Veritas Preparatory Charter School


Academic Achievement Committee Meeting

Zoom Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday November 9, 2023 at 8:30 AM


Committee Members Present

A. Clark (remote), A. Errichetti (remote), L. Doherty (remote), R. Romano (remote), R. Sela (remote)

Committee Members Absent

M. Freeman

Guests Present

N. Gauthier (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

R. Sela called a meeting of the Academic Achievement Committee of Veritas Preparatory Charter School to order on Thursday Nov 9, 2023 at 8:32 AM.


Approve Minutes

A. Errichetti made a motion to approve the minutes from Academic Achievement Committee Meeting on 10-12-23.
L. Doherty seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Academic Achievement


Goal Planning Session 23-24

The committee reviews the goals from 21-22. 


Rachel can think of three goals moving forward:

1.) Disseminate student achievement data to and collect feedback from all stakeholders on a more frequent basis. (i.e. sharing academic data at monthly Board meetings, annual academic achievement meeting that includes families, bring teachers/staff to present at monthly meetings, etc.)

2.) Provide oversight and support for schools leadership team around priorities established for both middle and high school throughout the 23-24 school year. 

3.) Provide oversight and support related to data collection and progress towards the achievement of accountability goals. 


Ann asks if there should be an explicit statement about high school? Our previous ones talk directly about middle school. She likes what Rachel proposed. 


Amy agrees that certain things don't apply to high school. 


Rachel doesn't think the 21-22 goals are as relevant anymore so we can start from scratch. 


Amy said the calendar on the previous goals document was very helpful. 


Rachel says we want to have an oversight goal around the accountability plan as well. 


Lisa wants to be more specific about the phrase "provide oversight and support". What is the strategy here?


Amy thinks that part of what this committee can do is help create buy in for other stakeholders - inviting teachers, parents, and others to these meetings to use it as a way to report out and be accountable to the work we're doing as a school.


Lisa likes the goal and says it ties in well with our priority to hold our teachers and staff to a higher standard. 


Rebecca says it will hold us as a committee more accountable too. If parents and teachers are attending this meeting, we need to be well prepared to present the data and other information. It also helps build a teachers confidence and knowledge in the data as well as can develop future school leaders.  


Amy says at the next meeting we can get DCIs and a teacher and they can do the presentation. Amy will need to prepare them for that as she is preparing the principals to talk to the Board later this month. We may not be ready for parents yet, but we can start including teachers starting next month. She also mentions how at staff PD this past Tuesday, they talked with staff and teachers about accountability so this is very relevant.


Lisa says including families at an annual meeting where we talk to them about accountability makes sense. Add bullet points to goal #2 and #3 to outline the strategy related to "support and oversight". 


Amy mentions identifying, at the end of each meeting, who we would want to come present at the next meeting and on what topic(s).  


Quarter 1 Data Report

Amy wants to share this data for two reasons: 

1.) Share data on Q1 for the middle school (we can do high school next month) - 90% there, missing a few data points. 

2.) Receive feedback on how to make the presentation more impactful for its audience. 


Amy shares the middle school Q1 data presentation:


Goal #1: Increase academic achievement

- 100% of students will have a homework percentage of 75% or higher. We need to work on homework completion; we are not meeting this goal yet.

- By November 2023, 95% of classrooms have 100% of students working on

assigned task on weekly leadership team walkthrough data.

- 60% off students will score a 60% or higher on grade level, standards aligned

ELA and Math Anet assessments.


Rebecca says she has found a simple visual including cartoon people (10 - color in 6) helps people understand the percentage of people earning a certain score. 


Lisa asks about these percentages related to our accountability measures?


Amy says this data matches our MCAS data from last year. 


Lisa clarifies, we have an accountability measure for MCAS numbers that is much higher than 60%. She thinks we need to make a more direct connection between this number and our accountability measure. Is this number a stepping stone to meet our actual accountability goal?


Amy say meeting 60% for any grade would have us well on the way to getting back on track and meeting the accountability measure in the future. She will add a reminder slide as well as demonstrate that we have been at our goal before and can get back there. 


Amy says ANet scores are a little better but we are not there yet. 

-7th grade ELA is a highlight


The committee compares unit assessment data and ANet data. Scores don't include writing data and that could be the cause for the discrepancies. Rachel also mentions looking at attendance during these assessments as that could impact the results. 


Ann suggests some ways to improve the presentation of the data in graph form. She asks if we compare this data to last year's data?


Amy says she compares cohorts from last year and this year. The issue we run into here is there are new standards at each grade level. 


Next Amy talks about the three levers we are planning to use to increase academic achievement: 


1.) Co-teaching: This approach will be the primary focus of our learning and development efforts. It will ensure that students receive the necessary re-teaching and remediation support to improve their mastery over time.

2.) Engagement: We will track and monitor student engagement to ensure that they remain attentive and committed to learning. Co-teaching will be instrumental in achieving this outcome.

3.) Parent Communication: We will improve communication with parents about homework assignments. During report card conferences, we will provide parents with homework averages and strategies to support their children at home. Additionally, we will use data to track the percentage of students engaged in the lessons during walk-throughs.


Rachel says we need to explain in more detail to teachers about how these levers make a difference. 


Lisa asks if teachers have to create their own lesson plans?


Amy says you prep with your team in a meeting (intellectual prep) and we teach how to mark up your lesson plan to make it most effective for their students and executing what they are teaching. They don't have to reinvent the wheel. 


Rebecca is in a series of interviews with school personnel (leaders, teachers, etc.) Everyone says what they need is to be "shown and not told". What could be helpful is showing what a lesson plans looks like and then also show a five minute video of what it sounds like to present it. (Include the audio of how the lesson plan plays out in the classroom). That through line can be very helpful. You can bank your examples and then have a growing library of examples that spans different content and grade levels. 


Amy talks about the student growth goal. A little higher in ELA and a little lower in math than last year. She also asks about the best way to show the data related to student growth. Lisa suggests a pie chart to show relativity. One large pie chart for current data and two small pie charts for previous data. 


The next goal is related to re-teaches. We dig into test scores and we do re-teaches around areas where we saw poor performance. In some places, these re-teaches are very effective and in others not so much. She asks for feedback on the presentation of this data. 


Lisa says show a strength and show where re-teaches were effective and where they weren't (success stories and opportunities). She asked if we know why some worked and others didn't?


Amy says yes, for example, in one area in 8th grade where scores improved a very strong re-teach script was created and used and made a significant impact. Sometimes the gap is teachers are cutting corners and not scripting it out or just trying to wing a re-teach. 


Lisa says you can do a strengths and opportunities slide and then do a deep dive into one example (success story). 


Rebecca asks if we can share pieces of this presentation with the Board? 


Amy says yes. 


Lisa mentions using caution when highlighting our teachers as success stories - maybe use teachers from another school so we don't create a negative culture. 


Amy says next month she will review the Q1 data report for the high school. 

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:32 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
R. Sela
Documents used during the meeting
  • Veritas AA Goals 21-22.docx
  • Q1 Data Report - Middle School November Meeting.pdf