Veritas Preparatory Charter School


Board of Trustees Meeting

Zoom Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday July 28, 2022 at 4:30 PM


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Trustees Present

A. Errichetti (remote), A. Mendelson (remote), D. Fuller (remote), D. Janes (remote), M. Landon (remote), R. Martin (remote), R. Sela (remote), T. Maxey (remote), X. Delobato (remote)

Trustees Absent

D. Ford, L. Doherty

Guests Present

N. Gauthier (remote), R. Romano (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

A. Errichetti called a meeting of the board of trustees of Veritas Preparatory Charter School to order on Thursday Jul 28, 2022 at 4:35 PM.


Approve minutes

A. Mendelson made a motion to approve the minutes from Board of Trustees Meeting on 06-23-22.
D. Janes seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Board Chair Report


Updates and Information

Ann informs the Board that remote meetings have been extended through March 2023. We are considering some hybrid meetings this year. 


Rachel mentions it would be nice to have our August meeting in person so we everyone can meet our new high school team. 


Ann talks about working with Dale on a contract for the Executive Director position (Rachel's position). The next step is for the Board officers to review and then Rachel can review with her attorney. At the August Board meeting, we would like to bring the contract for review and a vote. 


Ann informs the Board about reviewing Veritas' safety protocols/policies. She asks if the rest of the Board if they have an interest in re-familiarizing themselves with them. Board members say yes.

III. Executive Director Report


Vote to Approve the 2021-22 Annual Report

D. Janes made a motion to approve the 2021-2022 Annual Report.
R. Martin seconded the motion.

Rachel mentions that every year, as part of the charter school accountability requirements, we must submit an annual report where we report out on different metrics set by DESE. 


Ann asks about the maximum enrollment. Does it include the high school?


Rachel says yes, 756 is the enrollment number once the high school reaches full capacity.


Dale asks if this is available on the website?


Rachel says yes and on the state website. 


David asks how we distinguish this from the accountability plan?


Rachel says that the accountability plan is a five year overview of how we are achieving accountability to our charter and it is found as an appendix within the annual report. 

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Vote to Approve High School Program of Studies

D. Janes made a motion to approve the High School Program of Studies as presented.
A. Errichetti seconded the motion.

Rachel says that this POS will be an addendum to our student and family handbook and these policies are what are new now that we are starting the high school. Our student and family handbook will apply to all students 5-12 and this addendum will apply only to the high school. Right now the entire student and family handbook is under legal review as some laws have changed and that handbook, in its entirety, will come to you for a vote at the August meeting. 


Some of the policies outlined include: 

Graduation requirements 

Degrees to be obtained

Course sequences 

Student selection and placement

Assessment and grading

Transcripts, etc. (everything to do with our academic program)


Robbie asks about what a unit is?


Rebecca says generally one unit refers to one year. 


Dale asks if there are basically 3 levels of graduation? One is a high school diploma with no college credits earned, one is graduating with a few credits toward a college degree and the final one is graduating with an Associate's degree. 


Rachel says yes, but our expectation is that all students in our high school will take some college credits because there will be college courses that double as high school courses. Students can decide along their personal trajectories and how they are performing whether they will take more or less college courses or graduate with an Associate's. 


Ann asks about course selection and placement?


Rachel says 9th graders will all start with a seminar class where they will do a lot of work around "habits of success" (time management, etc.) Their seminar leader becomes like an advisor and they will report out on each student's habits of success which will then play a role in determining their readiness for college classes (along with other factors). They will also have an early college liaison who will help them with managing the college class when their in it and coaching them around those habits of success. In the earlier years, we will hold their hands more and as they progress in their high school career, they will be more responsible for these things on their own. Our staffing in the high school is directly aligned with this unique, early college model. 


Aaron asks about how the students entering 9th grade will choose which of the two course plans they will follow?


