Eno River Academy


October Board Meeting and Annual Retreat

Date and Time

Saturday October 26, 2019 at 9:00 AM


Eno River Academy Lower School

Directors Present

Amy Simonson, Brad Tapper, Kristi Anspach, Michael O'Malley, Rachel Monschein, Sarah Yagnow, Travis Hill

Directors Absent


Guests Present

Amy Davis, Lisa Bair

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests

Kristin Martin absent


Call the Meeting to Order

Kristi Anspach called a meeting of the board of directors of Eno River Academy to order on Saturday Oct 26, 2019 at 9:10 AM.


Approve Minutes from prior meeting

Amy Simonson made a motion to approve minutes from the September Board Meeting on 09-17-19 September Board Meeting on 09-17-19.
Michael O'Malley seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. October Agenda Review


Review and revision, if needed, for meeting agenda

Sarah Yagnow made a motion to approve the agenda.
Brad Tapper seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Executive Director Announcements and Update


Celebration of events and achievements by ERA Staff and Students

Dr. Davis presented celebrations: Mr. Nijhout-Rowe is working on integrating STEM into the Arts.
ERA had the very first national scholar this year. There are only 16,000 students chosen nationally.
The free college application week was this past week. ERA hosted a webinar on Monday. This was to help seniors to get their college applications in order.
Spirit week was this past week and the Homecoming Dance is tonight. Mr. Best represents the Student Council and has organized a Great Gastby theme.
Juniors won volleyball tournament and the teachers won against students.
Seniors had corn maze event this week.
The girls won conference game for volleyball and will be attending the very first state playoff 
Pope family entered the NC State Fair and won competition for bread, jam, basket weaving and jewelry.
Caid Herman won photography competition at NC State Fair



Monthly Executive Director Update

~ Beginning Teacher Support Program visit from DPI will be on Tuesday, October 29th. They will be reviewing our program and provide feedback to assist us as we build this. Mrs. Hover and Mrs. Martin are our leads.
~ SRO Update-Our SRO position was moved to the November 7th agenda and is no longer a consent item. It will up for discussion so the Sheriff would like for us to attend. The meeting will be at 7pm at the Whitted Building in Hillsborough. Dr. Davis and I will send this out to families on Monday. The Sheriff and his attorney are unaware as to why this changed from consent to an agenda item. They are seeking information and will pass it along.
~ Building/USDA Purchase- The Phase II Environmental Study showed a small issue with the lot on the side behind Hillsborough Plumbing. It’s very minor but one number ticked red flags. It is now being reviewed by the USDA in DC and will let us know once a decision on how to rectify it has been made. We are also waiting for the IRS to finalize the 501c3 for the Holding Company. That could take up to 6 months so the bank and USDA are working on an alternative to speed things along.
~ HS Dean of Students Position- The position has been posted on TeacherMatch, Indeed and our website.  The high school team worked to develop a job description based on the current needs. Dr. Davis is the point person on resumes and will get a team together to interview once viable candidates have been identified.
~MassMutual 403(b) meeting has been scheduled for November 12th. This will allow our employees the opportunity to invest (pre-tax) into their retirement plan. I am working on Flex Benefits as an additional employee benefit. Both are at zero cost to ERA.

IV. Monthly Committee Updates


Update from Finance Committee

Sarah Yagnow made a motion to to approve monthly Finance report.
Michael O'Malley seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Update from Future Visions

Held a meeting on Oct. 10th. 7 folks attended. They updated the committee structure and PATH structure in the Comprehensive Manual. Silent Auction committee needs participation. More community service events awareness requested. The minutes for the meeting are provided seperately (https://app2.boardontrack.com/publicPortal/viewMinutes?uid=null&eventId=27744).


Update from PATH

Last night was an amazing family dance (Sock Hop theme). 120 people attended. The kids had a great time. Julie Forrest headed up the event. Families will be talking about it and we could see it becoming an annual event.

V. New Business: Committee Structure and Process Updates


Review of Section 1.8 Committees

As part of our annual review of the comprehensive manual for any needed updates or revisions, the committee membership process is being updated by Future Visions. Board was notified of changes and directed to the tracked document in the meeting packet and to send any feedback by Friday Nov 1st.


PATH Committee Structure

PATH created a revised structure and process document to the Board during the 2018-2019 school year. Based on this updated structure, Future Visions has updated the new PATH structure in the comprehensive manual. Board was notified of changes and directed to the tracked document in the meeting packet and to send any feedback by Friday Nov 1st.

VI. Community Grievance Committee


Appointment of Community Grievance Members

Travis Hill made a motion to to appoint the two members Elizabeth Milan, Margaret Barr that have volunteered to join the adhoc Community Grievance Committee.
Sarah Yagnow seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VII. Annual Executive Director Evaluation Team


Follow up discussion of 2019-2020 Executive Director Evaluation Process

Mike Sarah and Kristi are volunteering to participate in the executive director evaluation. Amy motioned to approve and Travis seconded the motion.  Motion passed unanimously.

VIII. Old Business


Update on Capital Bank and USDA Community Facilities Term Loan Commitment process

Covered in Executive Director report.


Update on SRO status for 2019-2020 school year

Covered in Executive Director report.

IX. Closing Items


Closed Session


Adjourn Meeting

Amy Simonson made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Brad Tapper seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Rachel Monschein