Aurum Preparatory Academy


Monthly Academic Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday December 11, 2019 at 4:00 PM


Aurum Preparatory Academy

Committee Members Present

A. Benedetto, D. Hardin, M. Knutson (remote)

Committee Members Absent


I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

A. Benedetto called a meeting of the Academic Committee of Aurum Preparatory Academy to order on Wednesday Dec 11, 2019 at 4:02 PM.

II. Academic


Recruitment Committee Updates

David shares Parent Contact List.  Every Monday, David Maggie, Swati, and JC

Last week we received 12 intent to enroll forms, 1 schoolmint application.  The week before, we got 10 enroll forms, and 9 schoolmint application.  Goal is to have 17 intent to enroll and schoolmint (any combination of those) per week to have 300 by 3/8.  40% of that would 120 to get us a waiting list.  Application deadline for parents on schoolmint is 2/7. 

Divided up active and passive recruitment.  Big events coming up:
Passive - sent out a targeted mailing by Experian data to 1,000 families last month.  This month postcards mailed to 10,000 addresses within a 1-mile radius.  Then in January, another mailing more broadly to those outside of 1-mile radius.  Then one more mailer to targeted to campaign in January again.  Then bus ads in January.  We mined our parents for most compelling thing - what is the message to send.  Find a picture and design the ad.  JC is going through libraries, grocery stores, & churches and putting tear-off flyers (a couple of hours each week). 
Social Media - posting winners of community circles.  What other recurring things happen that can get traction on social media.  Maggie has some expert info to share about cadence, content, posting and reposting, etc.
Active - REACH, Cox, Encompass, Achieve, Acorn Woodland, Fruitvale. Really positive to get into schools.  Also did a presentation at Acts Full Gospel.  David will be presenting at another church.  JC needs to be yielding 2 intent to enroll forms a day.  Those schools are going to dry up in a month or so.


SBAC data review and PD planning

2 things - David will show what is currently happening, and then we discuss our findings from last month's meeting.

Driving question for PD arc: How do I appropriately diagnose student misunderstandings to provide the proper interventions?

Using exit tickets as entry point for teachers.  1) Diagnosing patterns of error in order to find areas to reteach.  2) Aggressive monitoring - no students opting out of tasks.  3) Intra-class interventions

Sometimes errors will not be as visible.  The school culture needs to support students being willing to say they don't get something.  They need to be ok.  "Stay curious"  We are not trying to get to the right answer, we are trying to get kids to stay in the ring when you are wrong.  This GOLD!  We need to use the language of GOLD (I can take risks.  I am willing to try publicly even though I am not sure of the answer)  ABBY - this is what we do in PD in January (1/29) - how can teachers bring this language in to daily classroom structures?
Kids/teachers need to start acting like doctors - be curious in order to diagnose and find the root cause.  Have the kid be the leader of the conversation.

SBAC findings from our meeting:  focus on the 2's.  Writing - whole class intervention of writing practice using the SBAC scoring criteria.  With math, small group intervention based on 2's in each of the categories.  David - this can happen in Focus period.  You could also do a "Math Power Team" using practice SBAC questions.


Action Steps

David & Abby will plan PD 1/29 around creating a GOLD culture 
Maggie will research SBAC rubric/scoring criteria
David will plan other PD's

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

M. Knutson made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
A. Benedetto seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Knutson
A. Benedetto
D. Hardin
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:05 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
A. Benedetto