Eno River Academy


ERA D & I Task Force Group

Date and Time

Tuesday August 25, 2020 at 5:00 PM

Directors Present

Charles Penny II (remote), Michael O'Malley (remote)

Directors Absent

Dianne Gonzalez

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Introductions


Mike O’Malley
Donna Kuhl
Betsy Martin
Kimberly Ideus
Elizabeth Millian
Kristin Martin
Lisa Pope
Megan Kimbrough
Nicole Ware
Rebecca Gallegly
Jennifer Olsen
Charles Penny
Christian Olsen


Call the Meeting to Order

Michael O'Malley called a meeting to order on Tuesday Aug 25, 2020 at 5:00 PM.


Board Meeting Recap - D & I Task Force

Mike O'Malley: Recap from Aug 18th board meeting

-Update on the two meetings held by the Diversity and Inclusion Task Force held so far.  Discussions were held about what could be done with funding as well as without.

-Importance of engaging the Board and school leadership into what can be done in the short and long-term to promote diversity and inclusion within ERA.

-Discussed how ERA can focus on diversity in ways that are proactive.  Ms. Bair also talked about the long-range plan for diversity training and professional development for the staff.

-Share some resources and other ideas that the task force could pursue to see what would be the most beneficial and viable for ERA to have impact.

II. Discussion Items


Resources Review / Discuss

Purpose: To get overall commitment of Board and Admin to take action and take up these issues.
Task Force would like to see:

An intentional definition of diversity and inclusion within our ERA community (gender, race, socio-economic, etc.).

Explore the following areas of growth: Student recruitment and lottery process, staff recruitment, staff development, and parent education.

A. Student Recruitment and Lottery Process
  1.  Explore a method for creating a 2nd lottery that selects students based on socio-economic levels. This method has already been approved in other local charter schools. They were able to get special permission. What is that process?
  2. A high interest in a student body that reflects our local communities and how to address realities of a more diverse population. Making an environment safe for kids who come to our school. How do we develop programs or systems that help kids grow in inclusion, ethics, and awareness of bias.
As we open our doors to a more diverse student population, we would put policies and discipline measures in place to effectively deal with students that need to grow in understanding inclusion and diversity. It would primarily be a growth and development model for students.” What happens in discipline beyond going to the office or saying “sorry.”

B. Staff Recruitment
  1. Staff should reflect an increasingly diverse student population. Conduct a ‘Diversity and Inclusion’ audit to examine the needs at ERA to increase diversity. Look at the systems and processes for hiring. DPI has offered very large grants to build up curriculum, lunches, buses. Any funding available to hire a consultant?” Board said to do the research.
  2. Task Force is “All for hiring a consultant so teachers are not adding that role on top of their regular duties.
  3. Build relationships with local Universities to help build and recruit diverse talent and candidates.
  4. Educators of Color work fair in Durham. Have we ever attended that fair?
C. Staff development (two options presented)
  1. “Train the trainer” method can work well at our school. Saves money and content can be adjusted for our staff and student population.
  2. “Whole-staff trained” to really get the resources and momentum needed to bring the culture and changes for inclusion and diversity.
This is worth doing at an excellent level and having a teacher do the training on top of their job wouldn’t result in excellence”.
              **Additional Resources
       Racial Equity Institute (online training) Greensboro

D. Curriculum that reflects a true historical account
  1. Enhance SS curriculum at the Elementary level
a. Zinn Education project - effort to incorporate truth of history into school curriculums. Historically accurate information, common people are explored, not just the major heroes.

b. Different ways to celebrate historical narratives. Think of indigenous people in addition to the explorers.

E. Parent Education
  1. Essential for developing the culture and normalizing diversity policy and ethics for DI at ERA.


School Clubs

Donna Kuhl: 

High School launching a DI club during 8/26/2020 club fair-club will be defined once student interest is gauged.


Task Force Group Structure

Polled the group on who would be best to lead the D&I Task Force during monthly meetings.  Did not reach decision on an official leader(s) but did have volunteers for different areas of research.

III. Closing Items


Next Steps

Next Meeting- meeting 60 min
September 16th D&I
September 29 D&I


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Michael O'Malley