Eno River Academy


January Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday January 20, 2021 at 5:00 PM

Directors Present

Charles Penny II (remote), Dianne Gonzalez (remote), Kristi Anspach (remote), Margaret Barr (remote), Michael O'Malley (remote), Sabrina Kordys (remote), Sarah Yagnow (remote)

Directors Absent


Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

Charles Penny II

Guests Present

Amy Davis (remote), Kristin Martin (remote), Lisa Bair (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Michael O'Malley called a meeting of the board of directors of Eno River Academy to order on Wednesday Jan 20, 2021 at 5:05 PM.


Approve Minutes from prior meeting

Sarah Yagnow made a motion to approve the minutes from December 12/9/2020 board meeting December Board Meeting on 12-09-20.
Dianne Gonzalez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Charles Penny II
Michael O'Malley
Dianne Gonzalez
Kristi Anspach
Margaret Barr
Sarah Yagnow
Sabrina Kordys

II. Reading of Conflict of Interest and Ethics Statement


Reading of Statement

Michael O'Malley read the following conflict of Interest and Ethics statement: ERA By-laws require any member to recuse herself or himself from voting on any matter before the Board which would confer a financial benefit on the member. At this time, the Chair inquires as to whether any member knows of any known conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to matters before the Board. If any member knows of a conflict of interest, appearance of a conflict, or possible financial benefit please so state at this time.

III. Monthly Agenda Review


Review and revision, if needed, for meeting agenda

Dianne Gonzalez made a motion to approve the January 20,2021 meeting agenda.
Sarah Yagnow seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Charles Penny II
Sabrina Kordys
Margaret Barr
Kristi Anspach
Dianne Gonzalez
Michael O'Malley
Sarah Yagnow

IV. Public Comment Period


Public comments in accordance with the ERA Public Comment Policy, updated May 5, 2020. Please submit emailed public comments to board@enoriveracademy.org for the Jan 2021 meeting, pending appointment of the new Board Secretary.


Public Comment

  • A public comment was forwarded from Mrs. Bair to Sarah
  • Celeste Winslow- Asking for more interaction in-person during the next months not just zoom interactions. Asking for continued 4 days of learning. 
  • Sarah Yagnow- reading email from high school students in Earth Challenge Club.  High School ECC club discussed- use of herbicides in area of garden causing damage. Whole comment can be accessed as requested regarding the garden situation and the herbicides from Sarah Yagnow.

V. Covid-19 Updates


Update on COVID-19 & Re-Opening Plans

Mrs. Bair- Goes through Power Point Slide of Covid Update
  • Shows current percentages and how they have gone up since December. January Covid-19 percentages have increased.
  • Cases by Age- has gone up as well in January
  • Comparison of NC County numbers- All have gone to red risk category- recommended plan C based on those numbers
  • What we have done well- ERA High School numbers-
    • EOC 1st semester- See graph for pass rates - Math 1 -73%   Math III -93%, Eng II- 78%, Biology 84% (pass rates)
  • K-5 data- can reference slide for specific numbers. -Fall 2020 numbers show high risk students are staying steady. Shows things are working and not a large slide backwards.
  • Middle School- can reference slide for specific numbers- Again things are steady and not a large slide backwards.
  • Other school districts- Details on surrounding school plans-slide available if needed.
  • Considerations given- substitute availability, substitute funding, NC- Covid-19 Cases, At-risk factors.
  • Recommendation- We should remain virtual learning for the remainder of the year
  • Chance for planning- potential summer remediation, August schedule planning for remediation, especially for high-risk students- to be sure we are continuing to grow. High School looks a little different due to classes are completed. But looking at bringing remediation if needed.
  • Discussion and Questions:
    • Sabrina- how can we support parents better through this virtual learning? 
    • Sarah- Pointing out new clubs coming out is helpful. Possible spring- events to get people together outside. Statistically and health wise virtual learning is supported but how can we make the best of it. 
    • Dianne- As parent of Kindergarten student- needs to support parents. It is a struggle. Information is key and very helpful to have this information of why the school is doing what it is doing.
    • Mrs. Bair response- how do we keep kids engaged, ie virtual field day. Praise to ERA parents because ERA could not do it without parents. Next year will be different.
    • Michael- sharing there are town hall meetings for discussion from parents.
Charles Penny II arrived.

