Eno River Academy


Future Visions February Meeting

Date and Time

Monday February 22, 2021 at 5:00 PM

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 837 8951 4321
Passcode: 159924

Committee Members Present

Charles Penny II (remote), Michael O'Malley (remote)

Committee Members Absent


I. Opening Items


Record Attendance



Lisa Pope
Anne Kenyon
Donne Kuhl (arrived late)


Call the Meeting to Order

Charles Penny II called a meeting of the Future Visions Committee of Eno River Academy to order on Monday Feb 22, 2021 at 5:08 AM.


Approve Minutes

Motion to approve the minutes from Future Visions Committee Meeting - July 2020 on 07-14-20.
Lisa Pope made the motion to approve
Mike O. seconded the motion to approve


The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Agenda

Motion to Approve the meeting agenda.
Lisa Pope made a motion to approve the agenda
Anne Kenyon seconded the motion
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Open Forum


Discussion & Alignment

Review of the Current Approved Strategic Plan:


Goal 1: ERA will develop adequate financial resources to ensure its long-term financial stability. Board and director driven.
It would be helpful to have an update from the athletic director about athletics
Funding and programming for athletics. Precious silent auction fundraising results.
1.5 Investing in technology. Are laptops at 1:1 ratio. Are they counting students personal devices.


Goal 2: ERA will attract, develop, and retain diverse and exceptional educators that support the identified curriculum competencies and the needs of an expanding student population.
2.1 How do teachers feel about professional growth? Is there a professional development budget?
2.2 How do we compare to state base salary
2.4 Are we worried about burnout? Self-care, what's available?
Consider a staff survey to hear from them. What do teachers value? What are the strong points about ERA and what needs to change? Keep them here. What is missing?


Goal 3: ERA will provide students with a rigorous and expanding STEAM curriculum that will equip them with 21st century skills.
3.1 Middle school electives. Could this be increased?
Potential offerings: life skills, study skills, keyboarding, organizational skills. Rotations perhaps?
Science Olympiad in middle school


Goal 4: ERA will create and maintain facilities and grounds that will support its educational and extracurricular programs.
4.2 Safety. Exhaust from cars in car line. K-8 school. SRO status during pandemic.
4.3 Hands on learning areas. Exploration trail. Outdoor learning Gazebos. Outdoor learning spaces. What would it look like. Hands on science. Clearing in the woods.
4.4 field house. Pushed out for now.


Goals 5: ERA will create a culture of high student achievement and good citizens of the world.
5.1 Enrichment sub-committee.
How do we utilize virtual lessons learned during covid times to make things more accessible.
Videos showing how people work together
Zoom Career Day (20 min each)
Future Medical Professionals Group
Middle school. Student driven service clubs. Dungeons and Dragons.


Possible next steps for FV:


-Can Future Visions help with a teacher survey like we did for a parent survey
-Athletic update
-Outdoor learning experiences
-Parent/career spreadsheet for virtual career sharing

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:10 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Charles Penny II
Anne Kenyon made a motion to adjourn
Lisa Pope seconded the motion
Unanimous vote to adjourn 
Documents used during the meeting