Eno River Academy


June Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday June 23, 2020 at 6:00 PM


This meeting will occur online, and a link will be shared before the meeting to provide community and board member access.

Directors Present

Amy Simonson (remote), Brad Tapper (remote), Kristi Anspach (remote), Michael O'Malley (remote), Rachel Monschein (remote), Sarah Yagnow (remote), Travis Hill (remote)

Directors Absent


Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

Amy Simonson

Guests Present

Amy Davis (remote), Kristin Martin (remote), Lisa Bair (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests

Amy arrived late.


Call the Meeting to Order

Kristi Anspach called a meeting of the board of directors of Eno River Academy to order on Tuesday Jun 23, 2020 at 6:02 PM.


Approve Minutes from prior meeting

Sarah Yagnow made a motion to approve the minutes from May Board Meeting on 05-05-20.
Brad Tapper seconded the motion.
With edits to language about the lockdown drills requested by Michael. Michael will email Rachel the edit.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Rachel Monschein
Sarah Yagnow
Travis Hill
Brad Tapper
Michael O'Malley
Amy Simonson
Kristi Anspach

II. Reading of Conflict of Interest and Ethics Statement


Reading of Statement

Kristi read the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Statement
Amy Simonson arrived.

III. Monthly Agenda Review


Review and revision, if needed, for meeting agenda

The bond closing was discussed first in respect for our guest presenter.
Michael O'Malley made a motion to approve the agenda.
Sarah Yagnow seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Sarah Yagnow
Brad Tapper
Michael O'Malley
Travis Hill
Kristi Anspach
Amy Simonson
Rachel Monschein

IV. Public Comment Period


Public comments in accordance with the ERA Public Comment Policy, updated May 5, 2020. Please submit emailed public comments to Rachel Monschein, Board Secretary, at rmonschein@enoriveracademy.org for the June 2020 meeting.

There was no public comment.

V. Executive Director Announcements and Update


Celebration of events and achievements by ERA Staff and Students

There was no report.


Monthly Executive Director Update

~We closed today on the purchase of the school buildings
~Current enrollment: 762
~Audit started on June 9th and will be finalized in the fall.
~We sent out a survey in preparation for our reopening plan. We will be sharing those details in the July board meeting. We will get further details from the Governor’s Office in early July.  Those results and information will guide our work on the re-opening plans.
~We are collaborating with several local charter schools to share resources and plans for reopening.
~Summer Jumpstart Program-The NC Legislature has allocated funds for a summer Jumpstart program for struggling readers in K-4. We will be reaching out to the families of identified students and will begin remediation in early July. Summer Jumpstart will be for 2019-2020 2nd and 3rd graders. During the academic year, we will widen the net and include rising 1st and 5th graders.

VI. New Business


Review of Budget for 2020-2021 School Year

  • Lisa met with our Accounting firm Acadia.  They reviewed the expected revenue and expenses and prepared the budget for this upcoming year (based on the expected 762 students, and 86 EC students).
  • Sarah asked if the budget took into account the possible need for additional electronic devices because of the COVID19 remote learning requirements, and also asked if the enrollment numbers decreased what that would look like fiscally.  Lisa replied that they are planning on a 5% decrease in our revenue just in case.  Also, there have been no concerns about lower enrollment. There have actually been many calls and interest because of COVID19 and the desire to be at a smaller school.
  • Michael asked if we considered increasing our janitorial cost?  Lisa replied that they have already used money provided to the school from the State to purchase multiple infrared thermometers, 5 masks for all students and staff, CDC recommended cleaning products, as well as standing hand sanitizer for entrances.
  • Brad asked why was the budget using a 5% revenue decrease - was that an educated guess? Lisa replied that the decision was made based on conversations during meetings that Arcadia and ERA staff have had with the State (there has been nothing provided in writing).
  • Amy asked since we were waiting for the closing, which has now been completed, if this would be a good time to discuss outdoor seating areas.  Lisa said she would prefer to put that off for the moment, but to revisit it in the fall. She is aware that a lot of the families have shown interest. Perhaps Future Visions would be a good place to begin those conversations. 
Michael O'Malley made a motion to approve the fiscal year planning budget for the school year 20-21.
Travis Hill seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Kristi Anspach
Amy Simonson
Michael O'Malley
Sarah Yagnow
Travis Hill
Rachel Monschein
Brad Tapper


Update on Board of Directors Members

Kristi announced of the election results:
Michael O'Malley will be returning for a 3 year term (July 1 - June 30, 2023) and Charles Penny will be joining as a BoD also for a 3 year term (July 1 - June 30, 2023)
Amy Simonson's term as a Community Member at Large ends on June 30th.
Her Community Member Seat opens, and is a 1 year term
Rachel Monschein has a senior and her position becomes open on July 1.
Travis Hill will be completing his term as well on June 30th.
The community should be on the lookout for announcements for the seat openings.