VI. Executive Director Announcements and Update


Celebration of events and achievements by ERA Staff and Students

  • Congratulations to the high school team for their efforts. We received recognition for our 2019-2020 graduation rate which was greater than 98%. This is a data point on the NC School Report Card.


Monthly Executive Director Update

  • Lottery is currently open. We are a slightly behind where we were last year at this time but the numbers are still impressive. We have another virtual tour in February and the lottery closes on February 19th.
  • Current families are in the midst of declaring their intention for next year’s enrollment. We’ve had a great response rate and families are committing to return. The deadline is the end of January.
  • We had our first annual investor call on Thursday, January 14th.  We met all of our covenants for FY20.
  • EOCs scores have been released. Congratulations to the high school team for their efforts. We received recognition for our 2019-2020 graduation rate which was greater than 98%. This is a data point on the NC School Report Card.
  • We’ve begun the creation of new clubs for K-8. They are primarily Middle School at this point but there is a book club in Elementary. We will continue to add to the list throughout the semester.
  • We have gotten Pixellot installed in the high school gym. It is automated production technology for our live events. It will allow us to broadcast live events on any device.

VII. Committee Updates


PATH Update

No current update at this time


Future Visions Update

Meet 2/22 at 5pm Future Visions Meeting- zoom meeting


Finance Update

ERA December Budget Report
  • All COVID-19 relief funds have been spent on items to support the staff and students during the pandemic.
  • The final December purchase was for 80 additional Chromebooks. This will put us at or very close to our goal of 1:1 devices per student for all students in grades 3-12. The Chromebooks are estimated to ship in April, and should be available for use in at the start of the 2021-2022 school year.
  • Federal funds that are calculated and disbursed on a January to December fiscal calendar were received by the school in December 2020. These funds are used to support our Exceptional Children program.
  • The remainder of the budget is on track at a total of 53.14% remaining at this point in the fiscal year of July-June.
  • As of now, we appear to be on track for a budget surplus at the end of the fiscal year that can be allocated for savings. This aligns with the administration and board's goal of fiscal conservatism to provide adequate rainy day funds in case of any future governmental revenue shortfalls.
Annual Investor Meeting
  • As a condition of our bond financing, the school must hold a meeting annual with the investors to review the results of the financial audit. This requirement has been completed for the year by Ms. Bair and D.A. Davidson staff.
Annual Financial Audit
  • ERA is audited each year by Petway, Mills and Pearson, PA. The results of these audits are released to the school and to the NC Department of Public Instruction.
  • Highlights of the audit included reflection of the school's increase in ending fund balances for the 2019-2020 fiscal year and continued growth in our Average Daily Membership (ADM) for students.
The 2019-2020 audit had a result of 0 findings for ERA. Findings would be areas where the school was found to be not in compliance with financial processes and procedures. Many thanks to Ms. Bair for her continued stellar management of the school's financial status, processes and procedures

VIII. New Business


2021-2022 School Calendar

Calendar doc opened up
  • Lisa goes over 2021-22 -Calendar- see attached document with 2021-2022 school calendar.
  • Similar to 2020-21 year
  • Calendar is a law by the NC assembly: Schools can create calendar either by days per year or instructional hours. ERA follows Instructional hours. Virtual learning opens up more hours to teach.
  • Questions?-  
    • Michael-How does calendar get distributed- Emailed Newsletter and School Website?
Charles Penny II made a motion to approve the 2021-22 School Calendar.
Sabrina Kordys seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Margaret Barr
Michael O'Malley
Dianne Gonzalez
Sabrina Kordys
Kristi Anspach
Sarah Yagnow
Charles Penny II

