Bedford Stuyvesant New Beginnings Charter Schools


Monthly May Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday May 24, 2022 at 6:00 PM


82 Lewis Avenue

Trustees Present

Cecelia Russo, Doris Givens, Josue De Paz, Kevin Nesbitt, Mikhael Edouard, Victor Rivera

Trustees Absent

Joseph Sciame

Ex Officio Members Present

Nicholas Tishuk

Non Voting Members Present

Nicholas Tishuk

Guests Present

Cynthia Aker, Lisa-Renée Brown, Patience Brown, Patricia Bramwell

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Victor Rivera called a meeting of the board of trustees of Bedford Stuyvesant New Beginnings Charter Schools to order on Tuesday May 24, 2022 at 6:15 PM.


Approve 4-12-22 Minutes

Cecelia Russo made a motion to approve the minutes from Monthly Board Meeting on 04-12-22.
Doris Givens seconded the motion.

Approved w/ corrections

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Academic and Family Life Committee


Committee Update

Cecelia M. Russo asked all to review minutes of May 12 call. Correction to spelling of Mikhael Edouard’s name noted and corrected. Minutes accepted.


Patience advised that there are many trips planned for the students until the end of the school year.

Career Day-   June 1. Respond to Patience of availability asap.

 Speaker for June 18 graduation is being finalized. Graduation is outside at 11 am at Medgar Evers College. All Board members are encouraged to attend.

A BBQ is planned for BSNBCS alumni on June 23,


Freedom Riders Project


In the absence of the EXD, Lisa Renee Brown, CFO, explained in more detail “Freedom Rider’s Project.  Two representatives were at the school to address the students May 24. A copy of the initiative had been to all Board members in a previous email from EXD. The school is already incorporating into curriculum as noted by Patience Brown, principal.  The Board unanimously approved participation in the project.

III. Governance Committee


Committee Update

Doris Givens advised that terms of some Board members are, up as well as review of officers. Per chair, Victor Rivera, these will be addressed at the June 21st meeting.

IV. Finance Committee


Finance Committee Update

Doris Givens referred all to attached minutes of the 5/7/22 call. The 2022/2203 budget was presented and unanimously approved by Board Responding to input for further discussion, from Joseph Sciame and Mikhael Edouard, chair, Victor Rivera advised that a possible  working group will be  further discussed at the June 21, Board meeting.

V. Public Comments


Public comments

There were no public comments. 

VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Meeting adjourned 7:01PM

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:01 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Cecelia Russo