Bedford Stuyvesant New Beginnings Charter Schools


Regular monthly Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday February 27, 2018 at 6:00 PM


82 Lewis Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11206

Trustees Present

Cecelia Russo, Dalia Oberlander, Doris Givens, Kevin Nesbitt, Leticia Theodore-Greene, Nancy Cavaluzzi, Patricia Bramwell, Victor Rivera

Trustees Absent

Joseph Sciame, Marlena Mondesir

Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened

Kevin Nesbitt

Ex Officio Members Present

Nicholas Tishuk

Non Voting Members Present

Nicholas Tishuk

Guests Present

Lisa-Renée Brown, Patience Brown, Silbia Pagan, Vicky D'Anjou-Pomerleau, Wanda Morales

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Patricia Bramwell called a meeting of the board of trustees of Bedford Stuyvesant New Beginnings Charter Schools to order on Tuesday Feb 27, 2018 at 6:15 PM.


Approve Minutes

Victor Rivera made a motion to approve minutes from the Regular monthly Board Meeting on 01-30-18 Regular monthly Board Meeting on 01-30-18.
Cecelia Russo seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Committee Reports


Executive Committee Report


Finance Committee Report

Mr. Rivera provided the report of the Finance Committee, noting that all accounts were in order and enrollment was still above budget projections. 


Education Committee Report

Ms. Russo provided the report of the Education Committee, noting that information had been flowing from the Academic Leaders as requested by the Committee.
Kevin Nesbitt arrived.


Family Life Committee Report

Mr. Nesbitt provided the report of the Family Life Committee, noting several events that had occurred in the month prior, including the Father-Daughter Dance, and advising of several events that were forthcoming.  In particular, he noted the cooperation of the PFO with respect to planning and information sharing.  Mr. Rivera noted his recent attendance at a basketball game and advised of how impressed he was with the level of enthusiasm and participation at the game, including the involvement of the Photo Club and the Dance Crew.


Development Committee Report

In Ms. Theodore-Greene’s absence, the Committee discussed the upcoming Fund-Raising event and noted several areas of concern, most importantly a perceived lack of updates regarding the event.  Ms. Theodore-Green then arrived and discussed the preparations for the event.  She noted the failure of Board members to provide lists of 10 people each to be sent invitations and distributed charts for Board members to fill out with the names and e-mail addresses of their invitees.  Ms. Theodore-Green also requested that Board members fill out a chart advising of the amount of hours they could commit to and potential tasks they could take on in the run up to the Fund Raiser.  There was spirited debate as to likelihood of success of the event without the full participation of the Board, especially in the pre-planning and logistical stages.  Mr. Tishuk advised the Board that he and the School Management Team could take on those logistical event responsibilities if they were asked by the Board to do so.  The Board did so ask and the Chairperson then asked that the Development Committee meet after the Board meeting to engage with Mr. Tishuk on event planning.

III. New Business


Public Comments

There were no comments from the public.
Silbia Pagan left.
Patience Brown left.
Wanda Morales left.
Lisa-Renée Brown left.


Vote into Executive Session

Victor Rivera made a motion to enter executive session.
Doris Givens seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Vote to return to public session

Victor Rivera made a motion to go back into public session.
Cecelia Russo seconded the motion.
The motion did not carry.


Report from Executive Session

Personnel and compensation matters were discussed.

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Cecelia Russo made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Leticia Theodore-Greene seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Patricia Bramwell