Eno River Academy


November Board Meeting (Virtual)

Date and Time

Tuesday November 16, 2021 at 5:00 PM


Zoom Meeting

Directors Present

Charles Penny II (remote), Jeremy Greene (remote), Michael O'Malley (remote), Pamela Norcross (remote), Sabrina Kordys (remote), Sarah Hernandez (remote), Sarah Yagnow (remote)

Directors Absent


Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

Pamela Norcross

Guests Present

Amy Davis (remote), Donna (remote), Elizabeth & Dave (remote), Kristin Martin (remote), Lisa Bair (remote), Vera Luck (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Michael O'Malley called a meeting of the board of directors of Eno River Academy to order on Tuesday Nov 16, 2021 at 5:06 PM.


Approve Minutes from prior meeting

Pamela Norcross arrived.
Jeremy Greene made a motion to approve the minutes from October Board Meeting on 10-19-21.
Sarah Hernandez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Monthly Agenda Review


Review and revision, if needed, for meeting agenda

Sarah Yagnow made a motion to approve the agenda for the November board meeting as written.
Jeremy Greene seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Public Comment Period


Public comments in accordance with the ERA Public Comment Policy, updated May 5, 2020. Please submit emailed public comments to board@enoriveracademy.org for the Nov 2021 meeting.

Tara Stewart - Considering low transmission and other metrics what is the plan going forward for masking? Is there a goal post in mind.



Vera Luck asked about mask mandate- what the plans are for it to be lifted. 

IV. Executive Director Announcements and Updates


Monthly Executive Director Update - Including Covid Updates

  • Congratulations to our high school fall sports teams including their incredible coaches. Each team qualified for their respective state playoffs. And thank you to Dr. Davis and Norm Ogilvie for helping us transition from our former athletic director.
  • Mr. Ogilvie has decided to step down from his role and we have hired Charlie Oakley for the position. He will have assistance from Julie Gillette during the winter season.
  • Progress reports for Q2 will be distributed this week.
  • The state has a budget for the first time in 2 years. I have a call with the charter association on Thursday to discuss the breakdown and how it affects charters. I’ll share the information once I have it.
  • We conducted our lockdown drills in October in conjunction with the Orange County Sheriff’s Department.
  • We were selected for Cohort Graduation Rate monitoring for the 2020-2021 academic year. These selections are random and we are required to submit written verification/documentation of our withdrawals. Our graduation cohort rate was confirmed and we were commended on our comprehensive record keeping practices by the Director of Accountability at DPI.
  • With so many people struggling with life right now, the admin team developed a calendar of thanksgiving for our team. We’ve been sharing notes of appreciation with colleagues, dressing in our school colors, favorite plaid shirts, and we’ve even provided treats for our team. We had a mobile coffee bar, donuts, individual pies and this Friday we will have a candy apple bar.
  • Please join us on Saturday, December 4th from 10a-1p for the Children’s Market.


Sabrina- asked if we have a virtual back up for days as this (power out at both lower and upper schools)
Lisa- we do have days such as this built in. We will have a plan for long-term events. 


ED update


Celebration of events and achievements by ERA Staff and Students

V. Committee Updates


Future Visions Update

Fund proposals for outdoor learning spaces for our students in lower school and high school. See attachment from Sarah.
Lisa- we will need to have a meeting on each of these pieces. As a board, have groups 2-3 and walk through facility and discuss where things will go. Lots of great ideas. I think we can go ahead and go with the athletic requests. Have our playground consultant to make sure we are following safety rules. No to climbing walls due to insurance reasons.  
Pamela- second the motion


Sarah Yagnow made a motion to approve the purchase of an ice maker, banners and flags as proposed.
Pamela Norcross seconded the motion.
Sabrina concerned about spending funds at this time- Sarah Y. would like to move forward. 
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Michael O'Malley
Sarah Yagnow
Sabrina Kordys
Jeremy Greene
Sarah Hernandez
Charles Penny II
Pamela Norcross


Finance Update

Discussed monthly financial report. No questions or concerns at this time.


