Bedford Stuyvesant New Beginnings Charter Schools
BSNBCS Board of Trustees Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday January 24, 2017 at 6:00 PM
82 Lewis Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11206
Trustees Present
Cecelia Russo, Dalia Oberlander, Doris Givens, Joseph Sciame, Kevin Nesbitt, Leticia Theodore-Greene (remote), Marlena Mondesir, Nancy Cavaluzzi, Patricia Bramwell, Victor Rivera
Trustees Absent
Angel Charriez
Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened
Doris Givens, Kevin Nesbitt
Ex Officio Members Present
Nicholas Tishuk
Non Voting Members Present
Nicholas Tishuk
Guests Present
Dafina Westbrooks, Lisa-Renée Brown, M. Julian, Nicole Knight, Patience Brown, Silbia Pagan, Vicky D'Anjou-Pomerleau, Wanda Morales
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
Joseph Sciame called a meeting of the board of trustees of Bedford Stuyvesant New Beginnings Charter Schools to order on Tuesday Jan 24, 2017 at 6:06 PM.
Doris and Nancy have been approved as an official board members by our authorizer.
Approve Minutes
Victor Rivera made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 12-19-16 Board Meeting on 12-19-16.
Patricia Bramwell seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Minutes were approved with corrections.
II. School Status Update
Presentation by the School Management Team
Mr. Tishuk gave a school update. The school is preparing scholars for the school assessments in the spring. Mr. Tishuk also gave the board members a quick account of the school's financials. Mr. Tishuk advised the board that the school may conduct mid year teaching hires to give additional assistance for the scholars in addition to potential facilities.
Ms. Russo inquired how the mid year hiring would affect the staff and the potential new hire in regards to evaluation. Mr. Tishuk informed that the new hire orientation has been simplified and the new hire will evaluated on a quarterly basis.
Ms. Brown informed the board that the scholars conducted a trial Common Core testing to prepare students. The school will conduct Saturday classes as well as a morning academy from 7:00-7:50 to gave additional help to our scholars. Jan. 17, the school sent out promotion and doubt letters to potential students. Lower school will receive report cards in February to give parents another option to work with teachers.
The school had a hot chocolate and a book event and will have another event on the 100th day of school.
The upper school had their second end of the term assessment. Any student who received below 75 in ELA and Math received promotion and doubt letters to help prepare the scholar as well as the parents are aware in advance. January 25, the upper school will have their awards ceremony. Their will be a black history month assembly, the dates are different for the upper and lower schools. The upper school had their second annual three kings parade in Harlem. Most of the seventh and eighth grade scholars attended and some were interviewed by the local press.
This Thursday, Ms. Brown and Ms. Pagan will conducted their directors' breakfasts for the parents.
The graduation is June 17th at St. Francis College. A formal invitation will be sent out next week.
Jemail Jones, head custodian, passed away due to cancer early this month. The school will sponsor several event, such as a a blood drive and other events that focus on the type of cancer he passed from with his family.
The meeting will be dedicated in his honor. A moment of silence was observed.
Chairman Sciame donated $250- $100 for seventh and eighth grade and $50 for sixth grade award' ceremonies.
Leticia joined the meeting by phone.
Ms. Russo inquired how the mid year hiring would affect the staff and the potential new hire in regards to evaluation. Mr. Tishuk informed that the new hire orientation has been simplified and the new hire will evaluated on a quarterly basis.
Ms. Brown informed the board that the scholars conducted a trial Common Core testing to prepare students. The school will conduct Saturday classes as well as a morning academy from 7:00-7:50 to gave additional help to our scholars. Jan. 17, the school sent out promotion and doubt letters to potential students. Lower school will receive report cards in February to give parents another option to work with teachers.
The school had a hot chocolate and a book event and will have another event on the 100th day of school.
The upper school had their second end of the term assessment. Any student who received below 75 in ELA and Math received promotion and doubt letters to help prepare the scholar as well as the parents are aware in advance. January 25, the upper school will have their awards ceremony. Their will be a black history month assembly, the dates are different for the upper and lower schools. The upper school had their second annual three kings parade in Harlem. Most of the seventh and eighth grade scholars attended and some were interviewed by the local press.
This Thursday, Ms. Brown and Ms. Pagan will conducted their directors' breakfasts for the parents.
The graduation is June 17th at St. Francis College. A formal invitation will be sent out next week.
Jemail Jones, head custodian, passed away due to cancer early this month. The school will sponsor several event, such as a a blood drive and other events that focus on the type of cancer he passed from with his family.
The meeting will be dedicated in his honor. A moment of silence was observed.
Chairman Sciame donated $250- $100 for seventh and eighth grade and $50 for sixth grade award' ceremonies.
Leticia joined the meeting by phone.
Kevin Nesbitt arrived.
Doris Givens arrived.
III. Committee Reports
Executive Committee Report
Chairman Sciame reviewed the committees list for the board and a copy was given to the board. There are openings for the finance and development committee. Chairman Sciame asked the new members to give their preferences to the board. Doris and Nancy joined the finance and development committees.
The Chairman brought up boardontrack, and Mr. Tishuk stated we will work offline to create a list of issues and work with the team to ensure issues are resolved.
The Chairman brought up boardontrack, and Mr. Tishuk stated we will work offline to create a list of issues and work with the team to ensure issues are resolved.
Education Committee Report
Ms. Russo gave the update from the Education Committee. The committee inquired about the title for the new position of Talent Manager. The committee would also like to assist with the Family Life committee as needed. The committee also review the policy of the public comments.
A formal meeting will be scheduled next month.
A formal meeting will be scheduled next month.
After the December meeting, Mr. Rivera devised a policy for the public comments section of the board meeting. Based on the board's assessment, the public comments should be formalized in a way to ensure the board's time was utilized effectively. Each speaker would reduced to three minutes and focused primarily related to the school but complaint of an individual or student, personnel action, student disciplinary matter and pending litigation. Written comments can also be sent to the board.
Kevin Nesbitt made a motion to to accept the guidelines with a revision given to Mr. Rivera.
Cecelia Russo seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Joseph Sciame |
Leticia Theodore-Greene |
Cecelia Russo |
Nancy Cavaluzzi |
Marlena Mondesir |
Patricia Bramwell |
Kevin Nesbitt |
Victor Rivera |
Angel Charriez |
Dalia Oberlander |
Doris Givens |
Family Life Committee Report
Mr. Nesbitt gave a quick update on the family life committee. The election for the PFO will be finalized on Friday. A third party auditor will collect the ballots. The main office has candidate bios located in the office main office. Parents were informed by posting throughout the school, school messenger and paperwork was sent through backpack.
Development Committee Report
Ms. Theodore Green gave a quick update on the development committee.
Finance Committee Report
February 1st, documents will be shared to the board.
IV. New Business
Public Comments
Ms. Julian gave positive comments for the fifth grade academic program. She also gave a suggestion for potential additional director meeting for the parents due to answer all the parents questions.
Ms. Knight asked how the school is conducting evaluating potential new hires. Ms. Knight also addressed her concerns regarding guidelines for the public comments.
Ms. Knight asked how the school is conducting evaluating potential new hires. Ms. Knight also addressed her concerns regarding guidelines for the public comments.
Vote into executive session
Victor Rivera made a motion to to go into executive session.
Dalia Oberlander seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Cecelia Russo made a motion to to get out of executive session.
Victor Rivera seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Executive Session
The Board discussed litigation matters involving the school and employee personnel evaluation.
Return to public meeting
Report from the executive session
V. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
Doris Givens made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Patricia Bramwell seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Marlena Mondesir