VII. Old Business


Update on School Property Financing Process

Lisa announced that we closed this morning on the purchase of the school buildings (which will be a substantial savings from the leasing structure we previously held).  Paul from Specialized Public Finance Inc. presented the details of the financing (including 4.847% interest rate and a 2054 maturity). 


Update on COVID-19

We still have a lot of question marks with respect to COVID19.  We have been asked to come up with 3 different scenarios:
1) students return in the fall with heavier cleaning, masks, and cautious with social distancing
2) hybrid model where half of the students would be in the building and half of the students would be distance learning and then deep clean the school and then the students trade off 
3) all distance learning - We are looking as a team to select a specific electronic platform for web-based learning. We will have more information in the July meeting. 

Brad asked Lisa if the State will tell us what we will have to do?  Lisa said it will depend on the governor.  If it is mandate, then we won't have a choice.  If it is a recommendation, then we can get input from our families to make decisions.

Lisa said they are expecting to receive information from the governor on July 1st.  She will share information with families as soon as she is able.  Families should be expecting surveys to share their input. Lisa suggested to schedule the next BoD meeting for July 21st to allow them some time to tweak the plan.

Amy suggested that this might be a good opportunity for the BoD to make announcements to the school community to improve communication with school families. Sarah agreed and said that this could be a good topic for the discussed newsletter. Sarah said she would be happy to speak to Amy offline.

Kristi said she has reached her term limit for the Chair position. So while she will still be on the Board, we will be electing some new officers. There will need to be some discussion about the meeting schedule for this coming year, and a deeper conversation about what our meetings look like.  If we are able to resume face to face meetings, what does that look like with respect to masks and the open meeting law. We will also need to have conversations about the need for extra support and tutoring, over the coming weeks.

Kristi said that there was a "Thank you" captured in the meeting chat for how quickly the school responded to the pandemic - even faster than the district.


Future Visions Updates

Michael said that they held their last Future Visions meeting on May 14th over Zoom.
They reviewed the Strategic Plan and will have a draft for the next BoD meeting.

He wanted to know from the board if there were any action items they could suggest in response to the survey comments such as streamlining communication/communication liaison, extra curricular/athletics, diversity of students and staff/inclusion/social inequity. 
Sarah said that diversity is a top priority for the school in her mind. She would love to attend the next Future Visions meeting to discuss. There has been some discussion on the ERA PATH page and there was a lot of interest in a group of parents willing to get involved with that topic.  

Kristi suggested that Michael consider holding exit interviews for leaving BoD members to solicit feedback and ideas for ways to improve and to also learn things we are doing well.  

Michael said that Future Visions can tackle some of the goals such as diversity and inclusion, but hopes that someone would like to champion the Communications part as well as be an owner for clubs/extracurricular goals.  Kristi said everyone should be thinking about the officer appointments, and have nominations in mind for the officer seats.  Michael and Kristi will get that information out to everyone.  There will need to be a conversation and needs identified. Typically we will need a liaison to Future Visions, and typically the Treasurer is the liaison to the finance committee.

Amy asked if the liaison roles also existing voting BoD members?  Kristi replied yes, that liaisons are board members to committees.  Committees are not necessarily chaired by Board member, but Board member is the liaison for the committee to improve communication.  The structure can not be changed at our meetings because they are stated in our Bylaws which have to be approved by the DPI.  

Michael invited those on the call to volunteer if they have an interest.
Kristi thanked the BoD and the administrative team. 
Sarah thanked Kristi for her leadership and wisdom.
Lisa echoed the thank you to Kristi.

VIII. Closing Items


Closed Session

There was no need for a closed session.


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:38 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Rachel Monschein