Veritas Preparatory Charter School


Academic Achievement Committee Meeting

Zoom Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday August 10, 2023 at 8:30 AM


Committee Members Present

A. Clark (remote), A. Errichetti (remote), D. Janes (remote), R. Romano (remote), R. Sela (remote)

Committee Members Absent

L. Doherty

Guests Present

J. Swan (remote), N. Gauthier (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

R. Sela called a meeting of the Academic Achievement Committee of Veritas Preparatory Charter School to order on Thursday Aug 10, 2023 at 8:33 AM.


Approve Minutes

D. Janes made a motion to approve the minutes from Academic Achievement Committee Meeting on 06-08-23.
A. Errichetti seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Academic Achievement


Accountability Goal Metrics SY22-23

Amy discusses the final accountability reporting for SY22-23. 


Amy reminds the committee that these are self-elected goals that align to our key design principals. We report on these annually. 


Objective #1: Teachers prioritize mastery of grade-level standards for every student and track data to tailor their instruction to student needs


Measure: 70% of scholars school-wide will earn a C- or higher in ELA and Math by the end of the school year. Met


Measure: By 2025, 25% or fewer students will need a decoding or fluency intervention* when entering 9th grade. Met


*HD Word (Really Great Reading) is the intervention being used here. (age appropriate fluency intervention).


Measure: By graduation, 85% of students will earn 12 or more college credits. N/A - On Track* (*our high school has not yet had a graduating class).


52% of 9th graders enrolled in at least one college course with WSU or STCC in the second semester. 100% of students earned college credits at the end of the semester.


Ann asks about how it looks for the Fall.


Amy says the hope is that every 10th grader will take one college class this year (even those who didn't take any last year).


Rachel says there are three levels of students: Early College Max (took 2 EC classes last year - could earn an associate's degree by graduation - probably 25% of class), Early College Intensive (could earn 12 college credits by graduation - approximately 70% of class), and Early College Launch (could earn a few credits by graduation - approximately 5%).  


Rebecca asks about lessons learned about companion courses or Early College Liaisons (ECL)?


Rachel says yes:

1.) These were essential to getting the passing rate we did.  

2.) Validated our seminar curriculum (habits of success) and taught us that we have to begin this work sooner (starting in 5th grade). 


Objective #2: Scholars develop the academic and behavioral habits they need to independently succeed in school and beyond. 


Measure: Annually, on a student survey, 85% of high school students will agree or strongly agree with the following statements that align with the VPHS portrait of a graduate: Not Met

● I am learning to be organized with my time and materials. (EOY survey 72%* A or SA)

● I am learning how to plan for personal success. (EOY survey 75% A or SA)

● I ask and answer questions in my classes each day. (EOY survey 44% A or SA)

● I receive feedback from my teachers every day. (EOY survey 53% A or SA)

-Students may not know what feedback looks like in all its forms. 

● Veritas is helping me develop the skills I need to take college-level classes. (EOY survey 56% A or SA)

-In 9th grade not all students take EC classes, this year we will focus more in 9th grade on those students not taking EC classes. 


*Percentages are of students who took the survey. 


Measure: In grades 9 & 10, the average for habits of success will be at least a 2.5 in each grade. Met


In grade 9 this year, the Habits of Success standard average was 2.51 across all core subjects. 

ELA: 2.41 

Math: 2.68 

US History: 2.41 

Biology: 2.56


Measure: 70% or more of scholars on average earn incentives each week. Not Met


More of a middle school goal. 


The schoolwide average for students earning the weekly Rockstar Monday incentive was 61% for the school year. We saw high levels of variance in the weeks of the year, some showing as high as 87% of the school earning the incentive, and other weeks showing only 25% of the school earning the incentive.


Rachel mentions that this can be a good way to engage our culture team more in qualitative data collection/analysis. 


Objective #3: Leaders will provide targeted, data-driven professional development and individualized coaching to teachers. 


Measure: At least 85% of Veritas Prep instructional staff who complete our annual survey will respond that they agree or strongly agree that they receive feedback from classroom observation that supports their professional growth. Not Met


74% of middle school staff agreed or strongly agreed on the end of year staff survey. 50% of high school staff agreed or strongly agreed on the end of year staff survey.


Measure: At least 85% of Veritas Prep instructional staff who complete our annual survey will respond that they agree or strongly agree that professional development at their school demonstrates a commitment to improving practice. Not Met


83% of middle school staff agreed or strongly agreed on the end of year staff survey. 66% of high school staff agreed or strongly agreed on the end of year staff survey.


Objective #4: Dissemination 


Measure: VPCS staff will engage in at least two dissemination activities each school year. Met 


Seminar - MYCAP and College and Career Readiness Fair 


Measure: VPCS will host at least 5 school tours which are open to the Springfield community. Met 


August Opening Event at HS; Monthly Tours; More than 150 participants


MCAS Data Release

Amy explains that we have received early results. In ELA and Math 20% higher overall achievement in most places. When we received the actual results yesterday. that did not translate to much higher proficiency. We are disappointed but still hopeful.


The initial data was based on multiple choice questions and the data we received yesterday included writing and longer answers. 


Rachel says we know students need more practice in writing and we are still seeing compounding impacts of learning loss from the pandemic. 


Jonathan says we don't have our SGP* data yet but he's started to look at this. There will be bright spots, SGP wise. 

*Growth measure - how did our students compare to other students across the state who have scored similarly to them historically.


Amy says we still are below state averages and we have work to do to get back to meeting or exceeding those averages. 


Ann asks where we were compared to state averages before the pandemic?


Amy says we met or exceeded state averages pre-pandemic. 


Dale asks if the empowerment zone is included in the state data?


Rachel says yes. 


Dale asks what Board members should be doing/asking?


Rachel answers:

1.) What does this data mean for us and how does it change our approach.

2.) Consider how hard coming back from this pandemic has been but holding the bar of excellence as high as we always have.

3.) Recognize that getting back to 2019 averages is going to take a while because we don't have the conditions we had in 2019 (i.e. different team).  


Ann says it would be helpful for the Board to know where we see this year's results in terms of the long term plan to return to meeting/exceeding state averages. 


Rachel says moving forward it will be important to look at other charter schools in MA and make sure we are leading that group in terms of growth. 


Next month: Planning for what MCAS data to share with the whole Board. 


PD and Staffing Updates

Amy says we have a few teachers we need to hire for the high school and we are fully staffed at the middle school. 


Suspension Data Deep Dive

Save for next month. 

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:32 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
R. Sela
Documents used during the meeting
  • Accountability Goals August Meeting.pdf
  • Suspension Data August Meeting.PNG