Communications Update

no updates at this time (Sabrina)
Newsletter idea- want to reach out to people to get ideas- working on it. 
Sarah H. looking for feedback. Showed examples for board to see. voted on one design for Sarah to create. 

VI. Old Business


Vote on status of ERA Face Covering Policy

Mask & Quarantine- if you were wearing a mask when exposed- do not have to quarantine. Only symptomatic students.


Orange County still has mask mandate K-11year students starting, but not as nearly as quickly as previous two groups.
Pamela- masks are working, holidays are coming and family gatherings, travel, winter indoors
Charles- keeping masks on to keep sports teams going. We had power out today, and do not want students to be out. 
Sabrina- once Orange county doesn't require it any more, we need to have a discussion
Jeremy- we are stating how we feel, but it doesn't really matter, correct?
Lisa- I am looking at COVID data. I want to send out a survey to parents, teachers, and staff for a true discussion. 
 Pamela- do we have professional guiding us?
Lisa- yes, we have a parent who works on COVID protocols
Charles- Can you please go over contact tracing.
Lisa- was student unmasked, less than 6 feet longer for 15 minutes. CATS group in High School- same groups always together.  Can reach out to parents for testing- both LS and HS. 
Charles- this isn't just asking students who they were with.
Lisa- yes, and we use staff.  We are being proactive. we will see what winter brings. Lots of travel. 
Michael- yes- lots of travel is likely. 
Sarah Y.- Orange County Still has a mask mandate in place today 11/16/2021 
Sarah Yagnow made a motion to continue mask mandate.
Sarah Hernandez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Michael O'Malley
Sarah Yagnow
Pamela Norcross
Charles Penny II
Jeremy Greene
Sarah Hernandez
Sabrina Kordys


Parent Survey

Sarah Y- made a quick edit in parent survey with diversity and inclusion with our consultant. Came up with a few questions that focus on diversity and inclusion. Ideally we can send out to parents tomorrow or Thursday to have it wrapped up by the end of November so we can then review the data. Michael- take out Post meeting recording and replace with other since we haven't discussed recording our meetings. Lisa agrees. No other comments about that.
Sarah- diversity and inclusion questions. 
Charles- want to get a feel for how parents stand in the ERA community. 
Pamela- maybe want to ask questions that will help get D & I information about climate at Eno river rather than knowing what parents think about themselves.
Michael- are parents seeing the work that is being done.  These seem more individual- it seems as though they come from a different survey. 
Charles- number 9 seems good. 
Sarah H. I felt reading these that it was a disconnect. It seems how it should be more about the school and what the school is doing. Do you need to ask- Are  you willing to participate in this committee. 
Sarah Y- work with Dr. Lanier to reword this for a more ERA community focus.  
Lisa- Sheldon sent me 10 questions, before we survey parents, have a parent zoom invitation. Not sure most will understand, so zoom as a start, then set up survey for better success. Nix these questions, and add a D & I survey in spring. Parent meeting with Dr. Lanier then have a purpose survey.
Pamela- I agree. Having a purposeful meeting with Dr. Lanier and parents is important step, then having a purposeful survey to parents. 
Dr. Davis- I have some examples. 
Michael- This will then be a longer survey and time with Dr. Lanier. For current survey, board can review, example looking for a spelling mistakes, etc. to test it out. 
Sarah Y. will send out survey to board tomorrow to make sure it all works smoothly. 
Sarah Yagnow made a motion to move ahead with parent survey making discussed changes.
Sarah Hernandez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Sarah Yagnow
Sarah Hernandez
Jeremy Greene
Michael O'Malley
Pamela Norcross
Sabrina Kordys
Charles Penny II


Board Assessment and Goals

Waiting for Charles and Pamela to take the survey in areas we can improve. 

VII. Closing Items


Closed Session (If needed)


Adjourn Meeting

Jeremy Greene made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Pamela Norcross seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Sarah Hernandez
Michael O'Malley
Charles Penny II
Jeremy Greene
Pamela Norcross
Sarah Yagnow
Sabrina Kordys
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:52 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Pamela Norcross
Documents used during the meeting
  • Parent Survey Questions 2021_2022 Update.docx