Libertas Academy Charter School

Board Meeting

Published on February 20, 2021 at 9:50 AM EST

Date and Time

Tuesday February 23, 2021 at 5:00 PM EST


Zoom Meeting  
Meeting ID: 506 994 6767  
Password: 12345


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Board Chair Welcome & Feb Meeting Overview



  B. Record Attendance and Guests
  C. Call the Meeting to Order
  D. Approve Minutes - Jan Mtg
Please review minutes in advance and make any notes for adjustments
  E. Public Comment
II. Governance Training: Massachusetts Charter Accountability & Renewal Process


  A. MCPSA Webinar: How Charters Govern for Quality and Accountability
How Charters Govern for Quality and Accountability: "Charter school boards are primarily responsible for providing a strategic direction for the organization and maintaining accountability for themselves and the organization as a whole.   In this session, we will review the board's key responsibilities and how the effectively govern for quality and accountability.  We'll also discuss how boards use committees and strategic conversations to set themselves up for success."


  • We will begin by watching the first 20 minutes of MA Charter Public School Assocation's 2019 webinar highlighting charter accountability and the charter renewal process here in Massachusetts.   Webinar Link
  B. Charter Accountability Q & A
  • General Q & A stemming from charter accountability section of video.  Modesto will brief us on Libertas specifics a bit later.
  C. State/District Accountability Webinar
  • We will continue with the webinar which focuses on state accountability .
  D. State Accountability Q &A
  • General Q & A stemming from the state accountability section of this webinar.  Modesto will brief us on Libertas specifics, next.
  E. Libertas : Charter/State Accountability & Charter Renewal Discussion
  • Modesto will lead the group through an interactive discussion highlighting where Libertas stands regarding state/charter accountability and the school's upcoming renewal process  
  • Libertas' State Standing
III. Management Report
  A. Management Report
  • Modesto will provide a quick update on school happenings and highlights. 
IV. Committee Reports
  A. Academic Achievement Committee
  • Tiffani will briefly update the Board on AAC work  
  B. Finance Committee
  • We will vote to approve January Financials 
  C. Development Committee
  • Dana will briefly update the Board on DC work 
  D. Governance Committee
  • Lauren will provide a brief update on GC  work
  E. ED Evaluation Committee
  • Lauren will give a brief update on ED Evaluation progress 
V. Other Business
VI. Closing Items
  A. Next meeting
Our next board meeting is scheduled for March 16th @ 5 pm via ZOOM .   


  B. Adjourn Meeting