Veritas Preparatory Charter School


Governance Committee Meeting

Zoom Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday April 14, 2022 at 2:00 PM


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Committee Members Present

A. Mendelson (remote), D. Fuller (remote), R. Romano (remote), X. Delobato (remote)

Committee Members Absent

T. Moran

Guests Present

N. Gauthier (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

D. Fuller called a meeting of the Governance Committee of Veritas Preparatory Charter School to order on Thursday Apr 14, 2022 at 2:03 PM.


Approve Minutes

A. Mendelson made a motion to approve the minutes from Governance Committee Meeting on 03-10-22.
X. Delobato seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


D. Approve Minutes

II. Governance


Proposed Trustee Recruitment Strategy 2022-2023

Rachel talks about the proposed trustee recruitment strategy. Over the past few months, we have discussed different strategies and opportunities. In talking with Dale, now that we are coming out of certain pandemic restrictions, we are looking forward to resuming some of the strategies that we use to use to bring potential trustees into the school. She proposes that we take a small step back and think about recruitment for the 22-23 school year, reverting back to previous strategies. The document included in the agenda outlines some of these things we have done in the past and we would like to open it up for feedback and discussion. 


Rachel reviews the five items on the proposed trustee recruitment strategy document. 

  1. Monthly school tours 
    1. Alternate between High School and Middle School
  2. Kickoff Events 
    1. High School Ribbon Cutting (may not be a ribbon cutting, maybe more of an open house)
    2. Gym Dedication 
  3. Explore businesses on Carando Drive
  4. Expanding to Parents and Alumni
  5. Community Events 

In the Fall, we will have 11 trustees and our bylaws require that we have between 7-15. Therefore, we are well within our bounds and can take next year to be strategic with recruitment. 


David asks if the present plan is for athletics to start in the Fall?


Rachel says yes, the plan is to start in the Fall with Volleyball and Cross Country. We need to build up our farm team at the middle school to eventually do soccer but that is part of the plan as well. First we will give 9th graders an opportunity to fill out the teams we will have and then we can go to our own 8th or 7th graders. 


David thinks the idea of tapping into businesses on Carando drive is a great idea. 


Rachel agrees, there are a lot of businesses on Carando that might be interesting to look into i.e. Police forensics


Aaron adds that Smithfield is there on the corner as well. 


Aaron asks if our priority is to hire all new trustees of color?


Rachel says it's a very important priority but we want to make sure it is the right person. We want trustees who are mission aligned and dedication to education (specifically charter schools), etc. If we find someone who is a great match and they are not a person of color, we will still absolutely consider them. 


Xiomara asks if there is an opportunity to put dates out for upcoming activities/tours so trustees can have that list in advance and start inviting people.


Rachel is proposing this for the 22-23 school year, not right now. Now and over the summer we can work on a plan and get dates out to everyone ahead of time. 


Xiomara has interested parties (Veronice Santana - ADA and Hector Toledo - VP of Lending at New Valley Bank) and they would like to visit the school this year.


Rachel says absolutely, she can schedule one offs for this year as well. 


Aaron mentions Michael Freeman, PhD who was recently appointed special assistant to the President at Westfield State.


Xiomara will follow up with Veronice and Hector and then reach out to schedule a tour at their convenience and in line with what's happening at the school (probably late May). 


Rachel updates the committee briefly about the accountability plan and hopefully we will have a draft or a formal update for governance to look at during the May meeting. 


David says we should keep our eye on open meeting law as remote meetings have been extended to July but maybe not past that so we may want to think about returning to in person meetings soon. 

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 2:50 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. Fuller
Documents used during the meeting
  • Proposed Trustee Recruitment Strategy 22-23.docx