Eno River Academy


Silent Auction Task Force

Date and Time

Tuesday December 17, 2019 at 6:30 PM


Eno River Academy High School Conference Room

Directors Present

Amy Simonson, Michael O'Malley, Rachel Monschein

Directors Absent


Guests Present

Elizabeth Millan, Jenny Hartingh, Kaity Woodrum, Laura Manigrasso, Robin Bowers

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Rachel Monschein called a meeting to order on Tuesday Dec 17, 2019 at 6:36 PM.


Approve Minutes

While no formal voting took place, Kaity and Laura said they reviewed the minutes from the previous meeting and had no edits.



  1. The consensus at the BoD meeting is to keep the auction online only this year. 
  2. Dates confirmed: online auction will start on Sat. Feb 1 and end on Friday Feb. 28th. Saturday Feb 29th divvy up items, pickup starting on Sunday March 1st.
  3. Purpose: All proceeds to benefit the ERA Athletics K-12


Auction Website

  • Eraauction.org now routes to Bidding Owl Website
  • Once videos are ready for promoting auction perhaps Shayne G. could reroute the link to google doc that provides hyperlinks to bidding owl website, and videos?


Review Acquisition Status

  1. All emails to last year’s donors have been emailed out.  We will need to send reminder emails in case they were missed in a few weeks to those that have not responded.  
  2. Rachel provided meeting attendees with the list of vendors approached, and blank donation request letter and tax ID form so we all can carry them with us and hand them out when we are out and about.
  3. Rachel picked up folders and storage boxes from closet to organize donations
  4. New this year, Maire Alexander’s family is donating a 1987 Jeep Cherokee that doesn’t run
  5. Rachel to add column to the acquisition excel file that designates if the item is in-hand.
  6. Robin’s friend Yolanda Moody offered to make one wreath for the auction this year.
  7. Discussed ERA offerings for the auction, and adding 5 passes for all the athletic games for the year. (Typically, the tickets are $2 per student and $5 per parent).  We could perhaps put a minimum bid of $60 for the annual pass.  Amy offered to make the lanyards and ID badges for winners.
  8. Amy asked if anyone had checked with Camp New Hope or Spences Farm this year.  Rachel to double check.
  9. Kaity to look in storage closet for wooden ERA bookmarks to see if she wants to bundle them in class packs of 25 or so for an auction item.


Discuss videoing and interviewing

  1. Jenny shared her vision of promoting the auction by videoing student athletes and some of the parents talking about what athletics has meant to them. 
  2. Each video should end with written information about how viewers can support the athletic programs at ERA by participating in the silent auction.  Could be a simple as the student holding up a hand written poster.
  3. Our goal is 1 video per week during the last three weeks in January and then 3 during the first week of the auction, and then another few near the end of the auction. 
  4. Jenny would post them to social media as they are filmed and links could be added to the eraauction.org website.


Items ready for pickup:

  • Laura volunteered to pickup certificate from Camp Chestnut Ridge (M-F 9-6)
  • Rachel to email Laura the email from Camp Chestnut Ridge.


Signup Genius

  • Signup Genius site has been drafted for volunteers such as car line flyer distribution, divvying up items on Saturday, handing out items on Sunday and later, etc.  Rachel to ask for the link to be provided in weekly email and posted to PATH Facebook in early January. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4BACA82FA75-enoriver 
  • Rachel to send link to group so that everyone can review time slots for volunteers to give suggestions for improvement.
  • Rachel also to change Silent auction pro website name to Bidding Owl on Signup Genius website.


Weekly Facebook Posts

  • Weekly Facebook Posts on PATH account to begin in early January with popular item each week promoting excitement. Rachel to post each week.


Setting Up Bidding Owl Site

  • Kaity will be entering items into the Bidding Owl website on December 26th – 28th. 
  • Laura offered to cross train with her so that knowledge can be retained by ERA.
  • Robin said website should specify that auction items will have to be picked up in person (we will not ship them) and also how payments are expected.


Other Discussion?

  • Rachel to email Jenny with sponsors list from previous years.  Jenny to combine advertising efforts with auction sponsorship requests to approach potential sponsors.
  • Robin offered to prepare flyers for carline and to post around town. 
  • Rachel to send Robin the updated logo without gala and new date.
  • Rachel to ask if we could have one solo silent auction email at the beginning of the auction so that it isn’t missed in the weekly emails. Also, to ask if we could have a robo automated phone call during the last week of the auction.
  • Jenny to make paper banner for the gym during Senior night.
  • Jenny offered for athletes to promote the auction the final week of the auction in the car lines before and after school.

II. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:55 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Rachel Monschein
The next Silent Auction Task Force meeting was scheduled for Tuesday January 7th at 6:30pm in the ERA High School Conference Room.