Veritas Preparatory Charter School


Governance Committee Meeting

Zoom Meeting

Date and Time

Friday April 14, 2023 at 11:00 AM


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Committee Members Present

A. Mendelson (remote), D. Fuller (remote), R. Romano (remote), X. Delobato (remote)

Committee Members Absent

T. Moran

Guests Present

N. Gauthier (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

D. Fuller called a meeting of the Governance Committee of Veritas Preparatory Charter School to order on Friday Apr 14, 2023 at 11:05 AM.


Approve Minutes

D. Fuller made a motion to approve the minutes from Governance Committee Meeting on 03-10-23.
A. Mendelson seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Governance


Employee-Owned Vehicle for Work-Related Business Policy

Rachel informs the committee that our insurance company sent us a policy they would like us to use, we made some revisions and settled on this version. To answer Aaron's question from when we discussed this policy in February, we do have dollar to dollar coverage. There would be no gaps but it does hit the driver's policy first, then it would come to the school's policy. 


David asks even if the driver had modest coverage, the school's coverage would drop in behind that? 


Rachel says yes. We also added language that says they must have the state minimum insurance coverage and we encourage them to have a certain level of insurance coverage. We have not previously had this language in our employee handbook but we see a need. We would like to include this language in the handbook for next year. 


Aaron asks if this will cost the employee additional dollars?


Rachel says they are not required to have a higher level of coverage than the state minimum, so unless they decide to go out and get it, then it will not cost them anything additional. 


David says a higher level of insurance would protect our employees if the other car involved was not insured as well. 


Rachel talks about Lynne and her role in the creation of this policy and how it will be rolled out to employees. 


Aaron asks if this would be signed by every employee or just a certain group of teachers?


Rachel says it would go into our employee handbook and be rolled out to and signed by all employees. 


Xiomara asks if there is any thought on how to provide a more permanent solution to employees driving students in their personal cars on a regular basis? 


Rachel says this particular policy is really for one off situations. We wouldn't say this is programmatic transportation. This is really for a situation that arises once in a while - not something that should be happening regularly. However, given our early college model, we have a transportation need that is much higher than what we currently provide and we are working on a solution for that need as we speak. 


Aaron says he is comfortable with the policy and is willing to move forward with what we have. Xiomara is as well. The committee will move forward with presenting this to the Board. 


David brings the committee's attention to the final signature line where is talks about carrying the state minimum coverage. Do we want them to add what their exact coverage is?


Rachel says, no, we just want them to confirm that they have the state minimum. 


Attendance Policy

The committee looks at the revisions to the attendance policy. 


David says the current language says they need to attend one committee meeting per month, so as it is, they can't miss any. He also feels committee meeting attendance is important.


Rachel mentions that she wants to emphasize attendance at Board meetings because that is where we vote. 


Aaron thinks it should be equal. 75% attendance for Board meetings and 75% attendance for committee meetings. He believes it is up to the committee chairman to have a discussion with committee members who aren't meeting that percentage. 


Rachel agrees and thinks having a policy in writing is important because it sets an expectation and can serve as a way to have conversations when someone is not meeting the expectations. 


Nikki will add that language to the attendance policy under the "committees" section. 


David mentions we don't have language in here that addresses meetings being in person or remote. 


Rachel says that we would look to prioritize meeting in person for Board meetings and keeping committee meetings remote. The governor has signed a bill that extends remote meetings through March 31, 2025. 


Aaron thinks it's important to have Board meetings in person to cultivate and develop relationships.


David mentions the importance of the communication paragraph that talks about expectations of informing the chair of the Board or committee if you cannot make a meeting.  


David mentions the financial contribution paragraph.


Rachel says we don't look at our Board as our financial arm in a any way but when we can say that 100% of our Board makes a financial contribution to our organization every year, it demonstrates how committed our Board is to the organization. 


David asks if we should make some reference to what Rachel just mentioned in the document? 


Rachel says she doesn't think its necessary. The spirit of the document is about engagement. 


Aaron asks if Rachel has any idea if we are meeting 100% contributions each year? 


Rachel says we haven't but we haven't made an appeal in the last few years. Prior to the pandemic, we always received 100% contributions. She believes all we have to do is ask and we would meet it. 


Aaron asks if Lynne can send a letter to all Board members reminding them to make a financial contribution every year. 


Rachel thinks it is a great idea but she would like to roll this policy out first. 


We will bring this to the Board for a vote at the May meeting. 

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 11:59 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. Fuller
Documents used during the meeting
  • Employee-owned use of vehicle for work-related business policy (2).docx
  • VPCS_Board_of_Trustees_Attendance_Policy.docx