Bedford Stuyvesant New Beginnings Charter Schools


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday December 15, 2015 at 6:00 PM


82 Lewis Avenue

Trustees Present

Angel Charriez, Cecelia Russo, Dalia Oberlander, Joseph Sciame, Leticia Theodore-Greene (remote), Marlena Mondesir, Patricia Bramwell, Victor Rivera

Trustees Absent

Kevin Nesbitt

Ex Officio Members Present

Nicholas Tishuk

Non Voting Members Present

Nicholas Tishuk

Guests Present

Dalia Oberlander, Darren Carter, Silbia Pagan, Vicky D'Anjou-Pomerleau

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Joseph Sciame called a meeting of the board of trustees of Bedford Stuyvesant New Beginnings Charter Schools to order on Tuesday Dec 15, 2015 at 6:07 PM.


Approve Minutes

Ms. Russo noted that last month's minutes were taken By Ms. D'Anjou-Pomerleau in Mr. Rivera's absence.  Mr. Charriez noted that the minutes should be changed to reflect that the requisite number of fire drills and lock down drills have been taken.
Angel Charriez made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 11-16-15 Board Meeting on 11-16-15.
Patricia Bramwell seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Cecelia Russo
Victor Rivera
Patricia Bramwell
Joseph Sciame
Marlena Mondesir
Angel Charriez

II. New Business


Election of Dalia Oberlander to the Board of Trustee

Angel Charriez made a motion to Elect Dalia Oberlander to the Board of Trustees for a two year term.
Patricia Bramwell seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Update on School Status


Update on School Status

Mr. Tishuk presented his report on the status of the school to the Baord, including the commencement of Saturday programs and new staffing hires.  Mr. Tishuk and Ms. Pagan discussed the new testing issues and schedules and how the school will respond to the new testing regimen required by the State.  They further advised the Board about the high school support programs provided to the students.  Ms. Russo asked about Common Core issues and whether any students applied for the specialized tests for public and private high schools.  Mr. Tishuk advised about the changeover to renewal energy for the School.  New partnerships and development opportunities were discussed, including potential programs with Brooklyn Food Works, a meting with Assemblyman Dilan and a successful parent dinner with more than 300 attendees, representing over 100 families. Ms. Mondesir asked about how far efforts to have the parents become more proactive rather than have the School do everything.  Ms. Pagan noted that this was happening on a smaller scale.  Mr. Tishuk noted that the School is pricing out additional security cameras. Ms. pagan thanked Ms. russo and Mr. Sciame for facilitating a trip for the students to SJU.

IV. Committees Reports


Report from the Executive Committee

Mr. Sciame noted that members needed to do the Board on Track assessments.


Report from the Finance and Operations Committee

Mr. Charriez noted that the School's bills are paid and that there are significant monies in the bank.  He noted how improved the financial situation is.  Mr. Tishuk noted that CSBM would provide a mid-year assessment of the School's finances against the initial budget projections.  Ms. Russo noted that she and Ms. Bramwell had attended an on-line Board on Track webinar regarding fiscal responsibilty.  She advised that financial reports should be circulated a week before the meetings so that the Board members could internalize the information.

Ms. Theodore-Green called into the meeting.


Report from the Education Committee

Ms. Russo noted that the Committee had not met this past month.


Report from the Engagement and Outreach Committee

Ms. Bramwell noted that a parent had told her during the parent meeting that she was very happy with the Saturday programs and the school generally.

Mr. Sciame noted that he had met with someone who wanted to tour the building.


Report from the Development Committee

Ms. Theodore-Green noted that there had been no meeting, but that she was waiting for followup with the architects who were looking at the school with an eye on what to do with the space.  Ms. Mondesir noted that she was trying to get information regarding an organization hat looked at possible uses for building space.



Mr. Carter introduced himself and advised of his role as the new MS Instructional Support Coordinator.


Presentation by Marci Cornel-Feist from BoardOnTrack

Mr. Sciame noted that we had some issues with the web site.  Mr. Charriez noted that last month's minutes were not avaiable.  Ms. Cornel-Feist said that she would have her person get in touch with Ms. D'Anjou-Pomerleua to discuss issus.  She noted that a "Help" button was available if anyone had technical issues on the site. Mr. Sciame asked about automatic reminders to Board members who needed them.  Ms. Cornel-Feist mentioned that analysis of assessments would be a problem if there was not near 100% compliance rate with the assessment, but noticed a discrepancy between trustees who were very engaged and others who were not (as noted by the fact that some committees did not appear to be functioning). She recommended that Board recruitment should be a goal. Ms Mondesir npoted that we had tried before to recruit members, but were having trouble finding those members.  Mr. Tishuk asked for advice on how to get "Friends of the School" on the Board.  Ms. Cornel-Feist suggested asking non-Board members to serve on committees first and noted that Mr. Tishuk shuld serve as the "Project Manager" for the recruitment drive.  Mr. Sciame noted that a goal of adding two more Board Members by the end of the year would be advisable.



Motion to Go Into Executive Session

Patricia Bramwell made a motion to go into executive session to discuss personnel matters and legal issues regarding the Comptroller's audit.
Cecelia Russo seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Patricia Bramwell made a motion to Emerge from Executive Session.
Cecelia Russo seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Patricia Bramwell made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Angel Charriez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Victor Rivera