Eno River Academy


ERA D & I Task Force Group

Date and Time

Tuesday November 10, 2020 at 5:00 PM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 878 6550 8295
Passcode: 143569

Directors Present

Michael O'Malley

Directors Absent

Charles Penny II, Dianne Gonzalez

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Introductions

A. Davis
K. Martin
B. Martin
A. Kenyon
L. Pope
D. Kuhl
N. Ware
J. Olsen
R. Gallegly
K. Iles
D. Smith
A. Ceja


Call the Meeting to Order

Michael O'Malley called a meeting to order on Tuesday Nov 10, 2020 at 5:00 PM.

II. Recap


Status Updates

-Ms. Bair sent D&I update out in weekly announcements that was crafted by D&I Task Force members and updated by Ms. Bair.
Resource Updates:
D. Smith - has been in touch with ‘Culturally Responsive’ Program and is waiting to see if we can move forward with training from them.  We would add this program to the ‘pool’ of resources that could be considered.
A.Davis - Rhonda Bullock at ‘We Are’ and her husband at ‘Equity’ - Amy hasn’t submitted the vetting questions to them yet, but is willing to and is willing to see if they have any recommendations if they don’t have time.  Has another principal friend that could do an equity audit and provide recommendations for us if he has time.
D. Kuhl - ‘Teach Tolerance’ - This seems like a program that we could use down the road.  They don’t have time and it seems that we need more of an audit to guide our hiring of groups like this.  Amy will reach out to a former student that is doing equity work to see if she might be interested in working with our school as well.
Let’s contact the list of potential candidates/resources (see the spreadsheet) - everyone that is contacting should utilize the spreadsheet so that we can all be in on the communication and see if the group is even an option for us.  We would love to have the document updated by Nov. 19.  Betsy is willing to look at the Teach Tolerance list of national resources and looking at websites, podcasts, etc.


III. D & I Task Force Action Items


Review / Discuss


Jen Cort - admin had an interview, D&I may interview as soon as they set up a time/date.  
What is the process?  Should there be a D&I liaison that meets with candidates with admin?  Dr Davis suggested that D&I come up with a short list to present to admin for interviews.  

Betsy's idea: 1. D&I team members review options; 2. D&I to review options and compile a shorter list; 3. D&I interview team with Admin to have diverse perspectives meeting with the consultant; 4. the proposed consultant meets with D&I liaison (1 person) and Admin.

Amy can share the high school hiring steps that we could use with hiring a consultant and we will also need to collaborate with Lisa and the rest of the admin team about how to move forward as well.
D&I will meet next week on Wednesday the 18th at 5pm.  

Proposed Timeline: Can admin schedule interviews over the Nov/Dec time frame so that we can hire a consultant by the end of January?

IV. Closing Items


Next Steps

ACTION ITEMS: Members of the interview team signed up to vet the following proposed resources from Admin. Additional resources previously attempted from D&I in late summer/ early fall were added to the list too. Complete. List of resources to vet by D&I: by Wed Nov 18th

D&I will meet next week on Wednesday the 18th at 5pm.


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:26 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Michael O'Malley