Libertas Academy Charter School


AAC Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday December 4, 2019 at 5:00 PM


146 Chestnut Street, Springfield, MA

Committee Members Present

J. Lauren, M. Montero, T. Curtis

Committee Members Absent


I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

T. Curtis called a meeting of the Academic Achievement Committee Committee of Libertas Academy Charter School to order on Wednesday Dec 4, 2019 at 5:04 PM.

II. Academic Achievement Committee


Libertas Academy Academic Dashboard

The updated Dashboard can be found here. An element of bearing down needs to happen with the Dashboard so that it is more forward-facing.
  • The next round of interim data (academic) will be available for the January Board meeting.
  • The school is under-enrolled by a few students, 263 (-7 students). The budget is built on 270 students.
  • The attendance goal is 95% or higher. Attendance is bring monitored closely and the school is engaging with families when there are significant absences. Academies are starting so that students can buy back missed days which will reduce overall chronic absenteeism numbers.
  • Homework is being more centralized to create consistency and structure for students and families. Parents can now access assigned homework which is posted on the website via a hyperlink.
  • 8 OSS, school-wide, for this year. The school is leveraging a more strategic discipline model to support students remaining in school. Specifically, the school is using in-school detention more.
  • KWL (Kids We Love Most) are the frequent fliers the school is looking more critically at in terms of behavior and consequences.


Board Training and Topics

Potential Training for the Board:

1. Leadership Survey to inform the ED evaluation
2. The development of a leadership evaluation tool
3. Assessment Glossary
4. Accountability Report

Tiffani and Josh are meeting on Friday, December 6 to develop the Board training.

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

The January meeting has been rescheduled for January 8th fro 5 pm - 6 pm.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:43 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
T. Curtis