IX. Old Business


ERA D & I Task Force Update

  • Michael- States the D&I Task Force is in the final Stages of Interviewing 3 candidates best for ERA for Diversity and Inclusion Consultant. Consultants to be interviewed by a core group of parents, students, faculty, board members, and admin team.
    • Hustle University
    • Dr. Lanier
    • Jen Cort
  • Dianne- Task Force- Request to board the following regarding D&I Task Force:
    • Add to our ERA School Website-  a link for D & I  Force updates and information-see attached D&I ERA Website Information document below.
    • Change of some wording of a statement within link for D&I
    • Provide a method for community to contact D &I team, broadcast the meeting times and days of D&I Task Force
    • Links to resources on this page
    • Optional items- can be discussed with consultant- link to strategic plan, especially for D&I Task Force
    • Gave other school examples of how other schools handle D&I.
  • Questions- to Dianne
    • Sabrina- Any goals stated in weblink for D&I?- Dianne response-this new page we want to be brief at this point, goals and links-have consultant guide and lead us in this way. 
    • Sarah- really appreciate time and work that D&I Task Force has put into creating of this website and putting in all this work. 
    • Krisi- can committee liaisons add meetings to Board On Track Calendar? Dianne was talking about School Calendar not Board on Track Calendar. Lisa does send those meeting times and days out in weekly email updates, but will add to school calendar as well.
    • Lisa states- Not sure school can have a specific email for D&I Task Force. It would need to be monitored by board liaisons. Needs to be someone as elected official or hired employee. Recommended to  email directly to liaison who is a elected official. Need more information regarding how email to D&I Task Force should be handled. 
Sarah Yagnow made a motion to add the text as shown in Diversity & Inclusion Task Force Website document submitted to be included on ERA website about ERA's intent regarding Diversity and Inclusion Task Force as well as adding meetings to school calendar.
Charles Penny II seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Margaret Barr
Dianne Gonzalez
Sarah Yagnow
Michael O'Malley
Kristi Anspach
Charles Penny II
Sabrina Kordys


Community Newsletter

Sarah Discussion of Community Newsletter-
  • Families wanted to hear more from Board based on survey from previous school year- which led to this newsletter being created.
  • Sarah put forth the first Community Board Newsletter- see attached Newsletter document in minute documents. 
  • It gives clear information of who and how to contact individuals for questions or concerns. 
  • Sabrina comments really likes it. Should we include board meeting dates? Discussed getting back to a more regular schedule for board meetings each month.
  • Lisa- commented really great.
  • Kristi- comments looks great, under documents on Board on Track can store in documents, public section. Lisa responds the more places we have things posted the better. Linking them to both Board on track and Website.

X. Closing Items


Closed Session

Michael- Requests that non-board members to drop off meeting for closed session. Can come back at 6:55pm.
Went into closed session- 6:42pm
Sarah Yagnow made a motion to go into closed session in accordance with pursuant to Article 33C, Section ยง 143-318.11. (a) 5&6 of the North Carolina General Statutes for discussion of items which warrant confidentiality.
Kristi Anspach seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Dianne Gonzalez
Michael O'Malley
Margaret Barr
Kristi Anspach
Sabrina Kordys
Sarah Yagnow
Charles Penny II
Dianne Gonzalez made a motion to come out of closed session.
Kristi Anspach seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Charles Penny II
Sarah Yagnow
Sabrina Kordys
Margaret Barr
Kristi Anspach
Michael O'Malley
Dianne Gonzalez
Sarah Yagnow made a motion to to approve personnel compensation update as discussed in closed session.
Dianne Gonzalez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Michael O'Malley
Charles Penny II
Kristi Anspach
Sarah Yagnow
Margaret Barr
Dianne Gonzalez
Sabrina Kordys


Adjourn Meeting

Kristi Anspach made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Sarah Yagnow seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Charles Penny II
Kristi Anspach
Sarah Yagnow
Margaret Barr
Dianne Gonzalez
Michael O'Malley
Sabrina Kordys
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Margaret Barr
Documents used during the meeting
  • 2021-2022 Academic Calendar.pdf
  • Diversity and Inclusion ERA Website Information.docx
  • ERA BoD Newsletter_1.pdf