Bedford Stuyvesant New Beginnings Charter Schools


Monthly BSNBCS Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday April 21, 2020 at 6:00 PM



Phone Number: (‪US‬) ‪+1 316-512-8903‬
PIN: ‪787 675 934#‬

Phone Number: (‪US‬)‪+1 316-512-8903‬
PIN: ‪787 675 934#‬

Trustees Present

Cecelia Russo, Doris Givens, Joseph Sciame, Kevin Nesbitt, Leticia Theodore-Greene, Neil Samen, Patricia Bramwell, Tamikka Pate, Tyler McConnell, Victor Rivera

Trustees Absent


Ex Officio Members Present

Nicholas Tishuk

Non Voting Members Present

Nicholas Tishuk

Guests Present

Lisa-Renée Brown, Patience Brown, Vicky D'Anjou-Pomerleau

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Joseph Sciame called a meeting of the board of trustees of Bedford Stuyvesant New Beginnings Charter Schools to order on Tuesday Apr 21, 2020 at 6:03 PM.


Approve Minutes

Patricia Bramwell made a motion to approve the minutes from Monthly BSNBCS Board Meeting on 03-31-20.
Tyler McConnell seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Academic Committee


Report from the Academic Committee

Patience Brown updated on our return to remote instruction on Monday, now also using live instruction using Google Hangouts so students receive daily instruction in ELA, Math, Science and Social Studies. Still doing pre-recorded videos and printed packets to support remote learning. 
We began giving out chrome books this week to families who have access to wifi.
What internal assessments are we using for student progress tracking? We will make slight shifts to our promotional criteria - it is almost impossible to have effective assessments, we will have extensive assessments when we return. We do not have the expectation that students will be able to master new standards from March to June - we are holding students accountable for mastery of concepts up to March. We always address "summer slide" in the first 6 weeks, we are working on adapting scope and sequence to both address that and include the materials from March to June, so this remediation period may take 12 weeks. 
For students who do not have internet and/or computer access, they receive daily calls from their teachers to work through their packets. Families appreciate the packets more than the online resources because they are more capable of monitoring their kids' progress.
Update on SpEd: all related services provided via tele-therapy. Differentiation led by SpEd teachers through remote instruction. There have been slight modifications, all meetings and re-evals are happening virtually, but all services are provided.

III. Finance


Report from the Finance committee

Financial situation is unchanged since the last meeting. We reviewed banking activity and everything appears as it should.

Several very preliminary budget revenue scenarios for FY21 were reviewed. 

The Finance Committee has a proposed resolution to take a loan through the Paycheck Protection Program. The school has applied for the first round, we have submitted our application for the second round to Capital One. The proposed resolution considered today provides the authority to the school to borrow money and provides authority for the officers and senior management team to provide information and execute documents to receive this loan.



Board Resolution to Approve Borrowing through the Paycheck Protection Program

Victor Rivera made a motion to Approve resolution attached to the Finance Committee's April 2020 report.
Patricia Bramwell seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Leticia Theodore-Greene
Tamikka Pate
Doris Givens
Neil Samen
Kevin Nesbitt
Joseph Sciame
Cecelia Russo
Patricia Bramwell
Victor Rivera
Tyler McConnell

IV. Governance


Report from the Governance Committee

Everyone should have received a link to complete the annual virtual Board Assessment. Encouraging everyone to complete it to see where we are as we develop as a Board. 
On recruitment, the committee will review a list of candidates identified to confirm interest prior to sending out an inquiry email.

V. Development


Report from the Development Committee

No update at this point, will re-engage the board in late-May or early June. Do keep contacts warm - at this point there is no point to reschedule again but we will see where we are at in July/August.

VI. Family Life


Report from the Family Life committee

Patience and her team have an excellent relationship with families, there hasn't been the same need for the committee to actively build relationships because the staff has established them.

VII. New Business


New Business

No new business.


Public comments

No public comments.


Vote to enter Executive Session

Cecelia Russo made a motion to enter executive session.
Kevin Nesbitt seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Vote to return to Public Session

Victor Rivera made a motion to return to public session.
Leticia Theodore-Greene seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Report on the Executive Session

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Cecelia Russo made a motion to adjourn.
Tyler McConnell seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:43 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Vicky D'Anjou-Pomerleau