Bedford Stuyvesant New Beginnings Charter Schools


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Monday November 16, 2015 at 6:00 PM


82 Lewis Avenue

Trustees Present

Angel Charriez, Cecelia Russo, Joseph Sciame, Kevin Nesbitt, Leticia Theodore-Greene, Marlena Mondesir, Patricia Bramwell

Trustees Absent

Victor Rivera

Trustees who left before the meeting adjourned

Leticia Theodore-Greene

Ex Officio Members Present

Nicholas Tishuk

Non Voting Members Present

Nicholas Tishuk

Guests Present

Anthony Thomas, Dalia Oberlander, Sabrina del Sherpa, Silbia Pagan, Vicky D'Anjou-Pomerleau, Wanda Morales

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Joseph Sciame called a meeting of the board of trustees of Bedford Stuyvesant New Beginnings Charter Schools to order on Monday Nov 16, 2015 at 6:00 PM.


Approve Minutes

Leticia Theodore-Greene made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 10-27-15 Board Meeting on 10-27-15.
Cecelia Russo seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Need to add guests to the list of guests, Ms. Theodore-Greene's name is mis-spelled.

II. Update on School Status


Executive Director's Report

Filed 990 for 2014. Comptroller's Audit is still undergoing, no material findings to date. Strong finances, projections are still holding. Good reserve. Parent-Teacher Conferences happened on election day, good attendance. Held Awards Assembly the following Friday. After school programs performed. We will have firmer data on interim assessments by the December meeting. On development side, we are applying for funds through Participatory Budgeting. Follow up meeting with Assembly member Dilan later this week. Thanksgiving Break begins next week, there will be two days of professional development. Kim Marshall will be visiting on the 24th to support curriculum planning and data analysis.
Leticia Theodore-Greene left.


Report from the Executive Committee

Received a call from BoardonTrack, has a meeting scheduled with Marci tomorrow. There is a huge amount of resources on their library, which is available to us.


Report from the Finance and Operations Committee

Just took a tour of the building. Finances are good and bills are up to date. Suggestions were made regarding having more cameras in lower traffic areas: basement, stairwells. Recommendation to use ConEd to review light efficiency. Recommendation to inform parents through the handbook of the precautions the school administration take regarding non-staff members working with the school.


Report from the Education Committee

Did not have a meeting, but have interviewed someone from Williamsburg Prep HS, she is willing to come in to give exposure to our scholars who are graduating.


Report from the Engagement and Outreach Committee

Parents continue to email periodically, recently requested a meeting with the Engagement Committee. Hope to schedule a time before next meeting. Did not raise particular issues, they are simply interested in discussing.


Report from the Development Committee

First architect Christoff sent a proposal to Tish. Marlena was to speak to her firm. Looking at different ideas to develop in the pool: non-profit incubator and swimming pool. Additionally, idea of having a rooftop playground on the 5th floor and have an atrium on the small rooftop; and possible work in the cafeteria. The idea is to get estimates to present to funders.

III. New Business


Introduction to our guest Dalia Oberlander

We met Dalia a few months ago, Nick was struck by her thoughtfulness. Nick was very impressed that Dalia has since come in and spent a few full days to observe programming. Dalia commented that she has been incredibly impressed with the school and that it is remarkable to have students who have a sense of soul and care. Would love to bring opportunities for those children. Discussed introducing students to opportunities beyond this environment, to entrepreneurs in the arts who come from similar backgrounds & now have larger businesses. If it is a right fit they could come in and work more closely with the students. There is a world of opportunities, it is a matter of finding out where their passions are. Interested in connecting students to students in different places. Mentioned that she is interested in this school because connecting our scholars can really have an impact. She thinks we can really help and make a difference here. Heard the kids stories & wanted to be involved.

IV. Closing Items


Vote to go into Executive Session

Cecelia Russo made a motion to go into executive session at 7:45pm.
Kevin Nesbitt seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Vote to return to Open Meeting

Cecelia Russo made a motion to return to open meeting at 7:58pm.
Patricia Bramwell seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Updates on Executive session discussion

The Board determined to have the Executive Director provide the Board with the candidate review sheet.


Adjourn Meeting

Kevin Nesbitt made a motion to Adjourn the meeting at 8:01pm.
Cecelia Russo seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Vicky D'Anjou-Pomerleau