Veritas Preparatory Charter School


Governance Committee Meeting

Zoom Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday August 11, 2022 at 12:00 PM


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Committee Members Present

D. Fuller (remote), R. Romano (remote), T. Moran (remote)

Committee Members Absent

A. Mendelson, X. Delobato

Guests Present

N. Gauthier

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

D. Fuller called a meeting of the Governance Committee of Veritas Preparatory Charter School to order on Thursday Aug 11, 2022 at 12:17 PM.


Approve Minutes

Rachel wants to review the minutes. We will approve them at the next meeting. 

II. Governance


Accountability Plan with Feedback from DESE

Rachel provided and updates on accountability plan feedback from DESE. Group reviewed tracked changes in the document. Nothing too major in terms of feedback. Rachel will respond to all comments/questions and create a final draft. Most comments light on metrics and goals, likely move to board in September for a vote and to finalize. 

Addition to agenda, will be bringing changes from revised student/family handbook ; Rachel collaborating with an attorney and will bring to board next meeting for a vote. Title IX changed federally redefined harassment and sexual harassment (difference between general and sexual) change policy and grievance procedure; updated restraint changes; no changes to discipline or code of conduct.

DF: Is this an annual thing? 

RR: Accountability every five years aligning with charter renewal then report out annually.

DF: Does everyone get renewed? 

RR: No charters can be nonrenewed; people definitely get conditions and probation; never seen one closed within the first five years.

TM: question about objectives this one stuck out to me; how many kids in the highs school?

RS: charter cap is 766, we are assuming attrition in high school between 346-356 under 400 at full capacity; adjust size of cohorts coming into middle school; may have to reduce middle school class sizes to meet cap.

KDE2 (Accountability report goal): Habits academic and behavioral habits struck me. You are bringing in 20 kids from other Springfield schools and they may not have the same education as VPCS. I ask and answer questions in my class everyday, might create a trap for first years who are unknown and whether they have developed habits like this.

RR: very dialed up on systems to teach habits, very true; scaffold and handhold too much for kids in middle school have to shift with high school you need to make sure you don’t fail; have to take responsibility for own time, engagement, etc. 9th grade seminar teaches them habits of success based on portrait of a graduate what will help you do well in school, life, etc. Teachers have embedded habits grades in assignments in all classes; support ownership and autonomy, model ways of doing it, also a structured study; early college liaison professor is teaching content and when student has questions go see professor during office hours teach and support around the habits not to go over the key points from the class that way; reviewed curriculum with professors they looked at ours we looked at theirs how do we assess kids readiness; what we uncovered is our curriculum is sometimes more rigorous and challenging but college professors expect them do to it on their own; they are not monitoring you and reminding you; have to have agency to get resources; feel a little nervous about it because no student survey question has been on accountability plan but we believe this will happen although we haven’t done it yet.

TM: questions to think about is 85% too high or aspirational? 

RR: Amy and I deliberated this learned the hard way about setting goals too high; we really want 100% all of them even kids who struggle to earn at least 12 college credits; if we can push through some of those at least pre-reqs greater chance will be they get their degree; and especially for struggling learners get them to do the 12 credits; if we really want 100% of kids to earn 12 credits then we really need 85% as the goal.

III. Community Engagement and Board Recruitment


High School Grand Opening

Discussed September 1 5-7 Grand Opening; all are welcome.


Calendar of Tours and Events

Discussed stamping dates for tours; board recruitment and encourage trustees to invite friends etc. Also community engagement opportunities, parents can come anytime hope is that through doing it we will invite people in in a nonthreatening way, reboot our practices things we used to do to bring people in, and show off high school facility.

Also working on a new website and will use it to promote these events.


IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 12:55 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. Fuller
Documents used during the meeting
  • VPCS 2022 Acct Plan DRAFT. DESE comments. 7.29.22.docx
  • Grand Opening Flyer English.pdf
  • Grand Opening Flyer Spanish.pdf