Bedford Stuyvesant New Beginnings Charter Schools


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday May 18, 2016 at 6:00 PM


82 Lewis Avenue

Trustees Present

Cecelia Russo, Dalia Oberlander, Joseph Sciame, Kevin Nesbitt, Leticia Theodore-Greene, Marlena Mondesir, Patricia Bramwell, Victor Rivera

Trustees Absent

Angel Charriez

Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened

Kevin Nesbitt, Leticia Theodore-Greene, Marlena Mondesir, Victor Rivera

Ex Officio Members Present

Nicholas Tishuk

Non Voting Members Present

Nicholas Tishuk

Guests Present

Anna-Mae West, Chakia Alexander, Kateema Boatwright, Lisa-Renée Brown, Marilyn Julien, Rhonda France, Silbia Pagan, Vicky D'Anjou-Pomerleau

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Joseph Sciame called a meeting of the board of trustees of Bedford Stuyvesant New Beginnings Charter Schools to order on Wednesday May 18, 2016 at 6:10 PM.


Approve Minutes

Several corrections have to be made, without quorum vote on the minute is not taken.

Corrections will be handed to Ms. D'Anjou-Pomerleau to be made.
Patricia Bramwell made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 04-19-16 Board Meeting on 04-19-16.
Marlena Mondesir seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Dalia Oberlander
Victor Rivera
Patricia Bramwell
Cecelia Russo
Marlena Mondesir
Kevin Nesbitt
Joseph Sciame
Leticia Theodore-Greene
Angel Charriez

II. Update on School Status


Update on School Status

Two major items: Recent projects in community engagement and then update on budget for upcoming Fiscal Year, July 11st.

First is all good news, a number of projects started a number of months ago were completed recently. We have obtained $248,000 in Participatory Budgeting funding for 4 science carts for the school through family, student, and community engagement. There was a press conference, we received some press as well. It was the first time that the school received that kind of allocation from a public official. We also recently received confirmation from Assemblyman Dilan that we will be receiving a $200,000 allocation in computer carts. Lastly, the Brooklyn Health and Wellness Fair is this Saturday from 11-2pm. Several partners of the school will be there such as the Brooklyn Nets and TriBeCa Film institute. The Borough President has also confirmed his attendance, we hope to build a good relationship with him as well.

Next part of this presentation is the budget. Last Board meeting we discussed revenues, this time we are discussing expenses.
One big staffing change is that we are adding one associate in grades 1-4. Instead of having each associates work with 75 students for one subject (either science or social studies), they will work with 25 students only on all subjects, in collaboration with the classroom teacher. We will have 95 staff members next year, with a full staff buildout of 100 by 2018-19.
We will also implement universal free lunch for students and increase budget for the parent organization.
Facilities is practically held flat.

Overall the expense budget is projected to increase by about 9.6%.

Mr. Tishuk addressed a question from a parent regarding allocations of budget money to the after-school program. Mr. Tishuk explained that there would be a cost to the program, but were hopeful of doing it in the future.

Mr. Nesbitt asked if the budget needed to be adopted.  Mr. Tishuk advised that it was still a preliminary budget.
Kevin Nesbitt arrived.
Victor Rivera arrived.

III. Committees Reports


Report from the Executive Committee

Mr. Sciame advised about the ED review process and noted that we still had to select a date for the Board retreat. After discussion about the two available dates (June 29 and July 15).  July 15th was selected as the dtae of the Retreat.


Report from the Finance and Operations Committee

There was no report from the Committees.


Report from the Education Committee

Ms. Russo presented the report to the Board.  She noted that she had retained the term "students" for the Mission Statement for the Education Committee.  Ms. Bramwell noted that the description for the Mission Statement was missing a statement of objectives.

Ms. D'Anjou-Pomerleau noted that the Committee was not a subcommittee.

Mr. Sciame asked the parents about "scholar" vs. "student."  The parent noted that "scholar" was a phrase that connoted a higher level of achievement.  Other comments also were complimentary of the term "scholar."  Mr. Nesbitt and Mr. Rivera both noted that the aspiration for "scholars" was to get to the top.  Ad  Summum.
Leticia Theodore-Greene arrived.


