Veritas Preparatory Charter School
Governance Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday March 10, 2022 at 12:00 PM
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Committee Members Present
A. Mendelson (remote), D. Fuller (remote), R. Romano (remote), X. Delobato (remote)
Committee Members Absent
T. Moran
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
Roll Call | |
D. Fuller |
A. Mendelson |
X. Delobato |
R. Romano |
T. Moran |
D. Approve Minutes
Roll Call | |
D. Fuller |
X. Delobato |
T. Moran |
A. Mendelson |
R. Romano |
II. Governance
Skills Inventory for Board Members
New Trustee Recruitment and Onboarding Processes
David raised that Tony and Judi will both be leaving. Aaron suggested we need to keep a bench of finance people and we should look for accounting and finance skilled candidates. Rachel will consider potential parents who might be a fit for the board. The skills are as follows and Xiomara can make a survey to pop in the chat and have trustees complete in the meeting.
Accounting/CPA/Financial experience is always need this skill, should recruit for it
Community Involvement, we have some of this and want to be focused on LatinX community and look specifically for skills like law and finance. General Business background is always helpful. Educational experience (includes teaching/administration), Rebecca fills this and we should consider adding here, perhaps Rebecca can help to recruit someone new. Fundraising is probably a gap. Law is a gap as well. Xiomara knows a potential candidate and will work on that person. Political experience to support advocacy work would be helpful.
Rachel talked about schedule and the ability to attend meetings. This is an important thing to make clear with people. Aaron suggested considering Ron Davis, who is currently recruiting people of color into higher level finance and corporate banking. He may have a strong candidate pipeline but would want a fee. Rachel suggested sticking with our grassroots way of recruiting and assessing how we do this year and maybe considering Ron if we do not engage new trustees through our own networks.
Accountability Plan Timeline
The accountability plan will need to be completed by the summer. The board needs to oversee the process and provide input. Rachel talked about a couple of ways to get input from trustees and other stakeholders. Xiomara validated that having the team draft a plan and presenting it to trustees for feedback seemed like the best process. Rachel agreed and can use the input and vision created by the high school design team, which included all stakeholders, to inform changes to the next accountability plan. A draft accountability plan can be shared with other stakeholders from that team and in other ways to get feedback from all stakeholders. Student Leadership Team can also review and provide feedback. Rachel suggested that a draft could be presented to the board in May.
III. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
Roll Call | |
X. Delobato |
D. Fuller |
R. Romano |
A. Mendelson |
T. Moran |
- New Trustee Onboarding Plan 2021-22.docx
- Guide to Charter School Accoutabillity DESE.docx
- Accountability Plan Guidelines.docx
David suggested we need to agree on the list and then assess the board for individual trustee experience/expertise. David asked the trustees if we want to make any revisions to the list of skills. Xiomara said the list is good and includes relevant and important skills and suggested that we take an inventory of individual trustee skills/expertise. This can used to identify ideal candidates and for the E.D. to consult with trustees and consider how to engage trustees around their strengths.