school calendar and coaching the team. 

MCAS happening week of 6/1 & 6/7. Different group of kids taking this at different times that week. Modesto clarified that taking this is not optional but the results will not count for/against the school.  It is simply diagnostic.



Finance Committee

H. Zavala made a motion to To approve April Financials.
D. Barrows seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Looking for members to join the committee.

School is in a good financial position - hitting 7 of 8 metrics as we have been for the past 1.5 years.  The medium risk (% of tuition) is not uncommon for a new school.  No concerns.  The growing of the school and hiring does impact this but not of concern.  One late invoice but late due to receiving it late.  

Will finalize the 2021-22 budget at the retreat.

Coming to the end of the Fiscal year (June 30) and in very good position.  



Development Committee

Exceeded 70% of 150K goal - not counting Jennison gift of $300k.

Sending a newsletter email to community and then following up with a direct appeal before June 30 gifts.

Putting the MassMutual "leg 3" on hold until next year.

"Leg 4" for an institution - good friend of Dana's is Vice Chair at Elms so will be working on this.

We feel like we're in good shape in fundraising especially in COVID times. 


Governance Committee

Still looking to add to our board/committee - especially for finance.  Send any ideas our way.

Working on board training for our board retreat. 

Please be sure to make your gift before June 30 so we can reach 100% board participation.


ED Evaluation Committee

Working through the new metric and will share more at the Board Retreat.

IV. Other Business


Approve Succession Plan

Board shared feedback prior to the meeting.  
H. Zavala made a motion to Approve the Succession plan.
N. Barker seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


FY22 Budget Approval

Reviewed Revenues and Expenses.  Costs are larger this year because of the high school growth.   Instructional Services is larger as the COVID relieve grant will be used to put these into place.

Finance committee reviewed this.  Tony noted that they focus on being realistic and conservative and he has a lot of confidence in this budget. 
D. Barrows made a motion to approve the 2022 budget as proposed.
H. Zavala seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


FY22 Calendar Approval

Modesto commented that they focused on reaching 185 days of instruction.  Did reduce the number of professional development days but added 2 weeks of intensive coaching/leaders at the beginning of the year.  Checked calendar with SPS calendar.  
A. Surrette made a motion to accept the 2021-22 Academic Calendar.
H. Zavala seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

V. Closing Items


Next meeting

Friday, June 25 at 8:30 via zoom for board retreat


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:06 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
K. Diamond Kayiatos