Eno River Academy


ERA D & I Task Force Group

Date and Time

Monday December 14, 2020 at 5:00 PM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 811 2721 4255
Passcode: 942386

Directors Present

Charles Penny II (remote), Dianne Gonzalez (remote), Michael O'Malley (remote)

Directors Absent


I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Introductions

Attendance:   Kim Iles, De’Wana Smith, Donna Kuhl, Valerie Hancock, Lisa Pope, Betsy Martin, Anne Kenyon, Kristin Martin, Elizabeth MIllan


Call the Meeting to Order

Michael O'Malley called a meeting to order on Monday Dec 14, 2020 at 5:05 PM.

II. Recap


Status Updates

Update from Board of Directors Meeting, 9 December - Charles Penny

BOD was pleased with the progress of the committee as conveyed by Charles at last week’s meeting.  He apprised them of our decision to move forward with interviewing three top consultants.  They appreciated the research and thoughtfulness that went into choosing these candidates.  Also looked forward to budget finalization with the BOD at the January meeting.

III. D & I Task Force Action Items


Review / Discuss

Consultant Interviews 
1 - Contact with candidates to schedule interviews - Hotep (Hustle University) had contacted Kim Iles in recent days inquiring about follow up, and whether we were interested in setting up an interview.  Mike O’Malley will get together with Kristen Martin and Dr. Davis to ascertain whether contact has indeed been made and/or how to follow up quickly.  He will apprise Kim of status shortly.  In the meantime, Kim will maintain correspondence with Hustle and will let them know that we definitely plan to include them in the interview process in January.  Team will follow up with the other two candidates (Jen Cort and Dr. Lanier) as well, if they have not yet been contacted.

Strategic Plan 
Is our statement on Diversity in our Strategic Plan accurate?  Does it reflect all of the stakeholders as well as the four pillars that our committee has set out?  Can we review the wording to ensure that this is reflective of our current efforts?

Yes, it is included.  However, the Strategic Plan will be reviewed once again in March so we should consider rewording for that revision.
CREED-NC website
Discussion and examination of the website.  How can we include some of these principles in our thought process and planning?  Can we integrate some of their teachings into our own four pillars?
Current Events/News 
Article from Jr. Achievement club, as broadcast on CNBC
Majority of teens believe that people are paid less based upon race, ethnicity or gender

Discussion re Policy & Procedure
Purview of Board of Directors
As reflected in charter and other schools, statements regarding Diversity&Inclusion as a matter of Policy have been drafted and circulated by the Board of Directors

Review Four Pillars of D&I Committee Goals
1 - Staff Development
2 - Staff Recruitment
3 - Student Body Recruitment
4 - Curriculum & Culture
*How can we further develop each of these areas as we wait on the process for consultant interviews and contracts? *

IV. Closing Items


Next Steps

Scheduling Consultant Interviews
Scheduling - plan for early-mid January; three one hour interviews; utilize Doodle Poll to establish acceptable times for the interview committee.

Goals to address Four PIllars
1 - Drafting statement re Diversity&Inclusion which will be presented to the Board of Directors at their meeting in third week of January, TBD (Pillar #4, indirectly Pillar #2 and #3, above); Committee comprised of:  Dianne Gonzalez, De’Wana Smith, Charles Penny, Kim Iles and Elizabeth Millan
2 - Development of “Spring Calendar of Opportunities” which will inform staff development and recruitment (Pillar #1 and Pillar #2, above); Committee comprised of: Betsy Martin, Anne Kenyon, Lisa Pope


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:11 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Michael O'Malley