Rachel says everyone is starting with the same plan and through 9th grade seminar they will be making these types of decisions. We will have a year with them to assess and develop their habits, determine their readiness, work with their families, and analyze their academic performance before they are making decisions like what course plan should I follow? 


Ann asks about our grading scale - is that standard?


Rachel says no, we developed it and it is aligned with standards-based grading which is what we have traditionally used. 


Aaron asks about the difference between early college and AP?


Rachel says it is more likely that early college credits from another institution of higher education will transfer to a institution of a higher education than AP credits.


Xiomara adds that most college foundational classes like English 101 will transfer from institution to institution. 


Rachel clarifies that we will not be offering AP classes, we will be offering the college class that an AP class would cover. 


Matt asks if this is an internal guiding document?


Rachel says it will become our official guiding policies. We highlight in this document that we will be developing these more over time. We have spent the past two years starting with the design team and most recently working with our early college partners to develop these polices in thought and now we've put them to paper. 


Ann asks about students with disabilities and ELL students?


Rachel says that we hope to put into place the programs and supports that will allow these students to succeed as well as peek interest in areas they didn't know they had an interest in or were good at and reinforce a commitment to lifelong learning. She adds we are currently working on the application for the early college designation which the Board will authorize us to submit in August. 

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


High School Student and Family Handbook

Right now the entire student and family handbook is under legal review as some laws have changed and that handbook, in its entirety, will come to you for a vote at the August meeting. 

IV. Academic Achievement Committee


Academic Achievement Committee Report

The July meeting was cancelled - no updates at this point. 

V. Governance Committee


Accountability Plan 2022

Rachel mentions we are not voting on this today. This is the document we will report out every year in our third charter term. It is currently with the state and it will go back and forth with Rachel and the state until it is finalized and then we will bring it to you all for a vote. 


When we think about the metrics for this plan we need to report out on areas that relate to our faithfulness to our charter. We also report out on things that we do above and beyond what is required. We know what we choose are things that we want to stick with for five years as well as things that we are committed to doing. The goals should be rigorous but not our stretch goals so we can exceed our targets. 


Our key design elements must relate back to our original charter (see accountability plan for our key design elements). 


Each objective in the plan has to align with a key design element (see accountability plan for our objectives). 


Trustee Financial Disclosure Reminder

Please submit your disclosure by the end of the month. 

VI. Finance Committee


Finance Committee Report

Everything is as expected or better - please refer to the narrative in your Board packets. 


Audit Update

We are in the compliance phase. We remitted everything to them last week and they returned with seven questions we have to respond to by Monday and then the following week Lynne will prepare to close out the general leger at 100%. On August 8th, they will go through all the field audit requests via zoom. It's going well. 


SOA Amendment FYI

Rachel informs the Board about our SOA Plan Amendment. We submitted our previous plan pre-pandemic and pre-ESSER funding. DESE is using the amendment for us to report out on what we have implemented to date as well as add things that we may now see as a priority. DESE also wants to help schools plan for when ESSER funding runs out and see the gaps or what programs/policies we implemented with ESSER that we want to continue. 


We are focusing on 4 areas (3 are the same as our original plan):

  • Inclusion/co-teaching for students with disabilities and English learners 
    • Special education consultant
    • PD around research based approaches to teaching reading and literacy
  • Expanding capacity to address SEL and mental health needs of students/families
    • Mental health supports for teachers
    • Additional counselors
    • Supervision for LICSW
  • Supporting educators to implement high-quality, aligned curriculum
    • Inquiry-based science curriculum
    • Two instructional coaches 

One new one:

  • Early College programs focused primarily on students under-represented in higher education
    • Strategies to target traditionally underserved students
    • Develop school culture that promotes postsecondary success
    • Build capacity and bring early college program to scale

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:04 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. Fuller
Documents used during the meeting
  • ANNUAL_REPORT_2021-2022.docx
  • Program of Studies_7.22.22.docx
  • 2022 Accountability Plan VPCS.docx
  • Financial Reports to the Board July.pdf