Report from the Engagement and Outreach Committee

Mr. Nesbitt welcomed the parents to the meeting.  Mr. Nesbitt noted that the proposed mission statement was to be vetted by parents and he read it to the assembled group.

Ms. Bramwell noted that the Committee was standing committee, not a subcommittee of the Board.

Mr. Sciame suggested that the mission statement should be shorter.  Ms Bramwell noted that the Development Committee had a more truncated statement with more goals set forth. There was general discussion about the role of a mission statement.  Mr. Sciame asked all committees to revise their statements.

Mr. Tishuk noted that we general practice in New York Charter School  segment is that there are mission statements and vision statements.  Mission statements should never change; vision statements can change according to the ten current goals of the School.

A parent suggested that communication may be clearer and suggested a possible calendar for parents.  Mr. Nesbitt noted that such a calendar was in process.

Ms. Russo asked what the group was called and a parent noted that the organization would be called the parent Family Organization.
Marlena Mondesir arrived.


Report from the Development Committee

Ms. Greene noted that she had reached out and wanted more interaction with Councilman Cornegy and Borough President Adams.  Mr. Tishuk noted that they were inviting them to the recent events, but Ms. Greene noted that she wanted more of a hands-on opportunity. Ms. Greene requested that the school and the Development committee be made aware of their respective efforts so that efforts are not duplicated.

IV. Old Business


New Business

The next Board Meeting will be on 

Mr. Sciame noted that he wanted more Board participation for the Prom and the Graduation.  Mr. Sciame also noted that the top student should receive an award.  He requested that Board members join him in funding a $250 gift for the student.  Ms. Pagan clarified that this was a Thrive Scholarship that would be given to a student who best exemplifies the values of the school.

Ms. Pagan further noted that trustees should be at the graduation at 1:30; the graduation will start at 2:00 pm.

Mr. Tishuk noted that the School had paid for the Kindergarten graduation this year as well.

Mr. Rivera asked if there was an ascension/graduation ceremony for the grade schoolers moving up to middle school.  Mr. Tishuk noted taht there was no formal ceremony, but that there were activities to guide the transition. 

V. New Business


Public Comments

A parent asked about the number of tickets for graduation.  Ms. Pagan explained that size limitations meant that only 3 were allocable to each family.  Mr. Tishuk noted that some families may want to trade tickets, but there is a space limitation.  Mr. Nesbitt noted that this was an opportune moment for parents to open up lines of communication with each other.

A parent asked about why her daughter's Math teacher had been replaced.  Mr. Tishuk advised that this could not be addressed in public but she should make an appointment with Ms. Pagan to discuss it.

Another parent advised that she believed that students were bored and wondered if a foreign language component would be added to challenge them more.  Mr. Sciame note that Latin was an original goal of the School.  Mr. Sciame noted that this was an issue to be discussed. Ms. Russo noted the lack of qualified Latin teachers , but stated that the Board was definitely looking at a language requirement next year.  Mr. Nesbitt emphasized that it was helpful for the parent to provide a specific area for the Board to work on.

A parent noted that finding any language would help students.  She further noted that a computer program might keep them engaged during classes.  Use of tablets could be well utilized in off times for the students in class.

Another parent noted the lack of a music program.  A second parent echoed this issue.

There was much discussion regarding the lack of activities for the K-3 grades, as opposed to the variety of things available to the MS students.

Mr. Sciame noted and thanked the parents for their feedback.

Mr. Nesbitt asked why so many parents were at the meeting.  They noted that there were so many parents complaining.  The parents wondered about turnover of teachers and staff.  


Vote to go into executive session

Kevin Nesbitt made a motion to go into executive session to discuss personnel matters.
Patricia Bramwell seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Executive session

The Board discussed personnel matters and legal advice regarding the Comptroller's Audit.


Vote to return to public meeting

Kevin Nesbitt made a motion to exit Executive Session.
Cecelia Russo seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Kevin Nesbitt made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Patricia Bramwell seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Victor Rivera